How come a game this bad has a soundtrack so good?

How come a game this bad has a soundtrack so good?

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The composer is a separate entity from the dev team, duh.

Why was G3 bad? I enjoyed it more than G1-2 desu.
It felt less clunky and the starting part wasn´t a road leading to low lvl areas until you are free.

I don't know if I would say bad, but I had problems playing it. It was really slow on a machine where I could play much more modern shit just fine.

True though.
Could play everything but this fucking game was like 25-30 fps constanly.
Also dem loading times omg

game is top tier

>Why was G3 bad?

Because it's an unfinished Oblivion clone plagued with gamebreaking bugs at release, shitty combat system, vastly overpowered magic and a story so thin it's just laughable.

this two songs are my favorites! im sad kai rosenkranz does not work on the elex soundtrack

I liked this soundtrack and Risen's. Really comfortable shit.

>Vista Point
>generic Shire music

Gothic 2's OST is much better than 3

>unfinished Oblivion clone

Good but doesn't really stand out

Just because its a unfinished mess, doesn't mean that it doesn't have a few good things in it.
Like the music.
Some of the character animations
Some parts of the skill system.
Or the endings.

Beyond that its a unfinished mess, but so is a lot of other games,

I played it when it wasn't patched through community yet, ok? It ran like ass, humans were laughably easy to kill, animals with fast attack were a death sentence, shamans and other spellcasters were a certified death sentence in range and in close combat they could spin like Tasmanian Devil and kill you with multiple staff hits.. I even managed to make a poisoned lightning scroll.

Even today it's not very good. You are asked to almost singlehandedly murder entire cities and villages. You do this by either killing a few, running and coming back or jumping on a roof and shooting everyone with a bow/crossbow.

NONE of the listed issues in ANY WAY indicate it was oblivion clone.

Every single TES game out ther is a fucking pre-generated boring, bland copy of previous with boring character, combat and game world.

Not a single Gothic game was as bad. technical issues have nothing to do with it.

It's a great game.

What did they mean by this?

It competed with Oblivion as the other big openworld RPG and unlike G2, a LOT of Gothic 3 is pregenerated. The caves have like 3 shapes. Chest loot is not hand-picked. The combat is pretty bland too, some skills are literally only needed for some weapons to wield and don't change combat animations at all. Before the patches, you could kill almost anyone with left-mouse spam. Quests are almost universally either kill or fetch quests with no real story behind them.

It's a big game

Industry has forgotten a lot of the lessons from Morrowind and Gothic.
The Gothic UI was actually very console friendly, because its easy to navigate and use. So was Morrowinds UI, ironically enough. It was amazing on the Xbox.

>a LOT of Gothic 3 is pregenerated
Oh, and I was about to take you seriously but you are clearly clearly past-200 underage shit who has no idea what he is talking about.
>t. skyrim baby

>we want the Fallout 4 audience


G1 armors > G2 armors tbqh

It a

Gothic 2 inventory needed tabs/categories.

All those modern console optimized inventory screens are list based. Why?

Why not make them grid based. Its much faster to navigate and there is no problem using it with a controller.

>Playing 3D games on controller

>I can't argue so I'll just call him underaged

Until after Risen 3, Kai Rosenkranz was part of the dev team. He even did all of the audio design for all infame sounds on his own in Gothic 1 and 2.

Kai left after R1 I think, he is with PB red now.

Well, thats a given.
Gothic 1 starts off with you practically naked, and slowly rank up in beef, and armors are really really good.
In Gothic 2, they are are not that great, so they are less cool. Also cool stuff, like the bug plate armor is pretty shitty, and the scaling between Chapters was pretty bad.

cry all you want gothic-kun. Months and months of your stupid fucking threads and finally someone references Gothic 3 is an Oblivion clone (like it is) and you go ballistic. I'm going to be calling the entire franchise an Oblivion clone in each and every thread just to fuck with you.
And it will catch on, because it's true.

>not a single fact or argument
>bullshit claim anyone from that era knows is bullshit
>getting upset he isn't taken seriously
>instant strawman

lol all this shit taste

Gothic 1 was better than Gothic 2.


Bad? It's the best Gothic game.

>cry all you want gothic-kun.
I literally shrugged off your shitposting because you have nothing to back up your claims. You literally cherrypicked made up bullshit to use as a personal attack rather than make a point.

If you have proofs - sure, feel free to drop them, I'd gladly read the non-0existent information about generated G3 landscape, kek.

As someone who still has ancient web-articles saved from 2003 and followed G3 development with a passion of a slav - I know what are you saying is bullcap but I'm ready to be entertained and see how are you gonna wiggle your way out of the trap you made for yourself, kekes

Armor penetrating crits is a bad mechanic, who would have thought?
So is making the entire game a shitty skill point sink, that makes the first few chapters completely awful.

Only the setting was better.

Stay mad nigger, Oblivion is an empty soulless game, at least G3 has enjoable exploration.

I figuratively shrugged off your shitposting lol

I'm not even the same user you were arguing with. reveal your insecurities harder why don't you.

As expected - no proofs.
>t. skyrim-babby

Risen > Gothic 3 > Risen 3 > Risen 2 > Gothic 1 > Gothic 2

Yes I believe this.

>I'm not even the same user
Nobody forced you to join the discussion. It is not an excuse - joined the argument be ready to answer for your words as anyone else in that argument.
Oh, you cant or dont want? Get rekt.

>he is incapable of wining internet-argument when even soccer-moms can do it
point and laugh

nice bait

The combat was more clunky than G1 and G2 though. Yeah there was a learning curve for controlling combat but at least once you got the hang of it you were in complete control. In G3 it's all a huge clusterfuck of stupid physics and stupider animations.

Get fucked pussy, you're gonna meet people who have different opinions than you when your parents die and the bank kicks you out of the basement, better learn to deal with it now.

What the fuck?

Gothic 1 > Gothic 2 > Risen > Risen 3 > Gothic 3 > Risen 2

The setting counts for a lot. Gothic 2's setting is plain tired compared to Gothic 1's magic barrier swamped prison camp.

I am a single user, all anons are single anons accountable for themselves solely. If you can't tell the difference between one user and another just from their posts you are the problem.

See how mad you still are and still haven't refuted how Gothic is a literal Oblivion clone yet? Crying about it isn't refuting the points.

exactly how Oblivion was going for prettiness over raw functionality. It is sickening how petty the Gothic devs were. Cannibals of their own averice.

>find out I own ArcaniA on Steam
May as well explore the pit of the series.

I unironically fapped to Gothic 3 orcs.
They are my favourite orcs in vidya.

Upon its release it was straight up unfinished.

Not only that, but even after fan fixes gameplay consists of infiltrating every town, doing fetch quests/murdering someone to get "rep" and then choosing between people and orcs. The combat 90% of the time relied on out-buttonmashing AI.


>See how mad you still are and still haven't refuted how Gothic is a literal Oblivion clone yet? Crying about it isn't refuting the points.

>instant ad-homined
>still not a single fact or proof of his claims

classic Sup Forums, classic shitposting
Come back when you grow up and will be able to handle a serious discussion, kid

>Gothic 2 inventory needed tabs/categories.
Gothic 1's inventory had categories.

But it was a list.

A grid like g2 with tabs.

The Harbour City is still the best city in any RPG ever. Yeah Novigrad and Oxenfurt are more realistic and certainly they're bigger, but they just feel dead in comparison. There's no comparison to the feeling of "coming home" I get from entering the Harbour City or the Old Camp.

But I thought I made it clear I'm only hear to upset you, which I've done easily by simply repeating the truth: Gothic 3 is a poor and busted Oblivion clone.
You still haven't refuted my statement at all, you've simply cried that my true statement of fact is not true, and cried while doing it.

The gameworld is largely pregenerated and ugly and unfun as a result.
The dungeons, if you can call them that, are copy pasted to infinity
The combat went from functional and thought out to a shitfest of dislocated joints

How do I get good at Gothic II's combat?

>You still haven't refuted my statement at all
Sure, I will once you prove Gothic3 is an Oblivion clone.
I havent made a single statement, you did. So, once you prove you are not full of shit I will refut whatever you want.

Clock is ticking. Surely you arent full of shit and can defend your statement, arent ya?

Improve your characters combat skill. You will get new better animations and can fight much better.

Not bad at all with patches + community patches + quest pack.

I made 3 statements in my post you seem to have conveniently chosen to ignore. You've yet to answer for a single one of them.

The gameworld is largely pregenerated and ugly and unfun as a result.
The dungeons, if you can call them that, are copy pasted to infinity
The combat went from functional and thought out to a shitfest of dislocated joints

practice but this might help

Dont install that shit.

Great, I see these statement.
Now provide facts that back them up.

>The gameworld is largely pregenerated and ugly and unfun as a result.
Facts, sources and arguments please.

>The dungeons, if you can call them that, are copy pasted to infinity
Sure, prove it with examples.

>The combat went from functional and thought out to a shitfest of dislocated joints
Combat system can be very subjective aspect but I see you insist you have an objective PoV that will prove it is indeed bad- sure, do it, prove it with facts, arguments and examples.

>Install DX11
>Suddenly loading times, in a game without loading times
>Install L'Hiver for engine updates
>Game can still crash, and can't alt tab properly
Fucking krauts

Yeah, these graphics mods are a fucking mess. I couldn't even close the fucking game last time.

>denial this strong
I'm utterly flabberghasted you are so hurt by the truth Gothic-kun. If the gameworld wasn't largely pregenerated and they hand crafted it, they did a piss poor job at making anything interesting. Same for the caves. Me not liking the combat because it looked like stick fighter is not objective POV, but guess what, nothing about games is. All of it is subjective and it sucked to me, if you enjoyed it okay. Just know you are the only one saying the game is good (without your facts, arguments, or examples to back it up) while there are more posts calling it uninspired derivative shit that wished it was a better game.

So... in other words you cannot back up your statements and claims?

Awww, that was a quick poof. i didn't even try and won by default.

refute any of my statements with facts, arguments, and examples then. I'll wait.

It wasn't that bad. It had many problems, but overall it was thoughroughly enjoyable.
>beautiful, even today Myrtana has one of the most beautiful landscapes in video games
>god tier soundtrack
>freedom, opposed to the Oblivion introducing protected characters and shitload of scripts which Gothic dropped
>premise of the god war and world that already lost to the evil
>feeling of the scale, liberating Faring from the bottom of the cliff was one of my favourite moments
>no level scaling, but if you knew your shit you could take on any enemy
>unstable engine, mostly because publisher pushed for release as fast as possible
>combat became a bit brainless, also, balance problems
>fetch quests, fuck
>world seemed too separate from Khorinis chapter
>animations, mostly in conversations
Game would be one of the best RPGs ever if PB had more time, look at Risen, which works on same engine. There is also thing that Piranhas might have bitten off more than they could chew. If they kept to the old engine game would be much better, maybe not as good looking, but for sure more coherent. Scale of the project killed it.

>only arguments are those that support my position

Get a laod of this faggot

>beautiful, even today Myrtana has one of the most beautiful landscapes in video games
It's also pretty darn empty.

>freedom, opposed to the Oblivion introducing protected characters and shitload of scripts which Gothic dropped
More like never gotten to them

>premise of the god war and world that already lost to the evil
Shame it's almost never mentioned in the quests though

>no level scaling, but if you knew your shit you could take on any enemy
Which really wasn't the case with G2. Yeah, you could do some pretty wild shit but if more than one enemy got close you got rekt. In case of G3, it was more of a case of broken combat system.

I'll give you that one

game, with xommunity patch, is fucking awesome.

And soundtrack is fucking stellar.

>It's also pretty darn empty.
No it wasn't, unlike other regions Myrtana actually was stacked with content and great for exploring.

Wtf I wrote this 2h ago and you're all still discussing it.
I'll be back tonight, maybe, I'll want to know what you think about my statement. Or probably after the lunch or something.

Melee combat is shit and NPCs/Story aren't as interesting as the previous Gothic games, but magic feels good to use and the landscape is beautiful. The music helps too.

Overall 7/10 (With all the patches)

That's literally what I said before. It's a normal arpg open world game at best, but 3 it's more enjoyable.

>>beautiful, even today Myrtana has one of the most beautiful landscapes in video games
>It's also pretty darn empty.
You really expect to stumble onto something every five seconds? That's not how world works like, my man.

>>freedom, opposed to the Oblivion introducing protected characters and shitload of scripts which Gothic dropped
>More like never gotten to them
First two Gothics were stacked with such things, in G3 you have opening the ancient temples which summons zombies. Nothing more.

>>premise of the god war and world that already lost to the evil
>Shame it's almost never mentioned in the quests though
It's mentioned by people who know about it, normal farmer wouldn't know about such things except for preachers story. It's a knowledge reserved for kings and archmages.

>>no level scaling, but if you knew your shit you could take on any enemy
>Which really wasn't the case with G2. Yeah, you could do some pretty wild shit but if more than one enemy got close you got rekt. In case of G3, it was more of a case of broken combat system.
Nobody who played those games take on groups of enemies. Taking them out one by one was the only way, or taking distance and slowly putting them down with bows or crossbows. If you knew your shit, you could take on three trolls at once in first Gothics, it's a matter of skill. It's actually good that stats were secondary matter.

>when you're so bad at a videogame that you spend more time shitting on it and dismissing it as a terrible game than actually try to improve and get better to enjoy it

>no relation to the thread: the post

Getting good at G3 is merely a question of dumping points into magic and spamming the homing basic spells. Or jumping to an inaccessible point and making things into pincushions.

>three trolls at once

There never were three trolls at once. There were two in G2 but that's about it.

you know that bitching about exploitables is weapons grade fucking autism, right?

>game let's you shoot almost every enemy with impuntiy
>hurr durr you're autistic, is a good game

>game has a way to completely break combat
>better play that way every single time
yes it's fucking autistic

Gothic 2 > Risen > Gothic 3 > Risen 3 > Gothic > Risen 2 > Arcania

I'm gonna try Elex out.

Ultimately you have to. Yeah, you can dick around with melee, kiting and shit but when you have to kill half a city and everyone in that city comes to kill you, sooner or later you will jump onto that roof and shoot them because pressing left mouse button grows tiresome and you are asked to it more than once. When 2 out of 3 ways to kill things are overpowered, it's a sign of badly balanced game, not just a mere oversight on the part of the devs.

I'm not big on handicapping yourself for more fun, but, maybe, just maybe, there is tiny chance you are casual scum and just need to git gud?

There is a teeny tiny ginormous chance you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

