R.I.P Danganronpa

lol danganronpa sux

Miu Iruma

I agree. It's trash and you should all stop playing it

I love Junko!

Based Junkofag. We Miubros and Junkofags must stick together.

I agree with that!

Angie's feet!


Supah serious, bruddah.


Fucking weedman blowing us all the fuck out


Is Yasuhiro the most pointless character in the series? Including DR3 and DR0.


What was his fucking problem?


He was still mad about insect meet and greet


Based Weedman. DRshitters blown the fuck out. What visual novel should we move onto know?


I really want to start a nice family with Miu. Lots and lots of children so she'll never be lonely again.

Ending of v3 was shit. Rest of the game was pretty good though.

That's not Kokichi


not when akane exists

>he didn't get the true ending
lmaoing at your life

Lol the whole game was shit. The only good was the OST

Remember to exercise for your waifu!

How many?

Fucking hamburger stealing aliens doomed us all

Gonta not know what right and left is

Yeah, it's a good starting point for sure.

Fuck off Potatofucker. You literally ruin every single thread with your autism. Stop attacking people for not being able to spend 24/7 on one fucking game.

His trial was sad

Putting the kind retard in the electric chair didn't feel good. He just wanted to show people his bugs ;_;

What did he mean by this?

>Maki will never press her chest up against you while she's getting pounded from behind by chad spacecock
Why live

Kokichi has a entire case tied to him.

Akane should have been like her beta version. Shame.

Next DR game will switch from 2D sprites to 3D models. You know it deep inside your hearts to be true.

Please no

So... UDG2?

Could be written out.


Keebo going berserk was fucking awesome

really a shame that kokichi wasn't there to see it

I love her stinky sister!

Only if the animations are as awful as ZTD

I wanted to deny this for Zero Escape and especially Ace Attorney yet they still went that road. I'm expecting Danganronpa to follow suit to save money.

>Maki will never press her chest up against you while she's getting pounded from behind by chad spacecock while he's vomiting blood on the both of you

Everyone could be written out.

Why do I see this almost every thread?

I fucking hope so. I want to laugh at this garbage series even more. Also this

The guy loves Junko and his stinky sister. What is there not to understand.

Anyone have the virgin detective and chad Yasuhiro image?

ZTD really does have the best memes. I don't think VLR even came close even with the Dioposting and Kyleposting.

As long as they're high quality 3D models.

We make our move at dawn, Shuichi. You're either with us, or you're not.

One guy started posting "I love Junko!" a few months ago and a month after that another user decided to reply with "I love her stinky sister!". Why they do it I have no clue

People say Saihara was beta, but naegi was even more beta than him at DR1
he was literally kirigiri's bitch the whole game

The models will look like this and the animations will be even worse

Nice fanfic haha

Because they love them


Kirigiri is my least favorite character in the series


She is pure
She even has pumpkin panties

Mukubro you know you and I are inseparable don't be like that

>Why they do it I have no clue
Because they love Junko and her stinky sister, obviously. It's not rocket science.

(Junko)bros welcome as well.

small hole


If the 3D models look at polished or even better than SOJ then I'll be fine with it. Before V3 I was against it but after seeing the terrible sprites and even worse CGs, I'm ok with 3D models.

>Why they do it I have no clue
Severe autism

End this meme. It was never funny

>shuichi now has access to that prime small hole
Lucky man

Let's talk about the most underappreciated feature of the game.

*blocks your path*
What are doing out at nighttime, user?


You're doing the gods work user

People who say Shuichi, Hajime, and Komaru are beta are just wrong.

>has access to a big hole and a small hole
>no other males to steal them from him
Shuichi is a lucky guy.

I did have a lot of fun going for them

>the audience voted for Keebo to act like a retarded cultist

I just wanted to see you Angie

Like this?

Alright Sup Forums, what is your favorite case in each game?
>DR1: 1-6
>DR2: 2-5
>DRV3: 3-5

it's me, your husband

>the audience voted for Keebo to lay down on a presser


>mfw all the worst characters joined the student council and all the best characters didn't join

>the audience voted for Kiibo to be comic relief for most of the game

Danganronpa X4 with 3D boob grabbing mini games. YEEE

the eng dub is so bad for main character like holy fuck don't know how anyone could play full game dubbed

Shut the fuck up retard.

>the audience voted for Keebo to kill himself at the end

Stop trying to start this.

Would Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma or Kirumi have joined?



Actual high quality


Same as your list friend

DR1: 6
DR2: 5
DRV3: 1