What websites/independent reviewers/whatever do you trust for reviews?

What websites/independent reviewers/whatever do you trust for reviews?

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go back to wherever you came from and take your e-celeb shit with you


anything else is retard tier


I like this guy op, reminds me of mrbtongue before he went sjw

>Not developing your own opinions

Go back

because you can definitely develop an opinion on a game without playing it.

on-topic, i'm sort of done buying games at release. I always am either disappointed or get bored very fast and end up playing 5 hours total before shelving a brand new $60 title and going back to the same timesinks or playing games that came out ten years ago.

So far this year, the only brand new game I have purchased has been Mass Effect Andromeda and I'm still only 20% through it. I also bought PUBG but that one I've actually played a fair amount of.

But while I've *not* been playing andromeda, I've played HL2 + episodes through (HL2 twice), portal 1+2 (again), NFSMW2005, Test Drive Unlimited, TimeSplitters Future Perfect, Halo 2,
Sonic Adventure 1 + 2, NFS Underground, NFS Hot Pursuit 2, Fallout 4, Midnight Club 3 and HuniePop (lol). And I'm completely satisfied.

>mrbtongue before he went sjw
when and how did mrbtongue go sjw?

All of them.

Btongue was always a liberal faggot. You just didn't hear it because he didn't parrot literal cultural marxists from his philosophy class in early videos. Anons don't realize he's a fraud. His opinions are milktoast and he sprinkles them with entry level college shit. Which sometimes is SJW philosophers. He's a brainlet who doesn't know better.

>because you can definitely develop an opinion on a game without playing it.
Well.. yes.

That's how you become a discerning consumer.

this guys reviews are so comfy

Fucking white stag shit bag and all-in, I can't even play this game anymore they keep sending me death threats every fucking day, my mail is now fucking full of dog pictures and serbian propaganda against Kosovo this fucking guy called Notkin won't stop telling me hes gonna alpha my head from the 30th floor of the Mandalay hotel with his rail naga what the fuck is wrong with these charlatans fucking gays just keep shooting me in highsec with their arty thrashers, I already lost my site running Kronos to this cunts, they won't leave me alone all this because I decided to eat spaghetti in ventrillo and some fag started sperging out and reeeing out loud while they were on a runescape fleet I was the only one in this guild currently playing EVE ONLINE and yet they think they're so cool with their oneiros and their wolf rayet munnnin fleet fucking white stag and all-inside Can I evacuate my assets from wormhole space?
all of my gear and ships are stuck in this shitty fortizar called reichstag 1488 white stag power please reply, I can't find the evac option in the menu., I clicked eject to space but I can't find it in my Jita station, is it an UI bug?

Also, last month this fucking slavic person started harassing me in ventrillo, dragged me down a channel and started whispering really loud shit in russian, something about rolling my wormhole and going in hot in my hole, I told him to fuck off since I was busy farming gas to build my optimal range drugs so I could pvp with my rail navy exeq because I finally got gallente V cruiser but then we went and rolled me out of my wormhole and started laughing at me he even pinged slack to make people log in to laugh at me I could't even talk back because they muted me this lasted for 2 hours before I was able to find my way to amarr which is the best market hub in the game in my opinion anyways can someone please help me I have like 2 days left of omega and I'm about to finish training logistic cruisers V so i'll able to fly the on

I like him. His videos are pretty good, and he isn't up his own ass.

you can become a "discerning consumer" all you want... usually by reading reviews. just going off of gut will get you swindled or make you miss out on some good stuff.

take no man's sky. all of the dev interviews were bold faced lies, if not for reviews and the incredible internet backlash one could reasonably expect that the game would be very deep and have a lot to do. part of being a discerning consumer involves reading critic feedback.

>playing Test Drive Unlimited
Excellent taste, my man, If only a similar game could come out with improved mechanics. That would be my shit.

We all knew No Man's Sky was going to be shit. If you're not a retard, you'll realize they're lying to you. The real reason for watching guys like Mandalore is to broaden your horizons and find things you missed. Be a discering customer all you want, you're still a self centered faggot.

dude i just had an itch to play it recently. headed to a local shop and found a copy and played something like 25 hours in a week. way better than i remember it being way back when. i wish the online still worked though, that's so much of the content + the achievements are now unobtainable for the online portion. just picked up the sequel from gamestop as it was the only place I could find it locally, but i know the sequel isn't as good.

also i almost want to play it again on PSP so I can drive the skyline... fucking day 1 DLC in 2006 and it's now completely unobtainable.

>you're still a self centered faggot.

it's past your bedtime.

It's 9 AM, nigger.

don't you have a collapsing economy to contribute to or a mass shooting to get caught in the middle of

This guy and Ross Scoutt are LITERALLY all you need.

The PSP version of TDU was truly a technical marvel at its time. Being able to fit the entire island of Oahu on a UMD was mind blowing.
I just wish the Test Drive Unlimited franchise was left in more capable hands.

You'll be my first kill.

Gggmanlives is an Australian reviewer who predominantly reviews FPS games.

I don't see why anyone would bother when they can just try the game themselves


He’s one of the worst on the site

He's also a faggot who's wrong all the time and his opinions are worth shit. Watch his stalker review and then watch Mandalore's. Note how Mandalore went out of his way to correct ggman's outright false claims from the review.

This guy
this guy
this guy
and I also recommend ACG
there are still lots of good reviewers out there, they're just smaller and 1-2 guys at most

the PSP was an incredible console for racing games in general man. Midnight Club 3 and LA, Street Supremacy, Initial D, TDU, Gran Turismo... great console.

Supposedly a company acquired the rights to TDU last december and is now making a third game? I just hope it doesn't go Forza Horizon on us and completely remove any sort of progression or incentive to play and give you everything from the get-go.

Him, Snoman Gaming, Joseph Anderson, Matthewmatosis and Super Bunnyhop

>mechwarrior online
>planetside 2
>endless legend

reviews help develop an opinion about games you haven't played, and whether or not they are worth a purchase, don't be retarded.

I don't live in Spain

If you like joseph anderson, go watch his stream and realize he's fucking retarded

what did he say?


Gggmanlives is a whiny sniveling cunt. His reviews are bad.

well, he just said he didnt like fez because it's not a precision platformer, which is retarded because its a puzzle game.

user what are you talking about

We knew NMS was going to be shit because Murray did the two things every lying developer does.
>make vague, larger than life claims about game features
>fail to match what he had shown in gameplay footage to what he had said in interviews

Look at games like Star Citizen or TOR. It's the same fucking shit.

I love how he releases content at the speed of Valve, and yet somehow manages to say exactly nothing insightful about whatever he's reviewing.

I mean, he's not really ever wrong, he just never makes me go "oh that's a good point". He just states the obvious about uncontroversial games and wow he turns out to be right.

I don’t know how Matthew has managed to keep his pattern following

gggmanlives is fucking awful
an extremely dumb cunt

None really, i just look up gameplay videos for whatever games im interested in and decide
if i didn't like it after purchase then i refund it, if i couldn't then oh well tough shit

Its actually pretty good.
Did a reasonable review of Rabi Ribi for example

Oh look it's the obligatory "I disagree with his STALKER review so he sucks" post.

Mah sonny jim

Why do you say that?

He’s flat out incorrect about how mechanics work. It’s not even a matter of opinion.

Then go watch ggmans Dark Messiah review and blow it out your ass when you compare it to Mandalore's same review.

>if you enjoy bullet heck games
my sides.

It's actually crazy how good Mandalore is in comparison with a lot of other reviewers. Both him and Mathas released their review of Dark Messiah of M&M around the same time and you can see the difference in quality. Mandalore has some clever jokes sprinkled in, good editing while also being really informative,especially since he played on hard difficulty. Meanwhile Mathas has those Completionist-tier awkward bits with almost no information other than "It's got secrets,and it has a different combat"

Why is this? The Mathas video has a lot higher production values but it’s somehow both less entertaining and informative. Is there such thing as overediting?


Fuck off fedorafag.

I never heard of this guy and I'm watching it right now. He's wasting time with "comedic timing" and talking about stuff that's not needed. Sure, mention Oblivion, but don't waste half a min on Oblivion skit and then play a minute of cutscenes and talk about the tree of knowledge. Who cares about this shit? Also he isn't funny.

Mandalore is kind of surreal to me
I feel like I'm on crazy pills when I see someone with content this good on a decent release schedule
being a demo/E;R fan will do that to you

I miss demo


Still has the best Endless Legend review you can find online.

H-he's coming back!
He says so once every while
R-right..? ;-;

>watching his drunk stream

SsethTzeentach. Random with his humor, but those Might & Magic reviews are amazing.

>Hey hey people

Which one?

It's like meeting a friend who got stuck on drugs/alcohol
It's fun at first and think it might some day be like the good old days
But soon enough you realize that it'll never be the same


His only good video was "Best Gank 2012".

Smells like SHIIEEET.

I wish he uploaded more often, though.

quality takes time

who /hype/ for dead space?

I look for consistency in written reviews (whether praising or damning a feature/element); the author's opinion is irrelevant on either end of the scale when what matters is the objective feature.

I look for general gameplay in video "reviews" though I tend to prefer ones without any review element at all; just gameplay showing off the game as-is.

In both cases I know what I like and don't like, so all I'm really looking for is an objective measure of what the game has or doesn't have and how it does it. These methods have not failed to find gems and weed out the shit yet.

he seems just like such a nice guy and I wish I could help him
but I cant

How do you know it'll be dead space?

I know how you feel
But I'm also pretty sure he wouldn't want any help

>we're gonna have a stomping good time in Oktober
what else could it be?

Discovered him recently. Comprehensive without being annoying and a decent voice, probably one of the better reviewers out there. It seems that he only reviews games of his taste so he actually knows what he's talking about and not just giving generalized opinions of every single game release he can get his hands on.

>Does a review for ss13
>Briefly mentions a server
>They permaban him and tell him he can only get unbanned if they delete the video and make an apology

That was one hell of a wild ride

Sup Forums

You think they'd welcome the attention.

That's some impressive autism

none, opinions are too subjective and a metacritic average coupled with gameplay videos is more than enough to decide whether to buy or not.

I honestly just trust Sup Forums whenever something is good. Sure, people troll and are contrarian, but you can tell which are the most honestly and direct opinions of the game.

Sup Forums

Fucking idiot

mad brainlet

delete all of these posts about our server or you will be permabanned

---the surfer girl

Once you've fine tuned the shitposting sheep detectors, it's a good tie breaker to rely on, should other people you actually trust be divided on the subject.

Sup Forums is one of the dumbest board on Sup Forums, and I'm not talking about retarded bait image, just from personal experience. To trust a brainlet you have to be a brainlet

Fuck you


People argue and are quick to respond without sugar coating.
You just simply don't trust a singular post, but Sup Forums as a whole works fine.

I trust myself to play the demo or pirate the game and play it for a few hours.

>Sup Forums is one of the dumbest board on Sup Forums
On average yes, but if you quit posting here we'd be slightly above average


>rewatch ss13 review
>notice the tabs at the beginning

this fucking guy
I love him

Could be Space Marine

>tfw girl coworkers were laughing about this “meme tweet”

Now you just ruined my morning. Is he even alive?

I know, right? That's why I don't browse Sup Forums: so I won't contaminate my pure mind with other's opinions. It's also why I never post my own opinions. Thank you for enlightening the masses with you superior opin...oh God, what have we done?!

do you even know what the hell is considered retro?