okay i give up, i have woken up and turned my stream on every day for the last 10 months to stream video games (the latest releases, and some old releases) and i only have on average 6 viewers in my stream at any point in time. im just done, good luck to any one who has figured this out but im done.
Okay i give up...
Other urls found in this thread:
u gotta pay for view bots
Like everything, it's about marketing yourself. Do you talk about your stream when you're not streaming? Do you have a schedule that can be followed? Do you get in touch with other streamers to get the word out?
A long time viewer of mine bought me a Switch and a few games as a gift.
Theres thousands and thousands of people trying to make Twitch their full time job, theres nothing interesting about you at all, go away
this is the best thread to bring that up, fuckhead.
buy viewbot and give yourself like 300 views helps a lot
I only started streaming last year and that was like, a few times a month. It was this summer when I streamed everyday. Playing through old games. Got around £400 in donations, 350 + followers and now an affiliate too.
Streaming worked out for me and this is just something to do when playing a game I like, lets me just talk.
Have fun!
Sorry I didn't realise 'protect OP's feels' was a rule here
Stop playing shit that isn't normie/millennial friendly. Protip: The popular channels aren't streaming Baldur's Gate and SNES platformers. They're playing PUBG and Five Nights at Freddy's. Get with the times, gramps.
>stop having fun and pander
I don't get it. Stream because it's fun, have fun as a priority. If people watch, great. If they don't, continue having fun rather than whining and playing shit you don't want to play.
No one likes seeing some faggot self-flagellating by doing something they don't want to do.
>No one likes seeing some faggot self-flagellating by doing something they don't want to do.
Yeah but nobody watches his shit either
False. I stream whatever I want and people watch. New or old.
That wasn't my point desu
I was saying he should stream for fun, not views. That will have the knock on effect of making his streams more enjoyable to watch. Stop streaming if you're not enjoying it, keep streaming if you are. I don't see how view count effects that
It helps if you stream with people to have a conversation. Make things more interesting, just showing gameplay doesn't work unless you are good. Also forgeting that you are actually streaming helps.
>pander to the brainless masses who are sexually attracted to popularity by playing the popular shit
>that's already played by popular channels, which they'll prefer because they're more popular
>muh safe space
Six isn't so bad for a nobody tbf
I just like talking to people while I play stuff. If you're doing it to be a popularfag or with the idea in mind that you'll make this your living, you're doing it wrong
That's what you get for trying to become some kind of internet celeb instead of doing something you enjoy and allowing fans to naturally approach you.
I got a steady 400 viewers every tuesday and friday for the past 4 months
i dont do commentary
i dont do facecam
i dont have a wacky funni personality xd
i just play and people watch
desu unless you're a cute girl you ain't got much of a chance. IF you were watching a new streamer would you rather watch a qt or some Sup Forums NEET? Girl gamers have become aware if they just put a camera in front of them while they game they can make big bucks for nothing. the ladies nowadays on twitch seem to be actually interested in vidya too, unlike the first wave of girl gamers, which were just cum sluts who didn't want to find a job so they pretended to be into gaming
And meanwhile the autist CobaltStreak plays his 50000 hour of Bindings of Isaac and people still watch that cringy guy. Why?
What's it like having tits?
I know a guy who is a god of WC3, skilled as fuck, rekting koreans and chinese on chinese ladder, playing with 200+ ping. And he still didn't succeed with his streaming channel because of absolutely autistic and personality and mental issues. It all depends on entertainment.
Well, I'm a guy so its all good. Though, I don't have tits.
Its a plethora of stuff.
Streaming at the right time, streaming the right game, being good enough at playing the game and reading chat.
Most streamers die off because it's pointless trying to stream when no ones watching you. Talking to yourself is autistic as heck and no one wants to do it.
You need to break out somehow. That's why a lot of successful streamers have other followings, like youtube, instragram, facebook, or whatever, before transitioning to live content because you can bring some people over and immediately have a following.
That or viewbot. It worked for that faggot Ricegum.
why would you lie on the internet?
jimmy browses Sup Forums? interesting
>absolutely autistic and personality and mental issues
thats not a problem if your entertaining
how do you promote yourself? stremaers hate it when you link your stream in their channel..
do it anyway, just putting yourself out there works
Networking, know the right streamers and twitch staff etc or just make up some drama.
Who's Jimmy?
beg multiple streamers to host you via pm
If you don't mic or facecam you're not going to get any viewers.
People watch streams for streamer interaction, not to just watch the game being played in silence.
Don't do this, it has the opposite effect Mod for a larger partnered streamer
If you want to grow stay away from the atleast top 5 games LOL, Dota, pubg overwatch nobody wants to watch you when they can watch the 100's & 1000's of other streamers in these sections that already have communities, but don't play some of the most obscure shit possible
You also need to have the right mindset if your streaming purely to get money you wont grow if you're not a woman
I started last year playing just my SNES and have 1.5k regular viewers with an all-time high of 4k doing Super Metroid speed runs.
I would suggest not playing flavour of the month shit. The Dodgers / Pewdiepies of the world will be doing these already.
there are many factors to being a streamer
what game?
what's your appeal? hardcore tryhard? goofy casual?
what is your target audience? how did you advertise your channel?
Nobody cares about the gameplay you just gotta be funny
Be like this guy youtube.com
>Nobody cares about the gameplay
the absolute state of videogames
why is that bad
if you gave a shit about the video games you'd be playing them instead of watching them
It's not true anyway, look at Shroud. People aren't watching him for his incredible charisma.
>6 viewers
That's 5 more than what I usually get. To be fair, I did lose what little viewership I had due to not being able to stream for a month thanks to a hurricane.
What's your selling point? If you can't identify one immediately then you probably don't have one, hence the low viewership. Viewer retention is tough even if your stream is "unique" in some way.
You can try doing this:
>Find a niche game you enjoy playing
>The game absolutely has to be: multiplayer focused, have an active community, not be extremely popular. Additionally: Look for games that aren't popular on Twitch already and games that are relatively new releases
>Become really good at said game
>Involve yourself in the community
>Stream yourself playing it, advertise on the forums/community hub of the game, etc.
Obviously: consistency, decent voice, charisma, etc. go a long way.
Stupid fucking faggot, get a job.
imagine being this sourgrapes nobody would ever watch you because you have zero personality
if you actively try to make youtube or twitch your full time job you are a fucking idiot
You gotta be entertaining or really good at games.
Considering you post on Sup Forums, you are likely neither
>Think of starting streaming
>remember I'm a shut in autistic loner who has no interest in talking with strangers
lol what a fag
no wonder why nobody likes you, faggot
This is a sensible explanation
That "speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has come up with" guy now has thousands of viewers and even more on his youtube. All off of speedrunning Goldeneye
get a fucking job you homo
Just get good. Seriously Fortnight is the game to get good right now. Become a literal god in that game, low key shilling the clip of +10 kills on reddit and you'll gain a decent followers. Keep doing this until you gain a loyal fanbase, then you can stream anything you want (your viewers even want that, no one likes to watch a game forever).
>your viewers even want that, no one likes to watch a game forever
Unless you managed to gather a following of terminal autists by playing an autistic game like Minecraft or Binding of Isaac.
>people watch twitch for games and not for personality
>making surrogate friends instead of real ones
I have been streaming about a year only average about 50 viewers. Have like 3 subscribers. Make an average of $100 a month.
I really don’t care if I ever get another donation. I’m just a lonely 35 year old who likes to have someone to talk to.
You do like those fish that swim underneath sharks for scrap.
twitch is not about videogames
its about being a charismatic clown
you probably have the charisma of a trout user, this is not the job for you
I would be the worst at being a twitch streamer because when I play videogames, I like to concentrate on the game and not spend the entirety talking and looking at some fuckin chat.
That means you're a normal human being
OP has the personality of wallpaper clearly
this is exactly why your stream is so unpopular
you get to act like a superstar when you're a superstar, not an underdog who wants to play games for a living and dreams about twitch donations and gifts from viewers
If you don't stream flavour of the month shit or aren't a skilled speedrunner or 1CCer then don't expect to get big. Only stream if you think it will be fun.
if anyone is thinking about streaming, and you're not a dummy with computers, consider this
get a second box with a capture card and a KVM and then you setup that 2nd box with OBS(and plug the mic into it ofc).
That way the game has the full resources of your main and you can crank out 1080p 60fps easily even on a cheap quad core, without relying on the shitty quality of nvenc.
It's even harder to get viewers from normie games because of 200 channels that will stream above yours. You either have to be extremely good at something or extremely entertaining to get those views. Most of the "entertaining" ones variety streamers only alive today because they were among the first channels that started streaming something. Good luck becoming an entertaining variety streamer half way thorough the life cycle of the game, you will be lucky to have even those 6 viewers. There are fucking grand master level SC2 players that have less than 5 viewers on average. If you're anything below diamond in LoL you may as well not exist.
You need to stream potentially popular new games first, I think it might of been elloheime but he streamed a new game that came out and his channel skyrocketed, also befreind other streamers who may help you out, don't play games that nobody wants to watch, get your channel popular first or relatively popular and then play your games which you'd like to stream, your community will mostly stay regardless.
Befriending streamers, ask for a shout out but don't be so obvious about it, hopefully they might host your channel.
sounds like a sorry existence, you lose your dignity and integrity over a twitch stream, basically forcing yourself to play the current trash and keep up a charade that you are genuinely enjoying it and thanking every one who follows/subs/donates to you. Fuckin pathetic. Thank FUCK i got a real job.
Sorry you're so assblasted that your max 1 viewer channel died, and you don't have to force yourself to play current trash, find new games that you genuinely enjoy.
>max 1 viewer channel died
It's funny that you think I stream.
What's so gfunny bout it?
Well from the way you explained, it sounded like you streamed and quit.
Tell me what does twitch streaming give a person in qualities that'll help him get a real job in life? Are you actually expecting to stream way late into your 60's or 70's or some shit? Get a real job, ya bum and move out of your parents' house, leech.
just because I am familiar with the concept of streaming and streams doesn't mean i have streamed myself.
just say some shit like you independently created entertainment media which got hundreds/thousands of views
80% of a CV is learning how to spice up your mediocre shit with not-quite-lies
I don't stream, and I have a job thanks
You need a personality.
Sure ;)
you must really fucking blow at marketing. I've been streaming ~a month and i'm up to 30 viewers on average. Protip: do giveaways. Retards on reddit tell you not to because they're poorfags and know that it's the best way to get viewers.
>b-buh none of them stay!
bullshit people will stick to your channel like fucking gorilla glue if you give them shit fairly consistently. I host 2 small humble bundle trash game giveaways through every week, and a large AAA game (usually $30~) once a month. I shot up to 270 viewers when I gave away a copy of destiny 2 on ps4, and I got 8 subs from it just so they'd have a better shot at winning. It literally almost paid for itself from that one night alone, with all the cheers and subs.
You need a personality too. The fucking post was bland as hell.
I'm not the one that wants to be a streamer.
I have a YouTube channel with 100k subs and it helped me land a job at a marketing firm. I don’t even have a degree
is this channel for money
or for yourself?
do you like what you are doing? feedback with voice and\or cam?
people dant want watching TV, the want to interract. its like youtube chanal but live.
money can make your view count but only. Money cant hold views and make followers.
imprive your stream or just do something else. 1-2 years of streaming with dedication. even fucking PewderpPie had shit view count for a long time.
p.s. and you gave up like a bitch crying on 4chins. wow what a true Man you are.
Why would anyone in their right mind want to become a twitch streamer? I don't understand.
Small streamers do fake giveaways too, though eventually people catch on it's a good way too bait those initial views
Nigger you're only allowed to say this shit if you got actual good job, which allows you to progress socially and financially, which is statistically unlikely. Having a job is nothing to be proud of. Your 5 years of being a low tier white collar don't mean shit either. Of course I might be wrong and you may have graduated Hayward law but decided to stream, but I don't know any streamer that has prioritized being on twitch to his education that is actually worth something. You know why? Because streamers and youtubers are painfully average people that get painfully average jobs.
How much profit are you making from this?
If you’re big you can easily make over 100k a month
learn to type first
i got the idea. and yes i'm from fucking snownigger count give me a break.
this thread is full of people who wants only Ad hominem
fake giveaways? How do you mean?
I've put in around $400 so far, including webcam, greenscreen, and studio lights. I hit my first $100 (the benchmark to pull out cash as an affiliate) in september 28th (when I did the destiny 2 giveaway). I'm up to $173 USD sitting waiting to be withdrawn come december. Probably gonna give away a PC copy of destiny 2 since that's coming out this month, then battlefront 2 in november, so that'll bring investment up to $550 give or take. If I continue growing at the rate I am I very well might have 50 viewers by that point. Considering I've been averaging 100 followers and a sub + $5 in cheers a day, again, if all continues as is, I should be making about $200 a month when payment schedules are all oriented.
he is right tho. stream for yourself and enjoy doing it dont hope for viewers to swarm your shitty channel bc half the shit about twitch nowadays is chat hivemind interactions with others. either do that or get yourself sum titties
Good shit man. And don’t forget you grow faster as your followers/viewers go up
Literally this.
Nearly all of the popular streamers got to where they are by playing popular / flavor of the month games. If you want to become popular, play those games and only those games.
Once you've got a decent following (over 1k viewers every stream) you can start to think about playing some less known games, because at that point your regulars are showing up for you, not the games.
Of course, but I'm erring on the side of caution in regards to that. Rather not try to bank on people that may not be there if I miscalculate my rate of growth, so I'll go with the simple, safe choice. If I see another burst of growth when I do the next big giveaway, goodie. If not, I'm content in knowing that sitting on row 3 of the front page of destiny 2 streams is getting me enough new blood that my chat is never dead, and that's literally THE most important part to me, cause I can't fucking sit there and talk to myself, that's autistic as fuck. Having at least one person in chat is a godsend.
I thought Sup Forums hated streaming and streamers? What gives?
How to actually get viewers
1) Don't do twitch first, do youtube videos and PUT TIME INTO THEM.
Like actually spend 20 hours video editing, making everything look good and then upload them consistently.
2) Post on reddit, find a few subs that allow you to link your videos without them being taken down for shilling it and post on the letsplay reddit too, I got like 1000 viewers on a post that got ZERO upvotes because just that many people browse reddit somehow.
3) Post to game forums/things like that and get involved in the community, even if only a little bit. I have no idea what you play but if you play a shit game, play a better one with something you can make your niche in. Start by finding something nobody else does and do something you enjoy and it will be easy to be "that guy who makes X videos" and people watch you if that's what they want to see.
4) Use discord, find a bunch of discords related to the game(s) you play and make sure you have your twitch/youtube linked in them, then post your twitch/yt channel if they allow it.
THEN you open a twitch channel and post on your youtube/forums/whatever about how you're starting streaming, and you'll get way more followers before you even do anything. Make sure VODs are on because if they're disabled people looking at your stream for the first time when you're offline will just close out and forget you ever existed.
You don't have to be smart, good or funny or any of that shit. You just need to play the game and shill yourself as much as fucking possible nonstop, it's a full time job shilling yourself and keeping up appearances and making contacts.