Airflow was sacrificed as a result of making the console slim and stylish...

Airflow was sacrificed as a result of making the console slim and stylish. The problem is this thing sounds like a jet engine on games like Uncharted 4 and Until Dawn. Even with headphones, I can still hear that god awful fan noise. Anyone else hate this?

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why did you even buy this trash?

I like the exclusives.

It's still the best Playstation since the PS1.

Maybe you should stop using $5 chink headphones

Is the vertical fan helpful?

Do any of the other models do it better?

I have the original model but I never noticed any excessive sound. Of course I might just be used to it, I never really noticed much from my PS3 either. Or maybe I got lucky I guess.

The ones you can watch on Youtube and not lose out on anything (Uncharted 4 and Until Dawn)?

The slim is silent.

I have mine on my desk. My PS3 doesn't dynamically adjust fan speed every few minutes. It's just a constant whirl. I have the white PS4 purchased in 2015.

Slim is cool, slim is silent, behead all those who insult slim.

It's all the dust inside but I'm scared to open it for cleaning, I might fuck it up and I don't wanna spend another $450 on a slim :^(

Same desu. I cover my ps4 up when not in use.

>Not understanding that dust is getting sucked inside by a fan which when you actually use your console.

>being this much of a retard
I bet you never kissed a girl either

You literally only have to unscrew 4 screws and click the top off, that's it.

Not even it, just put vacuum to the air outlet crate and suck the dust from between the radiator ribs then do the same from air in openings.

>vacuum cleaner
yeah nah

Holy shit, this b8

why not?

because you can generate static electricity and ruin your shit, you mongoloid

that's not how that works

not him, but what's wrong with his statement?

You only need to clean the main fan & heatsink. Everything else can stay as dirty as it gets, it's absolutely irrelevant.

That's *exactly* how it works. Plus you force the fan to rotate in the opposite direction due to sucking out air and at a faster speed than it's designed to which ends up damaging it.

>you force the fan to rotate in the opposite direction due to sucking out air and at a faster speed than it's designed to
You are inventing bullshit

Only the oldest versions of the PS4 are loud. By the time MGS5 came out the new consoles shipped were fixed.

I bought a Pro version this summer and yeah it did sound like a fucking jet engine in pro patched games. I thought it was a failed unit or something and googled the shit out of problem and no, it's like this by fucking design. Sony fucked up really hard with cooling on PS4. I returned it and got a Slim and it still pretty loud in some games like Until Dawn but slightly less noisy.

That's my old Pro
Shit starts ~3m in.

So which model PS4 is the coolest/quietest? Last-gen thick models, before the Slim?

Besides the fact that the PS1 is one of the worst Playstation consoles from a hardware perspective including handhelds?

Holy shit, this shit is almost as loud as my gayman PC and that shit has an AMD Housefire Fury with 3 fucking fans.

>Psx, great console with an enormous library of all kind of fun and bizzare games, for some of which there is no even a genre exists to stick a label on the box.
>Devs learning black magic and alchemy to bypass system limitation and as a result games not only look good but also have distinct artstyle.
Was costly at the time but affordable, technologically inventive as fuck, memcards, analog sticks, vibration and even GameShark with which you can hack into the game code directly.

>PS4, large hunk of plastic waiting to melt on you, library is less diverse than UK's gene pool, mostly fucking brown and bloom smeared shit on your screen which despite being produced by different companies looks and plays the fucking same.
No one even bother to bypass system limitations just reduce resolution and let framerate drop to single digits.
Accessories are overpriced as fuck and if earlier you could use cheats just for fun now, it can result in account ban since all kind of shit DLC like timesavers (unlock all) and credits and what not are sold on ps store and getting them any other way will send CIA and FBI after you.

Trust me it's much more loud IRL. Video has really shitty sound so it's not very accurate representation. That's why I returned that immediately, I fucking hate loud electronics. My PC is dead silent, my old PS3 Slim is loud but not even nearly as loud as PS4. I don't know what the fuck Sony doing and why people don't complain about this shit.

>Trust me it's much more loud IRL.
That's awful.
I honestly figured this was all just kind of a meme, but if it really gets this loud it's going to be a hassle.

Why don't you add another fa-oh right. Console master race

S-Shut up! We can add fans just fine!

Looks like a perfect fit lmao

No it isn’t it’s a little quieter but not much when a song starts playing in nier it sounds like it’s taking off

The problem is poor airflow. Those holes just aren't enough. I tried to run PS4 without the lid and it was silent just how it supposed to be. Maybe if you make a window in the lid where the fan is you can make it better, I don't know.

I've got a Pro this summer too and it's not loud at all except when spinning the disc, that shit is LOUD, but temporary, played through 5 games so far all with boost mode enabled, some of them Pro adjusted

not like the original had good airflow or thermals either. It's like a laptop in there

But you can.

It's not for all games. I was happy for one day too, it was silent as fuck. Then I downloaded Automata demo and shit started. At first I didn't fucking believe it but it only got louder and louder until it sounded like a fucking hair dryer. Good game to test is Hitman demo as in my video. Just load second mission and wait for few minutes.

I bet those small ass fans raise up quite a racket

Horizon Zero Dawn makes my PS4 sound like a jet engine too.

Also killzone shadowfall if you use the 60fps mode

I mean there's Bloodborne... and.... Bloodborne. Honestly the only game worth actually buying it for, I bought a used PS4 and that's about all I played besides Ratchet which I bought because I loved the PS2 games.

Oh ok I didn't try shit games yet but will do so later on

Not as much as the PS4 on a graphically intense game during a hot day.

>The Duke is back
>next xbox takes the Hueg meme even further
>crack it open
>find it running this meme machine

I would actually be a little proud

Horizon, Uncharted, Yakuza games, Ratchet, Infamous, Last Guardian, Disgaea and Nioh which are still only playable on PS4.

Who literally cares

only retards believe that you fucking retard
you are a fucking retard

C'mon, surely you can use more than one insult in a post that short.

Nioh is coming to steam and aren't those others streamable on PC using PSNow?

>My PC is dead silent
No wonder beacuse PC has no games to play.

Nu-Ratchet is shit and Nioh is announced for PC. Nioh also runs like shit on base PS4, there's a lot of stuttering.


Wont damage the fan since fan is just wire coil and magnets but might act as a little dynamo generating electricity, hard to tell how much will it generate tho and whether it will be enough to fuck your shit up.

Nioh is only playable on PS4 now. I don't count unreleased games for PS4 so why you count them for PC?

I had that mother fucker on my old PC when I built it to run Crysis 1.

Dunno but PSNow's pretty shit-tier, so I wouldn't brag about it. You could brag about that one emulator that can run Demon's Souls though -- in a year or two it should be something pretty special




>aren't those others streamable on PC using PSNow?

>comes out next month
>itttsss stilll my gameeeeeeee
Fucking autistic children Jesus Christ

>go to the blacksmith in nioh, my ps4 goes completely wild with the fans.
>think it's just something unoptimized in the game
>borrow injustass 2 from my friend.
>fans go full blown overdrive in the main menu and opening crates makes it go even louder

What kind of retard designed this thing? I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of launch ps4s are going to die from overheating issues because of shitty airflow.

I really do hate that whine, at least my pc just sounds like a boxfan on low.

>can't play it
>buy PC for that please, don't play on PS4
Fucking autitic children Jesus Christ

Oh yes, that was the most annoying part.

You don't get it, it's 4THEPLAYERS! It's a PRO system for PRO gamers with high standards!

I have more than 30 games on my PS4 and nit one of them is even remotely brown and bloom faggot

just use the towel trick

I never implied such things you sir are a faggot and a retard good day! Oh and I'll be playing it with my 550 dollar PC with a 1070 that can play Nier Automa at 5K LOL and you know Texture filtering and GOOD shadows l o l

>an old console is shit compared to new consoles

The slim is quietest and most efficient

The ps4 is by far the worst piece of tech I have ever owned sans a windows phone. It sounds like a fucking jet engine and has like 3 games worth a fuck (bloodborne, persona 5 and horizon are the only must plays, the rest ranges from trash to mediocre) that you can't play on PC, the online is complete dogshit and is paid to boot, then the controller has garbage battery life, awful durability and has a retarded useless light that serves no purpose but to reflect on your TV or accidentally blinding you in the middle of the night in case you feel like adjusting your glasses while holding the controller.

I'm so fed up with console bullshit. Might transition fully to PC gaming. Everything is going to steam nowadays anyways. I preordered nioh's deluxe edition and haven't gotten around to playing it yet because I've been very busy since its release and the thing will already be out on Steam by the time I can actually play it. The ps4 feels like an early access machine. You pay out the ass to get cucked with the gimped unfinished version of a game and have to shell out extra money to enjoy that quality p2p connection.

The buyer's remorse is real.

no 550 dollar computer can run 5k
but yes you can get one more powerful than the xbox one x for about 420-600 which is very cheap
how can one man be so mad

>retarded useless light that serves no purpose
I thought it interacted with the PS4 camera for some vague and probably useless feature that no one really cares for?

you should really do research before you buy things

Hey fag google "gtx 1070" and learn something about computers fag i also bought mine for 300 lmao bitch the rest of my pc was 250 loool

Horizon is piece of shit.

That's exactly what it does. Who even own the fucking camera though?

>how can one man be so mad

Because I was memed into buying a cuck machine.

It was Bloodborne, man. No way in hell I could miss out on that. And as it is, it's undeniably the best game I have played since demon's/dark souls 1, but that's fucking it. No matter how good it is, you're still with a poorly designed console in your hands.

It's really not. The only bad parts are when you're facing humans. Their AI is utter dogshit, but the robots are fucking fantastic. The gameplay is good and varied and the story was actually really well done and original for a change. I came in expecting your usual ubisoft trash but what I found is an outstanding game. The ps4 is still a piece of shit though.

I think you guys will be fine. we've seen worse hardware before.

>It's really not.
Well, if you want to be fair, not it isn't. It's just very boring and generic open world game. Combat is somewhat fun at first but gets old fast and after that there's literally nothing left.

I got mine back in April 2014, I've given it zero maintenance aside from swabbing the vents around it for dust once every 3 months or so, the only thing you can hear when it's operating is the disc drive.

>gtx 1070
hmm i dont know every price i see is 370$ minimum and what about everything else you gotta include mouse keyboard network adapter and all other small little prices and no using things you already had so no reusing that case or sound card
now this is more realistic
a computer more powerful than the xbox one x and a dvd player only costs about 10-50

That's because the jet engine sounding fan has already made you deaf. Poor user, RIP.

>Oh and I'll be playing it

You will be playing game I already played long time ago. Holy shit. PC is amazing.

>must play

>550 dollar PC with a 1070 that can play Nier Automa at 5K LOL and you know Texture filtering and GOOD shadows l o l

Point me to that build.

Ok here is my build since youre such a retarded faggot
>MSI GTX 1070 - 300$$$
>I7 2600K 120$$$$$
>16gb kingston DDR3 1600mhz 50$$$$$
>2tb HDD 7200rpm - 30$$$$
>Seasonic G-550 30$$$
>mouse 3$ from amazon
>same for keyboard except garage sae
>monitor also at garage sale for 10$$$ (Dell Ultrasharp 1440p LOL)
>random OEM mobo
>CD drive
Also fag monitors arent included in builds just like tvs arent on consoles plus its not like you cant just plug that bitch into one.

t. mad PC cuck.
> Everything is going to steam nowadays anyways
So where is Persona 5 and Yakuza? It was supposed to be released on PC long time ago according to your PCbros. I even build PC for that. I feel like cuck now.

Its to late now bud with the mining buzz LOL
And i played persona 5 before you did on my shit station 3 then on my PC too lol

>>mouse 3$ from amazon
>>same for keyboard except garage sae

>then on my PC too

Youtube don't count though. Stop posting imaginary games on Piss Sea.

Liar fuck off

P5 is on PC user even the devs know and are triggered but they cant do shit lmaooooo
Wow those are some hard points you got on me user ouch also it was originally 25 but on sale for 3 and the keyboard is a nice old office mechanical keyboard kiss urself faggot. Stay jelly boi.

They seem like reasonable values, you just have to convert between $, $$$$$, $$$$, and $$$.

>P5 is on PC user

PS5 is not on PC and never will be. You got demo that runs at 17fps on and only some builds.
Also it can be played it 60fps and at 4K now too LOLLLLL
Your tears make me happy

you must have bought everything at a garage sale or they must have been bought on craigslist or you must live somewhere other than america because a good amount of this stuff costs more than what you listed
now this pc makes since and is cheaper and more power than the one x
persona 5 is not full speed yet and you cant even finish the game
but that will change in about 2-4 months