Dishonored 1 is the only good french game ever developed
prove me wrong
Dishonored 1 is the only good french game ever developed
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Little Big Adventure
french "women"
Now that is one sexy grand-mère.
E.Y.E is french I think
Arx Fatalis?
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?
>what are you looking at smooth skin
Endless Legend.
Aren't most Rayman games French? They're amazing.
Well, you made it incredibly easy to disprove you.
Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall
Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches
Dishonored 2
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
But easy answers aside, have Furi as well.
Not too shabby, frogs.
every woman that is at west of poland suck
except for norway
and maybe spain and italy
>he doesn't know about Alone in the dark
underage faggot, please leave
Arx Fatalis
Someone will say Beyond good and evil/Rayman but i actually haven't played those.
Another world, Flashback
But literally all of Arkane's games before Dishonored are better.
>Early Ubisoft
>Anything by Amplitude except ES1
>"hey smoothskin"
>Early Ubisoft
This Beyond Good and Evil was made by frogs.
Life is Strange is actually a French game made by two French directors. I have no clue why Europeans can't get their act together enough to have their own publishers, aside from the ever shady PQube.
Endless Legend is a masterpiece
>you will never rape a rich shota until it's elected President of France
>Prince of Persia
>The Settlers
>Homm 5
>IL 2
>Early Tom Clancy's, Far Cry and AC
Dont know how many of these were from french devs but at least they were published by them
>makes all your cool powers except for blink and dark vision completely useless
What's that you wanted the good ending? Heh. Play another game then, buddy. You aren't allowed to have fun, that's for bad guys!
>Dishonored 1 is the only good french game ever developed
>Life is Lesbians
Pick one.
Walking & talking simulators have been around for quite some time now, it's an established genre, just because you may not like them does not make them "not vidya".
i'm french and i disown this shit
>he didn't play Styx
Poor soul
Video games, first and foremost, must have a fail state. The irony of these "your choices matter" interactive experience is that your choices matter far less than they would in a real video game, there's no consequence. It's most insulting in Life Is Strange because the rewind mechanic is there to literally just put you back on the railroaded path whenever you pick something that's not in line with the movie.
The high chaos ending is by no means bad, it's just literally more chaotic
>Video games, first and foremost, must have a fail state.
What about Lego Star Wars?
LiS is trash now get out
>Video games, first and foremost, must have a fail state.
You heard it here first, folks.
Monkey Island is not a video game
Haven't played those games. What happens if you "lose"?
In Lego Star Wars, you have infinite lives, so you just lose some studs and respawn.
Monkey Island (along with a lot of adventure games) doesn't really have a lose state.
>Monkey Island is not a video game
Did you post that thinking you were winning the argument? Oldpoint and click without lose state are just shitty walking sims. Put better games in your shitty "if I name drop that stuff I MUST win" list, kiddo.
wasn't sly cooper made in france?
I bet you think we should pay more than 20 bucks for a video game, you plebian.
That's an exception that proves the rule.
My favorite Rayman game
>In Lego Star Wars, you have infinite lives, so you just lose some studs and respawn.
Sounds acceptable to me, I don't know what studs are or how valuable they are but if the player reverts back to an earlier checkpoint or something it's no different than Bioshock, Dark Souls, Rayman or Shovel Knight in that regard.
Studs are the currency in Lego games. You use them to purchase items within the hub world. Collecting enough of them in each level completes an objective.
That's not what that phrase means.
Frenchfag here, not a video game
OP asked for good games.
What does it mean?
>Frenchfag here
go back to praying for paris, you surrender monkey.
Hey look it's some hateful guy on the internet postiing a bait again haha he sure is living a fullfilling life posting these threads all the time haha
sorry but prayer day at the mosquee is friday your kuffar
I am a Sikh you bloody Kaur
>so beta a bunch of pooloos create a religion dedicated to not being killed by muslims
>OP getting absolutely ravaged ITT
No he isn't you delusional monkey
I'll have you know I am an Old World monkey from Asia.
Also Heart of Darkness
shut up Wukong you only bring trouble
>The Nomad Soul
>Another World
Go away Ninja Theory.
You're fucking british.
With all those great french games i wonder why there are barely any german games.
David Cage has not made a good game in his life.
Splinter Cells too
I assume video games are banned in germany, along with toothpaste, spring matresses, and bananas that are slightly bruised.
Thats britain
>X simulator xxxx
You can't fool me, i still remember that shit.
the germans are too busy working before coming home and playing work simulators
Thats not much
it's literally based on a XVIth century chinese novel bro
What if... Tragic love story but.. Gay??
shut up Andy Serkis.
Your Jungle Book movie is gonna suck.
That's Gone Home.
LiS is Tragic love story but gay and also supernatural.
what did one mean by that ?
Life is Strange is be gay or kill a town full of people.
This is the only good Sun Wukong
Well Arx Fatalis exists so that proves you wrong, it's a shame that it's sequel was warped into Dark Messiah Might and Magic, that would have been excellence on excellence
Is there a game where I can be gay and kill a town full of people?
LiS' supernatural elements are so garbage they'd make stephen king embarrassed.
wait I fucked up if you're gay in LiS a town full of people dies
people meme about it but I thought remember me was solid, it wasn't super awesome, but it was a good game
Have you seen Dreamcatcher?
Is there a game where i can be bi and half a town full of people dies?
Yes he is, you non-french sub human trash
>Dark Messiah, but it takes place entirely underground and forces you to spaz your hand like a Naruto character when you want to cast Slip N Slide
OP asked for games, user.
In Planescape Torment you can not fuck but want to fuck a succubus and a town gets sent to hell by a gay angel that you can milk for free EXP so that's kind of bisexual if you think about
Close enough.
>Dishonored 1
some of you guys have terrible taste in vidya.
What would you expect from muslim infected caliphate that surendered everytime somebody even remotely said something bad about them?
But dishonored is an awful game..
France is a literal shit hole that never made anything good.
Fuck France.
No I'm not American.
Beyond Good & Evil, Syberia 1 & 2 (haven't played 3), Rayman 1 & 2, Arx Fatalis, Runaway 2, Alone in the Dark 3, Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance, Top Spin 3, Trackmania series and more importantly, Shaq-Fu.