There's no chance for us

There's no chance for us.
It's all decided for us.
This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us.

Other urls found in this thread:

i was having a good night

i was about to start a good day

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end

TBC was the beginning of the end. It was the expansion that steered the gameplay towards instanced content, metagame, esports, shrinked the world, introduced stat inflation, etc.

Every single thing that ruined WoW can be traced back to BC. Short, linear dungeons clustered around a main "hub" (auch, HFC, tempest) and divided into four sections, instead of huge sprawling dungeons, even further instancing and sterilization of PvP (from world pvp to battlegrounds to 2v2 metagame wankery), welfare gear (badge vendors), le fake dedicated world pvp zone (sunwell plateau), neutral cities, hard division of endgame content from the rest of the world (outland was literally a separate zone without integration to the main game, barred by a 58+ level requirement), etc etc.

It actually started late vanilla (dire maul and battlegrounds as an example), but the changes weren't so pervasive as to sabotage core gameplay and the "free roam PnP adventure" design elements of early vanilla still had enough influence to hold the game together.

BC took the first drastic steps to completely restructure the game around a different gameplay philosophy and shift the focus from a "world" to a collection of instanced minigames with a main lobby hub as a point of entry. And that's why ALL BC zones were locked behind loading transitions, they needed to isolate the vanilla world ecosystem, neuter it and build a completely different game on top of it.

i'm glad retards like you have nowhere to call home

welfare gear was wrath lad, TBC badge gear was hard to get, and never current tier level good

legacy servers at blizzcon boys


>le arenas ruined pvp meme
challenger scrubs are not allowed to speak

if you were a non-resto druid healer you could literally wave glad goodbye on any good battlegroup

never ever

i just want a good burning crusade server, fuck vanilla

lots of priest rogues play at 2k+, some people even manage to play war pally to glad

r8 dont h8

warr pally only worked in S1 before other healers got resilience, priest rogue could go to high level true, but druid + warr, or druid + SL lock, or druid + glaive rogue beat them out 9/10

Druids just had too much mobility and control

t. resto shaman

they're never coming back are they

>tfw enjoying vanilla server
>tfw no wow 2 focused on making the world as big and alive as possible

nice tat bud, too bad the game you know and love is shit now

/r/ing that image of the level 14 undead looting a defias mask in moonbrook

>Hey grandpa, what's that tattoo?
>Oh you know from a v-video game
>You're a faggot grandpa. No wonder the country we live in has become such a miserable third world shithole. Thanks for nothing. You're not even our real grandpa anyways, you're my mommy's stepdad for fuck's sake! you just happen to be such a pussy that you raised someone else's kid. Seriously, grandpa? Video game tattoos? No wonder you didn't get any pussy.