Is Pokke Village the comfiest town in MH?
Is Pokke Village the comfiest town in MH?
I don’t remember the one in the ps2 original, and never owned a Nintendo console, but this one’s feels did stick with me. It’s making me feel nostalgic
Incoming best version of the song:
World's "tree" hub won't be as comfy due to the lack of snow.
That entire album is comfy as fuck.
maybe, I only played tri, mh3u, mh4u, and the intro of Portable 3rd
I thought Yukomo Village was really comfy, but it's basically just Japan
I love Moga Village but it's not really "comfy"
I also thought the Cathar was pretty neat, being way up in the mountains. But it's sort of eerie or otherworldy.
As for actual maps I love Misty Peaks
I'm right there with ya. Emotionally, I'm more attached to Moga. I think it did "story" in MH better than any other entry. Still, Pokke holds that special nostalgic place in my heart. Plus, nothing beats the beauty of light snow covering greenery.
I also liked the Lagiacrus/ Ludroth nest cave with its underwater entrance.
The Flood Forest is one of my favorite places in Monster Hunter
>gf breaks up with me
>saved 50 bucks to treat her to nice date (high school money)
>use money instead to buy game that everyone online said was a must-have for PSP
>first MH
>first quest
>no idea what I'm in for
>see pic related
>calm feeling washes over body
>know everything's gonna be alright
>>know everything's gonna be alright
Was everything alright in the end?
God what a shit home that would be, wood is probably rank from always being moist
Well, I'm still here.
There are so many little details in every area, but that's not really discussed a lot. Maybe I need to play more games, but the way location designs in MH are some of my favorite.
I liked places like the very first area in the MH3 Tundra, with the ice floating by. It's something you just skip by over and over, but if you take the time to look, it's really nice.
I got a new 3DS so I'm kind of tempted to play MH again
I have MH3U digitally from a giveaway, I've never played it. Is it worth playing that or should I get a more recent one? I don't intend to play online much if at all, but if the more recent one has lively online I might do so if I get it.
Even if you're just doing the offline campaign, 3U is worth it. As I said before, Moga does its story better than any other entry, imo.
You'll have to ask someone else about Generations' player base.
I just wanted to point out that MH3U does NOT have online multiplayer, believe it or not.
MH4U is the first game with online, and Generations came next.
With MH3U you CAN play multiplayer, but it has to be with other people in the same room as you. This is because everyone in Japan actually gets together to play. So they didn't need online.
From a gameplay perspective, the different zone transitions are jarring, but the devs did their best to show some interconnectivity between them and give each one their own unique personality (for the most part).
I just want to visit Loc Lac city one more time bros.
Tri on Wii had online multiplayer.
He obviously meant on 3ds. The original had online you dingus
I'll stick with 3U and I'm not too bothered by no online then, so it should be fine. Thanks.
Maybe if I enjoy it I'll get one of the next big releases.
Damn, I probably wiled away hundreds of hours trying to find decent Alatreon farming groups.
Heck, I went into Tri mostly blind. Fighting Jhen Moran for the first time was this huge shock to me. One of the last few true surprises I've experienced as a gamer.
I'm a total MH shiller. I'm gonna put down money for every pre-order bonus and DLC for Monster Hunter World just so Capcom knows there's a market on PC.
I'm sure there must be a private server somewhere that still hosts Tri. Maybe one of the MH Discord groups can point you in the right direction.
>tfw 4u bab
>tfw missed the glory days of tri, the comfy days of Dos/early Frontier
why did i have to discover my favorite series so late
>Loc Lac, Be Eternal
You'd probably also get real tired of the salt-water smell everywhere
The guild hall in low and high ranks on 4U was pretty comfy spot. Sadly I think the World town looks like utter shit and it looks like there's no guild hall to drink and arm wrestle in anymore.
MHFU still has a huge community behind it with private servers to play online. It's probably mostly populated by elitist pricks at this point, though.
Don't feel bad. Despite what those pricks say, MH is still in its prime. MHFU and Tri earn special comfy status because they hit me at just the right time in my life.
The first all-nighter I ever had playing games was fighting Ceadeus. It was glorious.
Forgot the song, "Proof of a Hero"
>play P3rd for the first time
>beat Zinogre
>skip credits because dude
>manage to lone hunta all the way to amastu
>take that fucker down after a harrowing fight
>enjoy the credits this time
>seeing the first two villages blows me the fuck away hearing their music and seeing them
>suddenly hear THAT song
>pokke village pops up
>remember the good times of hunting with friends before everything went to hell with my life
>break the fuck down
I miss them. I miss the times we'd rage and panic dealing with Teostra, or that first adrenaline rush from us downing Lao Shan Lung. I miss when we did the Monster Hunter quest.
I prefer Yukumo but anything's better than that Moga shithole. I'll be the first to admit Pokke does have absolutely god-tier comfy theme music.
Buying the game will show them that there's a market for the game. Supporting the ongoing cancer of the vidya industry that is preorder shit and dlc abuse only shows that there is still a market rewarding those things to the detriment of all vidya everywhere.
You're absolutely right. I normally wait for the GOTY Edition of games with all the DLC bundled at half the original cost. MH is the one game I make an exception for because I'm an absolute consumerist pig. Fuck it, don't we all have a series or franchise we let ourselves indulge in?
I share your pain, user. :'(
Pokke is fantastic but my heart still goes to Jumbo. I have a soft spot for villages I can help build up/improve.
that would be the least of your worries when anything small can fall through the gaps
its not even structurally sound