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is this the dark souls of almond activation?
Not only is Dark Souls an overrated game, but it has probably had the worst influence on the "gaming community" of any one game since Skyrim
gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8
I can kind of agree on that second part
A goat in heat eats sap?
Not bait, it's my genuine opinion. I find Dark Souls to be incredibly tedious and the fact that people give a shit about item description lore is ridiculous to me. That said, people can like what they want, it doesn't bother me. What annoys me is the trend of everyone making shitty comparisons to Dark Souls, pretending its innovative or incredibly challenging, and suggesting that it is the pinnacle of combat and should be emulated by every series. The memes are also shit. Seriously though, the constant comparisons and overblown praise are totally reminiscent of Skyrim and "praise the sun" is essentially "arrow in the knee"
So...you have a death wish?
bingo, someone got it
So I'm not the only one who wants to fuck Vicar Amillia's dog pussy right? Like everybody else wants to slam the shit too?
Kinda odd considering BB is the easiest of the souls games
>inb4 BB isn't a souls game meme
>inb4 nice b8
rally, iframes, parry, and many of the enemies and some bosses being beast really made the game way easier than it should have been
Fuck off Barneyfag
but unlike skyrim it's actually good
>"arrow in the knee"
ironic meme
Eh, I don't really like either, but I can see the appeal for both. But the core gameplay not being clunky, boring shit would elevate Souls by default, in my book
still better than witcher 3
True, Witcher 3 is probably the newest game to take up that role. I'd easily rather have Souls, which focuses on gameplay