The current state of Sup Forums
I know, right? People are talking about a popular videogame in the videogame board, how horrifying.
so what approved game by your standards should Sup Forums be talking about?
Not him, but Fight'n rage
Any game as long as there's not 14 threads about it to slide everything else.
Newfags dont realize ths shit happens with literally every big new released game. Shit gets shilled and spammed everywhere for a couple of weeks then it vanishes only to arise randomly here and there
I'd take video game discussion over wojak console war shitposting and "look at this anime woman" threads, and I haven't even played cuphead
Microsoft is paying millions to shill firms. It'll die down in a few weeks when even the retards doing it for free just to be part of the memewagon fall off.
this is incorrect
at this moment the kikefag is invading every Sup Forums thread that's currently active and spamming the same pasta every 60 seconds
>look at this 1930s western cartoon woman
This is perfectly normal. Buy Cuphead.
imagine unironically being this much of a conspiratard
Get used to it, kiddo. This happens every time something popular comes out.
You werent here for when BOTW, Nier Automata and Persona 5 got released then. Guess what FOTM games always gets a lot of threads about them.
obscure indie game that only a few dozen people know about that I haven't actually played so I can look like a special snowflake #8607
Maybe the mods should do something about it instead.
15 threads are ok when waifubaits are anime
What the mods should be doing is getting rid of threads that aren't about vidya and effortless bait threads.
>maybe mods should do something about something that is essentially Sup Forums culture since 2003
I hope you enjoy your stay, newfriend. Oh and be sure to report that off topic thread you saw because that is totally not in line with site culture.
Yeah, for a minute I almost forgot this was a twitter screencap board.
I'm sure the mods have their hands full deleting threads that aren't about video games, and of hot pockets.
Yeah we really need to go back to Nintendo vs Sony threads and Switch shill threads.
>there are still people who believe that there are no shills on Sup Forums
I was actually in a thread about A Hat in Time and it got 404'd over the handful of Cuphead threads.
>talking about video games
>Durr why is a popular recently released game getting threads on Sup Forums
Do me a favor and end your life.
>you can only delete shitposts OR spam, not both
>buying pedo shit when you could buy another copy of Cuphead™
It's Sup Forums GOTY.
if cuckhead was a steam greenlight release, no one would fucking know of it besides the ultrahipsters. there would be one thread on Sup Forums a week before it died in a month.
cup cup cup cup cup
That thread got 404'd, not archived, meaning it wasn't pushed off page 10. Looking through it on an archive site it's pretty easy to see why it would get deleted.
>I am too retarded to use filters or hide threads about subjects I don't care about
This happens with every popular new release
i remember P5 threads flooding this board when it came out and barely anyone complained about it
Maybe you shouldn't be a crying little bitch nigga
/vg/ exists for a reason.
It's literally okay when Japan does it. Anime site remember?
If only you regulated shitposts as much as you do actual videogame threads,
It's already in my filter list.
You should do the same.
Yeah for constant game discussion of things that aren't fucking FOTM's.
You really want a Cuphead general to go to thread #3000 you fucking idiot? People like you is the reason why clicker game generals were a thing
You're too fucking dumb to live. All of these recurring threads belong on /vg/. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
>anyone who talks about popular games on the vidya board should go to another board for it
Follow your own advice.
What's your favourite ingredient?
But that's exactly what /vg/ is for - for recurring general threads that go over 3000 threads. Look at Katawa Shoujo, LoL, Dota, etc. They have been going on for ages.
Your point?
It'll die down is this your first week here? Were you here for Persona 5? Overwatch? Any Dark Souls game? Dark Souls 3 took up literally half the fucking catalog when it came out.
Thank fuck for filter lists.
If you think this shit is bad, you should have seen the week MGSV came out.
Cuphead is every bit as bad as MLP.
Every single fucking time a game goes fotm there's these dumbfuck retarded meta threads bitching about people talking about video games
UGH i know right there should be only one thread like a general or something cause i fucking hate video games
we need more e-celeb, twitter screencap, and Sup Forumsbait threads
>not making the obvious comparison with Tumblrtale instead because you don't want to look bad
I stopped coming here for a few years and wasn't here for Undertale.
>Still being this triggered over undertale.
>only been a week and people are crying about a new release getting talked about
I like this, people actually talking about a game instead of horrific shitposts, discussions' going to die and another release will be "spammed" on the board.
It's the holiday season upon us.
Are you implying there haven't been Steam greenlight games that have gotten a load of attention here? Undertale and Risk of Rain were on greenlight and they're still getting threads.
It's a good game, Brent
I was here for all of those and complained back then too. I don't see why people think it's okay to have the spam just sliding down all the other threads. If I were to make one of those "post 'dem characters," it would be 404'd and I'd get banned for spam.
ITT: Sup Forums doesn't want to talk about video games, aka business as usual
I got banned for days for exposing this shit
Looks like we need to sit down and have THAT talk, Sup Forums...
Cuphead is a truly avant garde adult-videogame that respects the players intellect and does not resort to casual difficulty or 'omg my waifu is so cuuuute xd' pandering like Metroid or Rabi-Ribi have used as a crutch so many times. Every boss fight of every level is so consistently good and progressively more and more awesome it is scary to think about. I would think that Sup Forums, or at least the old Sup Forums, would be much more receptive to a truly quality and daring piece of artistic gaming but I suppose I can blame it on the numbskulls that just hopped off the Reddit boat and landed in our quaint little port.
So that begs the question: Are you doing it to be contrarian because it is popular? Because the joke bombed and was never funny, I'm sorry to say. At the very least try to be creative in your shitposting because we've read all the lines a thousand times.
If you come to our threads and try to start shit, just know we will not meme with you, we will not break our proverbial bread of bants with you; we will not engage you in any fashion. On the contrary, we will treat you as a foreign threat, an invader, and we will punish you for invading our space so just stick to your containment threads and let us discuss and enjoy the game in peace.
To all naysayers or mongoloids who got swept up in the memeing: I implore you to play a level of the game, just one (1!), and make your mind up then.
Not for you? No problem, that's fine, try again in a few weeks!
For you? Then welcome aboard, buckaroo!
I think the question I pose to anyone still reading this is this: After all this, why the hate?
>After all this, why the hate?
I don't hate it, but I really don't like the fans.
>to our threads
Why not just make a general on /vg/ at that point then? Oh right, probably because it'd die in a day due to the game only being like 3 hours in length and not having much incentive to replay it.
We dindu nuffin though
This is copypasted from reddit isn't it
Majority of you are obnoxious.
Though to be fair it's probably because it's just been released, like how Persona 5 posting was obnoxious even for the fans but has more or less died down now
>Personafags trying to save face by bringing up another nobetter example
>people don't talk about games with zero marketing
you cracked the code