All memeing aside, who's still playing? I recently resubbed to play the expansions I missed and to check out the upcoming server merges.

Game is still fun, though the expac stories are pure garbage admittedly.

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has no future desu, no real content coming

gets old fast

I played for free until they docked my XP.
I could deal with getting less rewards, missing out on all sorts of shit, etc. but suddenly getting even less experience than I was before?
Nah, fucking jewrat bastards.

>pay no money
>call others jews

I'm just a poorfag, user.

The new Op is about to be complete at least, and new FPs are coming. Expansion has been delayed to next march though.

How's the Starfighter gameplay?

>tfw lots of potential

>free roam
>resource gathering
>ships / items crafting
>permanent ship loss PvP
>free rookie ships
>PvE scenarios happening with loot and vehicles
>going out in free gear with a group and getting rich
>re-investing for controlling territory and economy

I find it fun personally, but older players have a huge advantage because of the ship upgrading system which ruins the fun sometimes

I should get back in, haven't really played since the first few chapters of KotFE.

same i havent even finished Kotfe

>tfw no new CGI trailer
only reason why i pay money to fucking DisnEAy

is the expansion more story focused shit or back to the traditional style?

didn't they merge servers recently?

>no more erp


arent there like two versions now? i never got the expansions its like they are set in another timeframe. can you play with your original character or do you need to create a new one?

t. guy who was stupid enough to buy it and stopped playing two months after release

They really need to do a overhaul of the game, it's so fucking ugly, and I kind of enjoyed it while I played 2 years ago.

they definitely need new animations, models and UI, everything about the game just feels awkward, which is a shame as it could be a good game, maybes if a new developer came along and fixed it idk.

You're insane if you think that's gonna happen. TOR is obviously on life support and has been for a while after last two dragged out episodic expansions. You can't even buy them but have to sub once to get and keep them.

KOTFE and KOTET expansions are so minimum efforts its just fucking sad

>double bladed lightsaber is used and held like a single bladed saber in cutscenes
>that part where electricity is needs to be used and the sith characters literally use a tool also instead of force lightning
>all the story and powerlevel inconsistencies

but still not as mad as when Scourge have no dialogue for Revan in SoR because "we dont make exclusive content for one class only"

It's a hallway Simulator with a story that only makes sense for force classes. It's shit and a slog to get through honestly.

In november.

>>no more erp
you can still ERP but from now on people will laugh at you

Is ebin hook getting a merge? I know a lot of the EU servers are in needing for a merge, since the most populated server that region gets only about 600 during prime time.

Anyone interested in helping create a guild on Red Eclipse? Mainly for daily Flashpoints, dailies and our own Star Destroyer.

Just message Tavaana ingame or reply here.

What's the metagame like? Dailies, PvP rewards..?

On lvl 70 you earn command xp for crates that earn you gear upgrades, crafting mats and cosmetics (whichcan also be solved).
Best things to do are various dailies, daily Flashpoints/Weekly Ops, and Heroics (2 player content), also world bosses are still a good source for credits/cxp.

Since I only recently resubbed I haven't done the new raids yet though, but running FPs and dailies and spending my credits on my houses/saving up for a future guild house or ship.

I finished all of the class stories and the sith warrior story line until Umbara. I really hated in the expansion that everyone was trying to buddy up with my walking corpse sith lord and that the story was pretty weak. The game peaked at Makeb.
Post your toons

We don't take kindly to folks who use that word around here.

I wish we could keep a /vg/ general alive for more than 2 hours.

How's the crafting and AH?

Some professions aren't much needed atm, especially armor techs. But with some investment you can have a decent income with pretty much all crafting jobs, especially crafting housing stuff or raid stim packs.

AH is kinda dead for some stuff and price wars are nothing uncommon, but the upcoming server merge are gonna help that for sure. Right now I'm making bank by looking out for underpriced stuff and relisting it, but it takes some patience.

I like getting less XP, I always end up outleveling the planet by 3 or four levels.

I try to get back into it every now and then, but I just get bored after a week. MMOs are shit.

remember when EA put up a rare cosmetic lightsaber for 75 usd on the in game store? that was cool seeing a new low

What's the potential for the game?

>free-roam having a full set of crafting and world-farming gear for full-loot PvP

I literally just started playing a couple weeks ago and I'm having a blast. Longevity isn't really something you have to worry about as I believe the game is making a killing off of cosmetic micro-transactions still.

Not him but I got a Special Edition Pre-order and they still dock my XP and treat me as if I am free to play.
I just get some garbage items mailed to me whenever I make a new character.

Meant this to be for Also I can't equip half my stuff on some of my characters because purple gear is for subscribers only.

