0, 5, or 9 decides what happens next.
0, 5, or 9 decides what happens next
turn 360 degrees and walk away
Examine heart
piss in the fountain
move south
move north
check the map for a key
Lick doorknob
look under fiber mat
eat the gum
Combine Key and Gum
use key on door
You suddenly turn into Garou.
punch the door
Take key
Break a window
You automatically add items to your inv. if there is no reason not to
put key in pooper
turn on light
Fuck your light, we're shoving the key up our ass
Did ya bring a light?
If yes, light it.
Scream "hello"
throw key away
This pleases me
Lets find some sort of light source now
Just use a light of some kind
Go downstairs
eat the key
wat r u doin user
First you gotta freeze the key
besides human body temperature isn't enough heat to activate the key's shape memory alloy
Please go back to r_eddit ya fuck.
knock down the bookcase
Eat your ass.
The demon statue is too obvious, try examining the bookcase for anything important
or knock it down I guess, fuck it
rember happy day
wear the ring
put the 19 cents int he electric socket
Dude that shit could summon the Fell Riders for all we know
Pocket the penny(s) for later use and apologise to the house for being an asshole
Stick penis in electric socket.
become the direct opposite of a brainlet
Challenge the demon statue to a duel
put ring in electric socket
throw ring out the broken window
It's that time, isn't? Fuck the demon
put the demon int he electrical socket
for 2-3 hours this was a good thread
use the gum to stick the ring to the outside of the house
Try fucking the demon again
Put the ring on the demons penis
use the gum to merge the demon and ring into one
>date] [Auto] 9
offer the demon 19 cents to become your servant
Try to talk out of it
perform first aid
Try to sell the house
Burn the house
Stare at it ghosts can only move if your facing away from them