> Hates mutants
> Is a mutant
> Hates mutants
> Is a mutant
>hate myself
>am myself
He was willing to become a monster to stop the monsters. True american hero.
shhh don't tell him
It's analogous to how bigotry in the real world often stems from self hatred. For instance you may see many homophobes that are themselves homosexual, and many transphobes that are themselves attracted to transfolk, or perhaps even closet trans themselves.
He didn't want to believe that he is. That's why he is a nice villain with a sad story.
>hates skillful players
>is one himself
Frank Horrigan doesn't have self hatred. He's just an idiot blinded by duty and doesn't realize he is what he hates and that everyone hates him too and only tolerates him being around because he's strong and loyal and they're afraid of what he'd do if they pissed him off.
He was a human once, until FEV exposure turned him into the monstrocity he is now. He retains his prior beliefs, and uses his new form to carry out the Enclaves wishes.
True kino.
>Becomes a monster to stop monsters
>Him and the Enclave get their shit kicked in by a fucking tribal
Never gets old.
>the good guy wins
Good guys even beat gods.
Ever heard about hypocrisy?
user, it was a fucking accident. It's like you are intentionally ignore game lore and informations you discover throughout FO2 just to make retarded Glorious Eagle Land post.
>become mutant
>kill yourself and provide nothing to the anti-mutant cause
>become mutant
>use disgusting mutant body to kill more mutants
Just look at modern leftists and it will all make sense
>to carry out the Enclaves wishes.
master cuck
>Le'ts bring politics to this thread!
No, he's just brainwashed, faggot.
You mean he was a freshly minted cadet send on a mission, got exposed to FEV by an accident, then Enclave spend years on experimenting on him and pulling in-depth indoctrination to turn him into an useful puppet, right?
Because that's literally how his story went.
The power of brainwashing and propaganda, user.
He doesn't even consider himself a mutant.
I wish there was a side quest in which you can uncover his past and then tell him he's a mutant.
I always assumed they dropped the idea because not enough players actually fought Master.
>in which you can uncover his past
So you mean going to Military Base and reading local holotapes, along with then talking with the president?
But talking with Horrigan about him being a mutant was never an option, not even in early drafts. The game doesn't follow the FO1 structure with final, so you literally have to fight that cunt.
A mixture of brainwashing and layers upon layers of delusion
I'm sure the creative theme knew how much of a hypocrite Frank was. It's deliberate.
> Disgusting looking monstrosity from hell, obviously pure evil
> Actually not really evil at all
> Can be reasoned with and convinced to surrender
When did Fallout stop having good antagonists?
video games in general stopped having good antagonists
Maybe because bunch of cunts is making the games ever since FO2 was partially made and team switched?
It still follows the multiple solution structure. Unfortunately the tools you're given to make Horrigan fight easier aren't enough for a "pacifist" playthrough.
>hates chems
>pops Mentats to sound smarter
>is black
>loves slavery
>Y-y-y-you're just gay like me!
Sure, faggot, sure I am. Now get into the oven.
>Unfortunately the tools you're given to make Horrigan fight easier aren't enough for a "pacifist" playthrough.
Um... are you retarded or just never played the game?
Are you?
You mean you never convinced Sgt. Granite and his squad to join you and never activated the turrets to wreck shit out of Horrigan?
It's a literally one-turn combat if you got them both, unless everyone has really bad rolls.
It's not me who claims you can't go through and then leave Enclave without firing a single shot.
why there's mountains on the back?
Sounds gay
because he can climb them
> Hates asians
> Is asian
Why did this guy have 10 INT again?
Because boss characters need MAX STATS
He always disposed his squad quickly.
As for the turrets they do literally nothing to him unless they crit so it is entirely rng.
I guess it's not impossible but it's not reliable either.
Guess it does check in - you really never reach the end of the game.
Just feed him the mutated toe.
You forgot.
>marries white elderly plantation owner
>gets inseminated with PC's semen like all Vault City women after the PC donates
Just before New Vegas, and then right after it.
is she planning on having loser children then lol
>unspeakably merciless monster
>takes the time to have a friendly chat with the postman
>ooga booga where da ncr womyn at
>ok you've convinced me Courier, I'll tell my war hungry spear chuckers to head home even though a single man has pushed through our defenses
Don't forget, the postman is the same guy who may or may not have slaughtered countless of Legion troops but was important enough to be given pardon so that he may have an audience with Caesar himself.
>Legion invites me to personally speak to Caesar because he heard I has the you know what.
>Okay, I guess.
>Go over.
>He explains his agenda, threatens me and tells me I will stage some bullshit with his men.
>Alright, I guess.
>Agree, get my equipment back and go into the shed.
>Blow everyone's head off, go out, murder his entire camp, go into his tent and throw three grenades into the main room.
>Caesar's head ragdoll flies at me across the room and bounces off the door
So this...............was the power.............of the Legion.............
hey if we can't take the time of our day to have a chat with the postman then what's the point of anything
this is one thing that baffles me,i understand that Caesar didn't want to completely rely on advanced.Like i understand him bieng able to take over the Mojave branch of NCR,but how the hell is he gonna take over Mainland California with that stupid mindset?
It bothers me how nothing in Fallout 3 is excessively guarded or leveled to really bring home the difficulty of killing the most important people around.
My mistake. I should have written that it was analogous to the hypocritical nature of bigotry in the real world, instead.
this thread makes me want to do a legion double cross run but the thought of the inevitable metagaming that will ensue deters me from doing it
The more extreme a reaction the more a person's trying to hide. You're anonymous here bucko. You can tell us.
But the enclave are as braindead right wing as it gets.
he's supposed to represent the average American
>big, strong, full of heavy armament but dull as a rock
>his name is Diego Dolores Johnson and he hates Mexicans, yet can't explain exactly why
If I hate spiders, does that mean deep down I actually like them and I want to be one? woah.. so this is the power of faggot logic....
No I just find your behavior genuinely repulsive.
its ok, looking at trap porn doesnt make you gay, user
Misanthropy is a thing you know.
Who gave you permission to reply to my post
Wow you chucklefuck, at least name the image right.
I'll just tell your internet buddies that they're closeted nazis then
>I know you are but what am I
Not pozzed.
>hate cucks
>are cucks
Just like Sup Forums
Fuck off
>hates niggers
>a nigger
Yeah, because people who hate spiders and snakes secretly want to fuck them, right?
Makes total sense you fudge packing sodomite retard.
>your opinion its shit because you are a white male
>not like my white male opinion
user, your friends all know you're a gaybob. Free yourself from these shackles of torment.
no bro
some people just dont want to be around those who cant get over the sexual aspect of existence and who end up resorting to perversion as a means to cope with their inabilities
or maybe we're all just jealous the homos are getting more ("sex") than everyone else hnn?
He is NOT a mutant! He was ENHANCED by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to carry out missions for the PRESIDENT! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
You can be what you hate.
>True American hero
>Always prefixing "America" to everything.
I hate this shit in my vidya, movies and real life.
He literally works for the US government though
I know, I have no problem with that. It's just the meme of using the word "America" with everything.
Have some movie titles:
>American sniper
>American assassin
>American made
>American psycho
>An American tale
>An American werewolf in London
Adding the word "America" to everything doesn't make it better.
Don't say real shit on anime image board
>Adding the word "America" to everything doesn't make it better.
Yes it does britbong, maybe you need to chill out with a big gulp and a true American burger with the fixings.
But they're describing what the thing is.
If the movie was just "Sniper" then it could be a sniper from any country, if it was called "Assassin" then it could be an assassin from any coutry, etc, etc.
Besides, "A Tale" would be a stupid as fuck name for a movie.
Including Freedom Fries?
>Don't like spiders
>"wtf user you wanna fuck spiders"
Nigger its not even a burger without freedom fries.
>Yes it does britbong
>The only people who can dislike this shit must be Anglos instead
It doesn't make it better, it makes it worst most of the time.
Just a meme word to sell products desu.
Could you give me some examples of country names used in big budget movies which aren't America?
>Could you give me some examples of country names used in big budget movies which aren't America?
Well you are saying that it a word to describe what it is. And I'm saying no, it's just a meme word to sell products, no one else does this.
I was merely asking you this question to prove this meme.
Anyway sorry for derailing thread.
Same desu
I would kill myself if it wasn't so difficult to go through with but I'm even a failure at that
>no one else does this.
I honestly wouldn't even know, outside of those 2deep4u French movies, who even watches cinema from outside America?