Any MMOs worth playing anymore that isn't dead?

Any MMOs worth playing anymore that isn't dead?

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No. I wish Shadowbane was still alive.

Oldschool Runescape.

>literal browser game for dirt poor third worlders that can't afford a monthly mmo fee or their toasters can't run one
>worth playing

What is membership?

I dunno man, I think MMORPGs have been kinda dead for a while now, while some MMOFPS games (like Warframe/Planetside/etc) have been up and down but a little better off. The last ones I played were RIFT and Secret World Online, both are great games in their own way, but I'm not sure how the population is now. That was maybe 3 years ago. Hopefully Camelot Unchained can save the genre when it gets released sometime this century, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

wats up senpai did you pay for adventure quest too?

something that came after the game was out for years and even better MMOs had been released. i mean even BR's didn't play shitscape, they played a different flavor of shit called Tibia

the main reason to play and pay for OSRS is to kill and starve venezuelans

>RuneScape is a fantasy MMORPG developed and published by Jagex, released originally in January 2001
>The pay-to-play version of RuneScape was first announced on 4 October 2001, and fully instated on 27 February 2002.
You even trying dog?

I got burned out of FFXIV but it's undeniably a fun mmo

I play a little GW2 when I'm bored cause it's easy to jump in and out of

But really no is the answer

oh gee sorry for getting the dates wrong on third world games I never have played nor will I ever play. I was busy playing actual good games.

What game is ops pic?

Haha get owned man all you can give me is the bad game answer

FFXI is okay if you like slower shit and want to experience some of the best mmorpg storylines.

rip all the retard old mmos like tibia, dransik etc


r u mad dude

I just want an MMO that isn't about max level raiding. Last MMOs I think I really enjoyed that wasn't end game raiding all the time is like RO, Dofus and Wakfu. I have 0 nostalgia for OSRS so I don't know how good of a game it is without that nostalgia.

>doesn't recognize RO
Fucking nu-Sup Forums, I swear.

Wtf is that ro game. It looks like a newgrounds game

Project 1999. There is more journey than you can handle desu.


the pain knowing the mmo shaped hole in ym heart will never be filled

implying there exists anyone who wants to go back to grinding jellies for PP

no update since 2008.

doesnt even work properly on w7.

can't even get my jelly on if i wanted to senpai

So is really the only MMOs worth playing still is like WoW and XIV?

ff11 isn't bad. some eq private servers are good,eq timelocked are okay if you get into them early and make friends.

every korean game : dead as fuck trashcan material outside of the original RO.

Isn't all RO servers right now just shit?

most of the private ones are p2win garbage. Most of the new ones die out in months.

Cannot comment on live servers.

I was the only kid in my class who played RO. Everyone else bonded over Runescape and Tibia, but I could never get over how ugly those games looked. I still don't get it.

You can try TESO its on sale for pretty cheap often.

tibia was really sick in beta~ around launch because you could pvp someone down to level 1 and make them kill themselves irl

Tell me now and tell me true, Rebirth or RE:Start?

project 1999 is shitty as fuck and is nothing like actual classic everquest
>economy is fucking terrible, items cost WAY fucking more than they ever did on any live server due to jewish poopsockers cornering the entire market on them
>their raid system is broken as fuck and was changed for no reason when the old gm-enforced rotations that live servers used worked just fine and gave every guild competent/geared enough to earn a spot on the rotation a chance to kill it, so poopsockers cannot hold content back from anyone
>changing/nerfing things based on dev whims that were never done on live, eliminating the idea of "everquest as it was in 1999" (or velious era at this point)
>insular community makes it hard to get groups, which makes it hard to level, forcing people to play stronger soloing classes
>last but not least, multiple years of GM Favoritism from Uthgaard or whatever his name was and Rogean, doing things for Inglourious Basterds and other "favorite" guilds like respawning raid mobs earlier than their normal cycle, gm rezzing them after completely normal wipes that do not warrant a GM recovery, taking IB's side in manastone camp debates to ensure they get almost all of them on the entire server before they stop dropping

t. old EQ veteran who played in a top 5 gamewide guild for 7 consecutive years. Fuck p99.

>literal monkey game ever being good
no, Jomacdo.

I said he'd enjoy the journey. Which I think he will because it DOES emulate classic eq as good as it will ever get. short of having a wiki for fucking everything.

>changing/nerfing things based on dev whims that were never done on live, eliminating the idea of "everquest as it was in 1999" (or velious era at this point)
Examples? I haven't played in over a year but I don't recall this ever happening.

>their raid system is broken as fuck and was changed for no reason when the old gm-enforced rotations that live servers used worked just fine and gave every guild competent/geared enough to earn a spot on the rotation a chance to kill it, so poopsockers cannot hold content back from anyone
I agree its fucking trash but this guy said he wasn't interested in that. The staff are blatantly corrupt not just including their involvement in the real money situation.

>>insular community makes it hard to get groups, which makes it hard to level, forcing people to play stronger soloing classes
Welcome to everquest. Socialize or play a necro.

t. guy who also played on p99 and hates the staff as much if not more than you. if you really wanna know how retarded, i am I played shards of dalaya for 10 fucking years.

>mfw TOR's RP servers got killed in a recent server merger and now there are only five servers left worldwide

It's like Bioware forgot only people in it for the story are playing the damn game at this point.

also since were talking about p99 here is everyones favorite videoclip. It perfectly captures the everquest experience:

old republic has been on life support for years probably since its only proper expansion. for god's sake, last two "expansions" were episodic and dragged out for better part of their respective years.

>Any MMOs worth playing
The answer has always been: "No".

fuck you basic bitch neverwinter nights owned. so do muds


Nigga, I...

holy shit man
>binding yourself in plane of fear
>getting caught in a bind death loop in a fucking plane

OSRS is fun, especially if you can find a good community of people. one of the few mmos i've played where people actually talk a lot in chats, since the game itself isn't really that demanding in terms of input

I realize you were prob born in the 2000's but there was a massively multiplayer neverwinter game before bioware made it popular again.

NWN's persistent servers were basically evolved form of MUDs with a graphical interface. If we lived in a sane world development would've continued down that path with maybe early DDO being the MMORPG benchmark, but industry took a different turn and actual roleplaying was opted out of the MMO formula.

Lurk moar newfag. NWN was a MMO on the AOL service, you paid by the HOUR to access it.

it's a great game if you have a group of friends that care about adventuring stories and dungeons but holy FUCK do I not give a damn about eberron as a setting.

As in dedicate full time? Not really. I dabble in GW2 and TESO, but even that's once in a blue moon when I have nothing else to do.
Thank me later.

uma delicia

tibia was a german game you dumpass.
it just happened that the usa servers were populated with americans, brazildogs, germans and french all trying to murder each other in a huge national gang war.

>high rate
>cash shop

why is this server good again

>playing tortanic

I am legitimately sorry for you user. its like being cursed to be in love with a female chris chan.

>played this "game" for 6 fucking months
>literally just to have cybersex

what game is that in the screenshot?

rpgwo (rpgworldonline).

Its still up apparently. was really fun many many years ago due to letting you claim land/build shit/having lots of autism skills and free world pvp.

forgot the link for lazy niggas who can't google.