Fuck you I liked it thread





Almost a good game, but I still loved it. Coop would have been great

Resident Evil 6



Doom 3 > Prey > Q4

>AI teammates almost the entire game
>no co-op mode
More like missed opportunities thread.
fuck you I like it, too


the general consensus for this game was that its a great game, just not a great sequel.

i loved it

I don't get it. The game's fucking great.

>Not Quake Wars: Enemy Territory


It was above-average and looked good for its time. The main problems with it (removal of numpads, new UI and inventory, smaller areas) all came from console limitations really

For me it's this. Gets shat on because it's the only Bullfrog series no-one gives a shit about and those that do know it for some reason prefer the repetitive first one



Because I'm a massive pleb, Doom3 was my introduction to the series. I realise now that it wasn't a proper doom game, but I still love the shit out of it.

>captcha: RIDGE FRIDGE

> hurr this game is only memes and sjw propaganda
Sure, there are some obnoxious memes and sjw messages, but the game is so much more than that and has some good "loot porn" if you're into that

Even the writing isn't so bad, i liked how bl1 vault hunters play a part in the story and Jack is a top tier antagonist.
And on top of that, the Jesper Kyd soundtrack is top notch.

That's the expansion, though.

I would love the thing if there was a way to stitch the maps together. It's a good game crippled by constant loading screens every 2 rooms.


yup, the whole thing comes to a head when you return to liberty island from the first game and where once there was a large seamless map there's now about 2-3 different sections (not including UNATCO HQ) seperated by loading screen doors

Loved D3, tried RoE two times, abandoned it after 20 minutes



unironically like it


Maybe it's not as good as das1 but it's better than 90% of the other games out there

fuck sacred 1 was good

Great multiplayer, not so great campaign

I liked it unit B team fell for the DARK SOULS DIFFICULT meme and copy pasted one million knights everywhere in sotfs. Shit felt like a rom hack.

that's how everyone feels about it


Which still leaves you with thousands of better games out there.

There's a coop mod that works, played through Doom 3 with bros, shit was fun and friendly fire was always on, we spooked each other a few times accidentally.

fuck yes game of my life, too bad it's dated as fuck

That's what they did in the base game as well, make a small corridor and just spam enemies at you.

Only Quake 4 co-op mod I could find was abandoned.
Doom 3 co-op was great fun. Especially when I secretly enabled cheats and spawned zombies behind my friends.