Do you cover your eyes like a good Christian whenever there is something lewd going on in your game, Sup Forums?
Do you cover your eyes like a good Christian whenever there is something lewd going on in your game, Sup Forums?
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Yes, but jokes about masturbation are still really funny for some reason though.
christfags go
when was the last time you saw something lewd in nonporn vidya?
I don't remember
No I cover my dick with my hands so that it doesn't see it.
Maybe he's not a pussy.
Maybe he's just racist.
Man there's really no way to lose with this one.
are we rolling for gf here?
because if so ill take any
preferably the tiny one
Rolling for video games
Can someone explain what is happening here?
Tiny one is the best
Lets try.
I need the name of everyone in that image
orange please
blue is cutest
No, but my biggest sin is porn and masturbation and I'm really working on trying to stop. I'm not at the stage where I can just see it and just ignore it, so I avoid it, but covering your eyes like that is a slight over exaggeration that makes you look like a dork.
You have to be stoic.
I'm 99% certain the middle girl is Kaho Shibuya. She is amazing! Sorry I don't know the rest.
>be American
>be hardcore religious
>be 52 % """""white""""" (including shitskins who don't speak Spanish because they are considered white in the US census)
>enjoy playing violent video games
>"OH MY GOD (forgive me father) A GIRL IN UNDERWEAR SATAN BE GONE" *shoots gun*
>get shot
I swear to God anglos are the bane of humankind.
I don't know, the game in the OP that released just a few months ago maybe?
Streamers and eww girls
Bunch of lardasses
Around immediate family, yes.
That shit's incredibly uncomfortable.
Doin' it right
Where can I get the full vid of that?
At least he's not going to be getting put down with a bolter round tonight.
So fucking pathetic. Imagine if thsi guy managed to accidentally have a kid. Should probably just name it Shooty Up McSchoolerson.
You know they got a bunch of good food to eat after you demolish them. No kale sandwich for me, bitch.
What would you do in his situation, Sup Forums? It's obvious he did that because he was afraid that his fanbase would suffer a schism because all of the flakes would turn against him calling him a pervert and whatever the fuck other colorful phrases tumblrites would use to refer to misogynistic straight white guys. He took the safest way out but to us it looks fucking ridiculous
not be a faggot
I was covering my eyes as a respect for women, but if it makes christians (the most dangerous religion) angry, I shall look at boobs all day
>afraid of his fanbases reaction
That's not his fanbase at that point. They're his hostagekeepers.
I like big titted asian women. A lot.
Jesus, grant me a 1 or 2.
Look the titties straight in the eyes
This guy sounds pretty straight to me
checkmate atheists
h-here i go
cant get dubs on Sup Forums, retard
Now we're talkin'
Who wouldn't fuck danny
they might as well all be the same
(((gaming journalists)))
3-6 is win, but this 7 is better.
Impressive, very nice.
Me lub yoy long tim
>double 69s
I'll shake my dick so hard, pretty soon it stops looking at the screen and down on the floor again
I've never seen a cuck more deserving of a bat to the face
>The timing and the way Dennis looks up at the guy
Lmao never noticed this before
Is that guy American? This is of great importance.
>Fake tits.
Might as well fap to anime and claim your waifu.
Nice bow out hat no argument user
Plz no man shoulders.
those fucking shoulders.
are the nips campaigning for a football team now?
I dunno but he looks britbong as fuck, he may be an irishman.
He's Patrick Klepeck. Used to work at Giant Bomb, now works for Kotaku or Motherboard. So yes, American
They get lots of exercise from all the dicks they jerk off
Do you ever make a thread that is not shitposting?
What is it with this "I'm better than you because I don't like porn" shit. You see it everywhere. Why do people think it's cool to be sexually non-functional? And isn't it funny how all the people who say this are balding.
I god I forgot that little spaz was still a thing.
Because porn is misogynist and showing everyone how absolutely not misogynist and how progressive and tolerant you are is "cool" in a lot of circles these days.
she is adorable who is that?
But these same people often claim to have "sex-positive" viewpoints. I'm talking about people like Dobson and Nerd Cubed.
I skip it cause it's cringy and lame as fuck
Why would I watch 30 seconds of a woman in her underwear laying around playing with balloons or some shit? There's probably a thread on /gif/ with videos of that same woman getting fucked in at least 3 different positions by men of various dick sizes.
Do people actually beat off to these videos? They're not really sexy, it's just a chick rubbing herself while looking at the camera.
of course not but that doesnt mean go in an entirely opposite direction
Porn is fucking disgusting and people only use it as a crutch.
Isn't it funny how porn defenders are usually depressed?
I'd rather see her in underwear playing with balloons.
>people only use it as a crutch
What does that even mean?
a crutch from what exactly? not anyone in this i just wish to understand your meaning
Real woman runs around the street with her tits hanging out and fucks every guy she meets? Sex positive
Some guy draws a girl acting exactly like that girl? Sexual objectification, harassment, unrealistic beauty standards, misogyny, disgusting male patriarchy abusing women for their pleasure
Gee, it's not rocket science, user. Stop being so dense.
Hi there, post 2016 election newfag.
Rollin for the trashman
Come on 5
To fill the void caused by not having something that you desire. Loneliness is a common one.
>Porn is fucking disgusting
here we go
Been around forever actually. Not even American, so an election wouldn't have brought me here anyway.
>being americuck
No. There's lewd shit all the time. Bodies are just bodies, there's nothing inherently disgusting or anything about it.
i mean there are those of us that no women would ever date like me and trust me i know for a fact no one has ever been interested in me cause they have never once shown it in any obvious way
im roman catholic
You say that, but a lot of women are shy too.
>Trying to save himself from the massive air of awkwardness he created by laughing at the end.