>Warrior pawn with amazing weapon and rings for that level
Why people do shit like this?
Warrior pawn with amazing weapon and rings for that level
>warrior pawn
>at all
This isn't dragon's dogma online where warrior is actually good even then sorc pawns have better ai
>using pawns
Pawn ai can abuse shit out from their timing strikes, same with rangers
Why the fuck is everyone having Scater? This is such a piece of shit. Why would you want them to focus the big ennemies and climb. It's basic strategy to pick off the weak first. Mitigator/Challenger/Utilitarian is the only way to go.
>tfw your loli healslut pawn is getting you thousands of RC every time you get on
>healer pawns when you can shove healing consumables on any pawns and they'll automatically use them on you as needed (or you can just use yourself)
Hey I just want you guys to know, pawn training is a meme.
What are you talking about, if it's not on the ranger scater is awesome
Don't diss pawns. They're perfect mules for carrying all my stuff.
Someone got the thick strider chick with the eyepatch?
All those Spring Water
You say that like lmao0pawn Assassin wasnt the most busted shit
What's awesome about it?
Yo what pawn should I make? I want it to be useful and give me rift bux at the same time. Can't decide between warrior, fighter, ranger, strider
r8 me Arisen
I just killed the dragon and reached the Everfall. Now I read there's no point to it and I'm forced to go to NG+ if I finish the game?
Should I just go into NG+ and go to Bitterblack Isle?
>he doesn't know
Yes pawns with the charge up skills are useles, however...
No, you go to NG+ if you stab yourself with that sword (believe it was called goldsbane or something). You can continue post-game, and even do BBI in post-game.
Huh, but godsbane only kills you? Hence why you use it to quickly die and reset chest contents?
That's the sort of pawn I just don't feel plain bad about leaving behind to die during the suicide run through Matt Daimon's v2 Funhouse.
Looks like an aged up and seen too much shit version of mine
>no point to everfall
It's okay to run around for a bit and then move to BBI. Some annoying exclusive items there too sadly..
Your choice whether to go BBI now or in NG+
Returning the 20 wakestones is the point of no return is it not? Do that and you're going to NG+.
I guess google was wrong then. But still, there's no need to start NG+ if all you have left to do is BBI. Because I'm fairly sure you can still do BBI in post-game, and if you did it in NG+ it'd be a lot harder. Unless you like the added difficulty then go for it.
Scater means he will attack strongest foe and trying to stick to it instead of you
>It's basic strategy to pick off the weak first.
It's Dragon's Dogma. You can take care of shit in whatever order you like.
What a load of bullshit. NG+ doesn't scale the difficulty and certainly does not for BBI which gets reset by NG+ cycles.
>hundreds of hours in dragons dogma
>just killed my first non story cyclops in the ps4 version
I'm still grinning like a kid after all these hours, there's just no better feeling. The battle dynamics, the music, the epicness of it all... God I love it
hows ps4 version. i might actually buy it again (sick of sitting at my desk for the pc version and i dont wanna get my old ps3 out again to play it)
So how come into free isn't in the next-gen menu screen?
My pawns are always just a big guy with weapon buffs
>turning in the wakestones is the point of no return is it not?
Nope. You can open the portal and then bugger off for another 100 hours with no consequence. Jumping in is the ponr.
>move pc to where console is/where you'd prefer to game from
>you are now playing masterrace DragDog without having to sit at your desk
Shit man I usually have my desktop at my desk too but I'm posting this from my recliner with my PC and PS4 sitting next to each other. It's two (2) fucking cords.
Well it's not 60fps and you can't use ENB presets for it so it will look like ass compared to PC, however I personally don't mind this and I'm usually pretty anal about games not running at 60fps. Gameplay is solid fluid 30fps without any hiccups at all, loading and saving times are comparable to pc version.
i dont think you understand how lazy i am. so please just answer my question. hows the ps4 version
I remember playing a fighter/ warrior the first time round and loved playing the fighter particularly towards the end.
This time though i'd like to try fighter again but using assassin for a bulk of the game for stats development.
Would it be viable to go back to a fighter after playing assassin for a large portion of the game or would I be too weak defensively?
Learn to block and you're pretty much invincible anyway. Failing that, abuse moves with lengthy invulnerability like Compass Slash, Dragon's Maw, Hindsight Strike, or Sheltered Assault for attacking from active guard.
>cant make fat warrior because hands clip into body
>playing through BBI as Lv50 sorcerer loli
>get to midnight helix
>murder the shit out of the condemned gorecyclops with holy focused bolt and gain 5 levels
>get a weapon lv2 for my troubles
why is HFB the best thing for sorcerers?
This one?