Are video games really better than real life?

Are video games really better than real life?

>The problem isn’t that gamers believe the digital worlds of their video games appear to be better than the “real world,” rather the problem (which represents, perhaps the one true crisis of our age) is that, for many of them, these digital worlds, objectively, are better.

>This process of “leveling up” can become remarkably addicting for many, as it stimulates an experience of real accomplishment and personal progress which has become, de facto, inaccessible for so many of the Wageslaves who are stuck in unchanging and tedious dead end jobs. For them, life doesn’t proceed in a linear direction of personal growth and progress but rather one of the stasis and tedium that Mencken spoke of when he observed that: “The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore. It is not so much a war as an endless standing in line. The objection to it is not that it is predominantly painful, but that it is lacking in sense.”


>these digital worlds, objectively, are better.
now you're getting it

Most japanese reincarnation themed stories is just a character in a videogame or video game mmorpg features in his new life. They are growing too fast lately.

>not sitting with a VRHMD at the very moment with your waifu in your lap
you both get it but are you doing something about it?

Video games have many out-of-this-world characters that players get extremely attached to and a lot of these games feature a world design that is full of magic and wonder while being extremely beautiful to look at.

It's no mystery people want to get the fuck away from the real world.

What he forgot to mention : Real life are getting shittier too.

Im saving money for second generation, its always a big improvement. Plus there will be more software by then

have you looked into cheaper VR systems and "games" like VRchat?
2nd gen will be here but only in some 2 years from now

What user said. This generation is too underdeveloped, it's basically a beta test of beta test, I'll wait for a proper thing and save money for it.

>With the triumph of Liberal Managerial society (at least within the Western World), essentially a fait accompli, the world (the “reality”) in which the very real individuals now making the choice between Nozick’s alternatives comes into stark focus. It is a reality of exhaustion and alienation. Of days spent in sterile offices where the same rote and meaningless tasks are accomplished every day in an endless cycle of boredom followed by a tedious commute back to an empty apartment where release is only found in takeout and Netflix. Or, if one is unlucky enough to not have attended the appropriate credentialing institution, of nights spent endlessly frying pre-cooked chicken patties and washing dishes, where the only release to be found is in the taste of tobacco and rush of nicotine during the 15 minute smoke breaks in which a thin glimmer of solidarity can sometimes be found between the wageslaves as they bond over the only thing they have in common: their loneliness and alienation.

>Religious institutions, by and large, are abandoned, or, at best, now serve as therapeutic cults of health, prosperity and positive thinking. The family, though long lionized with lip service by an endless stream of political entrepreneurs American Statesman, has seen a well documented and similar decline. Outside of Upper Middle Class enclaves, where marriage and 1.5 children are merely viewed as a status signifier of having “made it,” the venerable institution has declined into de facto irrelevance, with divorce and single parenthood having become the rule and not the exception.

Eh, games are fun shitfest, but it becomes an addiction only if you're a low life. Real life has shitty moments for sure, but it also provides experiences that games cannot reach even in their dreams. Hell, games are not that ideal even in comparison to movies and books. While they have a good gameplay and self-immersion, stories and scripts are mediocre at best. This is also why story driven games are dead in their core.

"Good story" =/= "good world to be "main character" in". And I really don't get what you mean by "expariences that games cannot reach even in their dreams", care to provide some examples?

>economic growth at its highest since gfc
>wage growth at an all time low
>average person wants to escape into fantasy
Thank You Based Late Capitalism

If only communism was real, eh?

Yes, but why the fuck you keep posting this thread?

Man, I really don't know why should I provide examples, it's easy as balls to understand. Games are merely an entertainment, they can't give you high feelings that real life can.
Can agree with a story aspect, still, story is a thing that I care about and the fact that games can't provide a proper one is just another example to get a simple idea - games are not really that big of a deal to be a "life substitute".

Of course they are, what fucking question is that?

under communism we wouldnt have PCs to use for escapism

Using VR to simulate that sort of thing would end up crushing my heart rather than make me feel better. Maybe I'm just strange, but I couldn't be happy like that.

Speak for yourself you fool.

>digital worlds of their video games appear to be better than the “real world,”
But they are? Isn´t this the entire point of video games? Doing stuff in worlds that are much more interesting? I would rather go out and train Pokemon and fight trainers for money than sitting on my ass all day long in an office.

If you've got it all figured out like that then the only logical thing to do is go join the Amish .

Don't worry, developers and producers have been hard at work fixing that. Soon nobody will be able to say that computer games are better than real life.

i am happy with this and so should you be

im a pioner
im an explorer, im a human and im comming
im animated, im alive, my heart´s big it got got blood going though it fast
i like to fight too! i like to eat! im here!
i got life force! this is a human! this is what we act like! this is what i am