What's your favourite 3DS game?

What's your favourite 3DS game?

Kaid Aicurus Upraisaing

Or EO2 Untold.


Also this.

Tri Force Heroes

You must be 18 or older to post on this site
......wait, you guys are older than 18 playing the 3ds???


Sonic the Hedgehog 3D.

Rune Factory 4

lmaooo savage

Fire emblem: conquest
game play is prolly only good thing

Monster Hunter, the only reason I got a 3ds. I can't be bothered to play turn based games like fire emblem and Pokemon, or collextathon farmers like animal crossing. Was thinking of picking up Metroid SR. Any other action oriented recommendations?

all the zeldas m8

>playing less games

what a great hobby!

I will when I find them cheap. Majoras Mask and OOT seem like staple picks. Any experience with 4 swords? Are there any others I'm missing?




Kid Icarus: Uprising
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy

Probably Final Fantasy Explorers. Its a decent attempt at the PSO formula.

And i say probably, cause even it still isn't too great, but its a whole lot better than virtually every other 3ds game.

the zelda games were bad sans the MM remake for making it less tedious to wait for events to occur. The mario games were bad. Monster Hunter games are fun vampires, Tekken and DoA as the consoles only decent fighting games have barely any gameplay features on top of broken multiplayer matchmaking and basically 0 online players, Fantasy Life probably coulda been real good if it actually had functional online multiplayer and maybe if the 3 crafting jobs weren't identical lazy copypasted shit, Tales of the Abyss even just as a PS2 port wasn't very good and worse than Symphonia, Metal Gear Solid 3D keeps true to the ps2 original and is decent fun but ultimately just a port - overall a very underwhelming console and library where the only real gems are sega's 3D classic rebuilds of Genesis and arcade games.

The 3ds is also the reason im not getting a switch. Not gonna get jewed by Nintendo once again into buying a console that no one will ever give enough shit to produce quality games for.


3D Land.

This. Primary reason for the 3DS purchase.