Does this image already need further updating?

Does this image already need further updating?

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you know not every game from the 90's was like that, sometimes you got one level and then had to buy the whole game from the mail and then you realized it was just that one level copy and pasted endlessly

Make half the painting just a sketch with more paintings on the side.

>sometimes you got one level and then had to buy the whole game from the mail and then you realized it was just that one level copy and pasted endlessly
Those are called demos/freeware user

yeah people should stop acting like unethical business practices are a new idea

>you know not every game from the 90's was like that

When it comes to video games it's gotten out of control. It's always existed in some form but you can't compare it the way it is now.

Especially with the rampant publisher paid media of "Do games have too much content?" and "Should there even be boss fights?" articles.

It's like they're trying to find a way to sell you literally nothing.

you gotta the renaissanc equivlent of loot boxes. make the cosmetic prize that one shitty redrawing that one italian hag made in an attempt to "restore" the mona lisa

split the Mona Lisa up into 5 pieces and sell them as episodes

Keep part of the hands but reduce every other detail into bare crude sketches and call it early access but with a full price tag

What is the most disgusting example of microtransactions you've ever seen anons?

Chop the painting into thirds because the company wants to make a trilogy rather than a single coherent game


All of them I can think of I'd hardly call micro.
Those phone games where you have to pay $30 a pull to have a chance of pulling a decent character sicken me.


What games had expansions packs on the 90s?

In 1999? A lot

Add loot boxes.

To update it take half the Mona Lisa off and then show all the different lootboxes you can buy

Something something phone games.
Maybe that dungeon keeper thing

Off of the top of my head
>half life opposing force
>baldurs gate tales of the sword coast
>Unreal return to na pali

I tried

Fucking saved good job

Thank me later sluts.

Good now add

There's already an updated version of this image including different game editions and season passes.


Not updated enough. Needs loot boxes

I don't get 2005, what's an example of expac that just repeats main content?

Don't question it. The image has been around for a long time

I think it might a metaphor for game devs getting less and less creative and would rather do the same thing over and over again.


less to do with creativity and more the amount of time and effort required to make new content just keeps going up.
it's mostly been offset by growing team sizes, but there's a point where just throwing people at the problem stops working




Finally a historically accurate mona lisa



Heh! Put a WW2 helmet on her.

How many eagles died for this fucking shitty "collectors" edition?

now at microtransactions to now


>certificate of authenticity
That confirms that you are retard for buying this?

>eagle skull
>playing cards




I lost my shit.

>secrets of the first pyramids
If there's no alien tech being used this is fuckin worthless


Aliens? That would undermine the hard work of the kangz to bring us some of the world's greatest wonders.

>we wuz kaiserz n shieet

inb4 "game not included"

Isn't asura wrath the 'game' you need to buy the ending?

Holy fucking shit.

Yes, more of the same. You can think of it as a different hair tone. Here's the same gameplay but we slightly changed one thing.

needs some loot boxes and were good

Could be worse.

You could get really hyped for a revamp of the Halo you knew and loved then because 343 decided to put in a pointless "switch back and forth between old halo and new halo" function it means there couldnt be any updates to gameplay so what you get is basically a reskinned Halo with skulls and terminals thrown in and terminals are gay as fuck i dont fucking care guilty spark just shut up just fucking shut up all i wanted was to be able to swap weapons with marines and maybe have someone drive me around for once and maybe a cheeky hijack function but no NO NO how stupid of me 343 lets have exactly the same game with no innovation or changes just some gayass boring terminals with some faggy AI literally chatting shit for 5 minutes every time and some fucking bullshit skulls which dont really add or subtract to gameplay and we had them in every other fucking game anyway good job 343 thats a wrap you can all go home now well done lads

Halo was always shit

Reminder that if you oppose or criticize in any way Mona Lisa being remade into a strong black woman for any reason, even historical accuracy, you are automatically a woman hating, nazi, alt righter.

You have very bad taste

>babby's first FPS

You have very bad taste

this image implies that video games and art are comparable, when reality art is art and video games are a product aimed at selling as many copies as possible to specific markets.

Return to Na Pali was shit.
Not every expansion was good.

no but this image needs updating

Good video games are harder to create than the mona lisa

This is unironically the funniest/most retarded thing ive seen on this board. Bravo

It was never sold as a revamp to begin with mate.
From day one it was going to be CE with a new coat of paint.
Anniversary has a fuck load of problems but you hyping yourself up for shit that was never going to happen isn't one of them

>starts with 1995
>super mario in the background

Fucking kek


We need something else that includes lootboxes though, like that other post did earlier, that seems to be the next big trend.

Then play Halo SPV3, back then I was on a Halo forum and one of the mod would have gone ballistic if they changed anything, he wanted the exact same thing.

Fuck me, that's like making a 1:1 reshot of a black and white movie like that shitty Psycho remake.

Art was always a product

Pretty sure there was a racing game where you had to literally buy gas

No fucking way

thats shareware you fucking retard lol


need lootboxes and vip items you can only have if you paid for the 100$ deluxe edition

At least you get something to look at. It's gotta be paying for lives in mobile games, especially the ones where it costs a life to try a level (Pokemon Shuffle comes to mind).

What do you guys think of Lootboxes as a way to keep Multiplayer games with free content?

And don't just dismiss it as shit, which of course might be still.

Team Fortress and Overwatch and Counter Strike seems to go this way to keep developing content without a subscription, Battlefront 2 won't have map packs or season passes because of this.

So I guess a list of cons and pros would be:

>Game is actively developed, not just bug fixes, but new content
>free content that makes up the meat of the game

>Might create addiction
>A false sense of fun whereas we are just playing to get that dopamine hit for when we finally roll the right box until the next one
>Is a grey area with no real standards, look at what DLC can mean, from Horse armor to actual expansion with War of the Chosen for Xcom
>Could normalize Gambling among kids and inspire even more of those shitty websites

I'm with with it in tf2 and not b2p games like overwatch and cs. Hell even the new assassins fucking creed game is going to have lootboxes and that's a full priced game

>sell you literally nothing



Now should have season pass, loot boxes and an extra DLC that wasn't included in the 1 year length season pass

Fucking perfect user.

>mfw in the 1995 that game was 10 years old
>mfw the first crysis is 10 years old

>have bought one game in 2017 and two whole games in 2016
I remember when I used to have like 6 games a year I was hyped for.

>have bought 0 games for the past 3 years

Funny thing that anyone who play an AC ever knows DLC missions were terrible. Expansion packs had a new but forgettable game mechanic and some extra story piece nobody cared about EXCEPT that fucking out of nowhere twist ending for Lost Archive.

It was always planned as a graphical update because most of the fans actually wanted the same game with better graphics. Too bad the new graphics don't line up with the old geometry making you ree plenty of times when you want to do something on a harder difficulty.


put her smile in a rng lootbox and give the painting something ugly instead with facial hair or something.

I always thought of it as a new zone
as in theres some mountain or whatever "blocked off" and its the entrance to a new area

Needs a checklist and like 8 editions like Watch Dogs.

Yeah something for kikestarter and early access

should add the "remastered" version due to 2019 for another 60$

You can continue from here.

post the pokemon version