Is it possible for a game to have too much content?

Is it possible for a game to have too much content?

Too much content to what? Be good from a subjective basis of quality? Yes. Stupid thread, fuck off dumbass.


(((Game journalists))) just complain because big games are harder to pretend to playthrough.

Yes if its bad/boring/filler content.

>abomination writes about gundam
we don't need another pile of shit being related to gundam after seed, thanks

Yes. If you're flooded with content none of it feels special and has any time to shine in the spotlight.

Absolutely yes. As soon as a game starts to overwhelm me I drop it. Not dealing with that bullshit.

Gundam has been shit since MSG '79

eat shit and die

The only fucked up thing about Versus is concocting the cum-chugging conundrum of a setup required for local versus play.

Trails in the Sky has like 30 hours of filler before you even start anything important to the story.

here is your (you)


white (((males))) were a mistake

Well it can't just be splitscreen.

In a way yes. The Witcher 3 for example throws a metric ton of content at you the moment you reach Velen that I simply lose any motivation to get shit done. All that it tells me is that I have to fucking grind for this shit.

What is the creature that wrote this worthless article and why is it illegal to kill it?

This, remember that faggot journalist that complained about Nier: Automata after playing Ending A while missing out on the actual game.

>too much choice
>every lobby has 4 or 5 people running Barbatos/Exia/Deathsycthe

Where the fuck is Big-Zam?

Yes, Donkey Kong 64 would have been a much better game with less collectables.

What the fuck hell no it's not that there's too much choices, it's the fact that there's a lot of frames hidden behind paid dlc.

I agree, I really hate it when a game feels too game-y. Unlockables and challenges really take out from the story experience the game wants me to feel. In my opinion, we need to cut all the extra content that doesn't enhance the story telling of a game.

No, fuck off

I miss you Chromehounds.

>What do you mean I can't just instantly buy this and have to put effort to unlock it :(

Yes when that content is pretty repetitive and low effort, I'd rather have 10 good quests than 1000 shitty wow vanilla tier ones

Too many mechanics/objectives/whatever is incredibly intimidating and off-putting for new players. I've dropped a few RPGs because they try to introduce every single thing at once and make things a tad confusing
This is something that can easily be overcome by putting some time into them but people today are lazy as fuck and would rather go back to something comfortable than learn something new

Why should I have to unlock an integral part of the game when I'm ostensibly not playing Banjo-Kazooie?

To be fair, there are times where unlockables are arbitrarily locked in a specific order. It's rather annoying when say your favorite character requires you to unlock the 3 characters before him first.

I think the problem would be the presentation and utility.

One of my main gripes with Divinity Original Sin 2 is that it crams a lot of mechanics to you , and making you think that the serve a deep purpose, but stuff like crafting for example are actually useless that you can pretty much beat the whole game without ever using it aside from quests.

I miss 8th MS team. Visceral Gundam about a team of nobodies is better than New type faggotry and chosen ones.

Plus Norris Packard fucking up everyone was one of the best action scenes of the entire franchise.

Does it really have a fuckton of choices or is it another example of game journalists whining about a game having more than a button to Jason?

"too much choice" isnt same as "too much content".
F4 has too much choice while having less content than w3.

>what do you mean I couldn't go straight through the fucking sand level before I could play in the ice level in Sonic?

Kotaku is shit but it's not what they're saying.
Other gaming sites also complain about the cost and the number of unlockables, when you have no interesting off-line mode to grind.
At the same time, they say that it's mostly cosmetics or useless, so it's not really important and Kotaku is still wrong.

Yeah, who needs these unlockables?

Just let me pay for what I want to get.

I don't have to grind out for 30 hours to get one thing when I could just for over a dollar.

Turn A is legitimately the best series in the whole franchise though.

Yes, but not for whatever reason that person is saying

The last good one was 08th ms team. They tried something new with

This. Plus it's not as easy to pump out a review and collect shekels when the game takes too much effort to play.

There just aren't enough characters for it to have a lot of variety


>No Man's Sky
>18 Quintilian empty ass rocks
>not including spacestations or whatever

what matters is the quality

It's a 90-ish character 2v2 Gundam fighting game. There's a lot of characters, and unlocking is time consuming, but there's literally nothing confusing about it. Play the game, unlock the characters, play your favorites. The only part of the game that requires critical thinking (outside of actually fighting a human opponent) is the resource system, where stronger mobile suits cost more resources to rebuild when you die. That's it. It's not complicated.

Only if you get a shitload dumped on you at once and by the time you've finished two or three things the rest of it has now become irrelevant because you're now too high level, the rewards are useless, etc. Pacing is important. Also if you get so many things with different mechanics it all becomes noise, like getting into a modern MMO three or four years in when there's a million special currencies from different areas, factions, activities and whatnot shoved in your face.

>Timesplitters 4 was cancelled because it had too much content

>run Ramba's Gouf
>always jump/CC or swerve on them and keep whipping with the Heat Rod
>the pure salt when they disconnect

>being surprised that a fanservice game delivers fanservice

>problem hair bitch
