Sup Forums is wrong again

After weeks of shilling for this trash on Sup Forums (which I now believe simply must have been the shit-tier dev himself due to the sheer quantity of EBIN MEMES BRO in the script) I finally caved and downloaded it

Jesus christ, what a clusterfuck. Every twist is predictable, and the entire game is spent jerking itself off over its one central theme: SELF AWARE CHARACTERS. HOW ORIGINAL. "Oh no, we're trapped in a video game! This has never been done before!" At least other games had some fucking substance to them to surround that central gimmick, but this one is just a naked trope.

The only people who could possibly appreciate this steaming dumpster fire of a story are teenagers where it's either babby's first meta experience or babby's first VN.

Don't download this game. Don't waste your time. It's generic psycho-cute bullshit with fake glitches (which are OH SO ORIGINAL)

Save yourself the time and just hit "Random Page" on TVTropes a few times, then stare at a wall for a few hours while listening to a blender on high. You'll have learned more, been more thoroughly entertained and heard better music than playing Doki Doki Literature Club.

tldr faggot.

>being this mad about a free game
Should have just walked away bro, not like you were losing anything.

1. Did you play Danganronpa 3?
2. Is the meta trapped in fiction twist executed better or worse?

oh, and to top it all off, the jerkoff dev included TRIGGER WARNINGS for his super dooper srs and ***mentally scarring*** work of art which will definitely trigger depressives because it is that deep and immersive


good lookin out pham

>t. also actually reads visual novels

as in the new one? v3?

if so, no i havent played it yet. downloading now. Don't spoil games, faggot, use your spoiler tags.

And before you call hypocrisy, DDLC is a self-aggrandising masturbatory cumstain on the definition of "meta" in a dictionary, not a game

Okay OP, since I really enjoyed this game and I want to find more like it, list some games that do this exact same unoriginal premise that aren't shitty creepypasta games.

Its ok

....are you serious? metashit is the most common VN trope ever, along with fake glitches.

DMMD, Danganronpa, Zero Escape, Ever 17, Never 7, etc. etc. etc. etc. all do these themes to varying degrees.

Like I said, they're not JUST that because unlike Trashy Trashy Lesion Club they actually have a proper story and experience wrapped around it

Oh well sorry then, but yeah its the same twist as DDLC. Danganronpa is a fictional game series that all the characters are trapped in because the real world fanbase demands more games.

It's okay though, since you ruined DDLC for me.

it's too deep in the same sense as drowning by lying facedown in a puddle is

Sayori a best girl.

Monikafags leave now.

>It's okay though, since you ruined DDLC for me.

No user, Dan Salvato and the dev team beat me to it

You seem exceedingly mad about this VN for some reason. What makes you hate it so much?

Yeah Doki Doki is pretty shit but the best girl is Tsumugi, the mastermind.

I didn't like how Kaede gets executed in the first chapter though

>Sup Forums likes a game
>multiple decent threads discussing the game and the characters
>game becomes popular on Steam
>suddenly contrarian losers pop out of the network losing their shit and making threads about how much they hate the game

I called this shit weeks ago. Why does autism make people so predictable?

time was stolen from my life because i trusted Sup Forums

never again

Because your hugbox groups don't include the people who don't like the game

If you are mad about complex motives then you should prepared to be anally devestated for the third time if you're actually about to play DR3

Yeah I'm pretty sure you coulda done a whole lot with the 3 hours it took to finish it.

>suddenly contrarian losers pop out of the network losing their shit

t. dan salvato
should I have put a trigger warning on this thread?

Really? I'll cancel the torrent then

so sick of shit writing from autists
>inb4 reading posts on Sup Forums

>One guy says something on Sup Forums
>Instantly listen to said person without questioning him
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?

>browsing Sup Forums
>listening to Sup Forums
>pretending your time is important

>As opposed to following recommendations from Sup Forums
Yea you raise a good point lad, really thought that through didn't you?

came here to post tl;dr


literally what said I should NOT follow Sup Forums's recommendations by following Sup Forums's recommendations to not follow Sup Forums's recommendations

Cool story, OP.

>I-I can spoil games for other people b-but please don't spoil games for me

And stay out.

Well it's the same plot twist so enjoy faggot.