How to keep players on the hamster wheel with endless bullshit RNG.
Artifact weapons, the class hall, the time gating, the legendary RNG bullshit, the fucking GAMEPLAY of certain specs getting completely fucking shit on.
All of this made the expansion completely unfun to play. I don't give a single fuck of about what they do with their dumb story, but making the daily gameplay even more chore-like isn't the way to fix your fucking game. It isn't fun. It isn't fun getting on every day and going "Oh boy I can't wait to do all this bullshit!" especially when none of it is actually fun to do. It's an extremely lame way to pad your shit game out with the excuse that it's "content."
>i know, let's make wow into diablo 3!
jesus christ blizzard
How many times are you going to buy WoW expansions before asking that question?
Until it dies. The price is seriously worth the first 2 months where everyone has no idea what they're doing
next expansion is gonna be
>let's make wow into overwatch
>where everyone has no idea what they're doing
first two months of wod and legion felt like everyone knew what they were doing.
new expansion when?
Good luck with that. If they extend the range of attacks, certain classes like hunters will be able to kill anyone before they could get within melee range.
I want to tie this motherfucker down and forcefeed him ghost peppers.
new game when
That should be a crime. Giving pets bad food can cause them to lose all trust in the owner. Yet dogs will gladly steal food that could kill them.
That's not a pet user. It's an ingredient.
>You get forcefed CRZ on all zones whether you like it or not.
>They don't even care about language barriers, I see frogs, krauts and ruskies all the fucking time.
>No reason to roll on a low pop server at all, the only reason they haven't gone full megaserver is to jew more transfer money.
Out of all the shit Legion has, I never through this is what I would dislike the most.
It's even worse that LFD and LFR.
They tried their best to go with the "lol hope you get hooked!" model except they forgot to supply content for people to get hooked on
So now you're just grinding to level up your shit to do the same thing over and over and over and over and over but nothing changes AND you can't easily reroll or have fun trying new things out so you're limited in every single fucking way the most limited you've ever been in WoW
Wakey wakey time to pick up those AP points on your phone! :)
They must've been thinking "How can we kill the raiding scene" because here we are.
>The world first race isn't interesting anymore
>Overtune bosses to artificially elongate content
>Asking for too much commitment for midcore/semi-hardcore groups
I quit.
Most of my friends and raiding acquaintances quit.
What people I know still subbed are only riding out the rest of this expansion for God knows what reason before they quit.
Good riddance to this fucking game and its stupid developers.
You think you do, but you don't.
Now go enjoy the tomb of soakgeras and farm some LFR in hopes for a titanforge.
Bros, the capsaicin in spicy food only affects mammals. Whatever that turtle is reacting to, it has nothing to do with the heat of the pepper.
>they unironically remade garrisons
Probably something like:
>Alright, you know the drill, put some character people recognize on the box and make sure to charge 50 bucks!
Get ready for more AP and RNG legendaries in the next expansion.
Hell, we probably still have garrisons in one way or another.
>"there's no content because I don't like to do it!"
>"the game is shit because it's too hard!"
Today's gamers, everyone.
>Random distribution of legendary items isn't a problem. There is something cool about not having the ability to choose a specific legendary from a list. Each person may have a different legendary, but those should be good in some different situations.
Reminder that Ion has unironically said this.
He is right in that every legendary it's a good stat upgrade and gives you a neat effect. The problem comes when people figured out it two days that some legs are better than others, and of fucking course the entire playerbase has the mentality that the only acceptable build is the most optimal one, nothing else should be in the game, everyone should use the same gear and talents, etc.
I'm getting 925-930 titanforged gear from Relinquished token gear. Blizzard needs to add some higher incentives if they think my casual ass will waste time in LFR.
I knew he was clueless, but when he said there wasn't a problem with alts, at the very beginning of the expansion, I raged extremely hard and unsubscribed.
>good stat upgrade and gives you a neat effect
Often not actually the case
>playerbase has the mentality that the only acceptable build is the most optimal one, nothing else should be in the game, everyone should use the same gear and talents, etc.
More like in the case of legiondaries, the gap between good, average and bad is upwards of 10% performance which is just fucking retarded.
The problem is cross-server groups create a supply side overabundance of potential groupmates.
There are legendaries that are better than others. There is gear that is better to use. There are talents that are better to use. These are objectively based on performance.
So why would I be incentivized to take player A, using sub-par legendaries and a weird talent build, over player B, C, or D, who are using the correct ones?
Same reasoning - why would I take someone lower gear level when I can take someone higher who will blitz through the content easier?
Ability pruning was the single most damaging "feature" they ever implemented.
So why wouldn't you play WoW over any other MMO?
i need a source for this
>They don't even care about language barriers
>mfw Pozzo dell’EternitÃ
This still baffles me. I can't recall a single mechanic more universally hated than Garrisons, and they decided to make another one.
how long until wow has lootboxes
No they didn't.
they've had buyable mounts since wrath.
it does, it's the legendary system. which is why out of every friend i had only two keep playing, the others have quit because of this
IDK about >yurop but it's absolutely true for the US.
Spanish speaking servers that range across central america permeate every aspect of the world.
>mythic+ awards significantly better loot than raiding
they finally managed to do it, the one thing they couldn't ruin even with cata or wod. they finally fucking ruined raiding.
>play private server
>immediately have fun again
By this point it's just trying to recreate whatever experience you liked the most. After awhile you stop giving a shit about progression.
How fun is Paladin?
too bad all the mists private servers are garbage and even if they weren't, they'd still be emulating the worst part of mists (5.4)
>wanting to play a version of the game that you've already played to death
enough of this meme
The problem with the Legendaries wasn't "oh it's not the best so I really hate it", it was "some legendaries are good and others are comparatively fucking trash"
A good example is that fucking Haste ring
>haste is [my class]'s worst stat
>I get a buff to haste when I apply a loss of control effect
>I cannot apply a loss of control effect to bosses or even most trash mobs
>The legendary effect is not allowed in battlegrounds
The legendary system would not be so bad if some legendaries weren't superior by HUGE margins. It would be perfectly fine if "oh hey the effect of this ring is pretty neat, but the effect of that trinket is slightly better" or, better yet, "These legendaries are pretty similar in terms of power but have different situational benefits that will come more in handy in different encounters"
>not wanting to do vanilla naxx every single week for the rest of your life
i haven't though
the content i want to play the most is stuff i either missed or was unsubbed for: the aq war effort, karazhan progression, sunwell, ulduar, and early mists
>MoP faggot
mist means "shit" in german
so it is quite fitting for a shiteating pandafaggot like you for liking MoP
>not wanting vanilla/BC with transmogs and new graphic
Are u gay user?
You cannot legally play Vanilla WoW content anymore, thanks to Cata.
Fun fact: Post-shattering Azeroth has now been around longer than Pre-shattering Azeroth was
>vanilla/BC with transmogs
Then it wouldn't be vanilla/bc
mists was the peak of post-3.1 wow. class mechanics were at their best, the world was fun, the raids were fun, everyone actually wanted to play except the people who had left because of cata. i didn't roll a panda outside of clearing the giant turtle area, but while i was skeptical to begin with, i thought they were actually a fun race in-game and a lot of time and effort was put into making them not just a joke.
most of the people that shit on mists never played it to begin with. even the worst part of mists, 5.4, at least had timeless isle, which was absolutely fucking great. same faction pvp was fun as shit, too. as was dragging arch trash over to the world boss arena and 1shotting all the afkers.
Yeah, it's not like RS07 was wildly successful and Blizzard could turn a huge profit by following their example
the only redeeming part of MoP was hc lei shen and basically the entire raid itself
other than that it was THE definition of themepark>themepark_v2>themepark_v3>... expansion
it was also the peak of themepark design in wow because the shit in it was actually fun to do and kept people playing
if you don't like that style of design to begin with, then yeah you're probably not going to like it, but honestly it was the most fun i ever had outside of private servers
Legion's alright. The RNG shit is a problem, but Mythic+ is the best new thing they've done in a very long while and there's been a steady supply of content that hasn't been present in forever.
It has issues and it sucks that there's devs like not recognizing that shit, but it's not bad.
>that realization of Post_cata being around longer then Vanilla - WoTLK
i think i died a little
>Being this contrarian
i push my fingers into my
>Mythic+ is the best new thing they've done in a very long while
it would be if the rewards weren't so disproportionately skewed. you can progress on a new mythic raid boss and have it drop loot lower than the average ilvl of the group because everyone's been getting absurdly overpowered shit from m+. what's even the point of raiding anymore?
>play WoW
>in 1-2 years all the stuff you just did is basically fucking pointless and irrelevant and will never help you in the next content update
>play RuneScape
>no matter what content is added, your previous work will still be relevant at the very least in the form of skill levels
Which system is better?
Thats a titanforging issue rather than a M+ loot issue, you only get one actually good piece a week without the slot machine.
runescape is shit so it doesn't matter
Raiding will always provide superior trinkets, sets, and pure quantity of loot. Mythic+ provides one (1) raid ilvl item per week if you do well, more if you're very lucky. It's a slower, alternative way of gearing up, and that's completely fine.
Is the new raid out?
Does it have LFR yet?
>not walking along the side of the mountains south of Menethil all the way to Westfall, completely safe
baka desu senpai
>Post-shattering Azeroth has now been around longer than Pre-shattering Azeroth was
>there's no market for an official Legacy server
No, it'll still be a while, new 5-man is up though
Raids have been so fucking boring in legion
runescape is for autists
It was honestly great that you could totally uproot yourself at basically any level and choose to level through an allied area instead.
I made that run at level 10 or something as a night elf to play in loch modan instead of darkshore.
Runescape, I wish i had the nostalgia to get into it since it looks pretty fun.
I like Nighthold and Trial of Valor, and some bosses (Sisters, Mistress, Maiden) have been fun in ToS, but it does feel easy to get burned out on it kind of quickly.
So what the fuck are you people even doing?
I would get back into runescape but it just feels so daunting looking at all the shit i have to learn
plus desu its kinda boring as fuck at higher levels, fuck sitting in one spot for 12 hours just to get a level
>spent a lot of my free time herbing
>bought a wow token every time I had another 50-100 grand in gold
>applied the token to my account every time because for some retarded reason they don't let you bank it
>account active until august 2018
>havent played in 4 months
Progressing Mythic ToS and doing M+
>He didn't save gold for when they allowed him to earn BNET balance
why didnt you just keep them in your bags?
bags are freaking huge no way you had them too full
you're correct, the problem is far more with titanforging and raid drops than it is with m+
i hate dungeons and being essentially forced into doing them if i want to not be a drag on my raid team fucking sucks.
like resto druid t20? lol
back when we were still progressing on content, we were lucky if whatever boss we progressed on dropped a single decent upgrade. you're right about trinkets and sets (although seriously, fuck resto t20, what a joke), but m+ really just eclipsed everything. and no, high level m+ (like 10 or higher) still provided pretty decent ilvl gear with a chance to tf as well as a fair amount of ap.
I think for an expac so focused on making 5 mans a relevant form of end-game they've done a really shitty job of providing you with more of them over the course of the expac. Khara is the only one that can be considered and actually good amount of content to run through and a lot of that doesnt apply in M+ because its optional/time based shit.
pretty sure they didn't let you carry tokens at all, they weren't really an "item" so much as a credit that you bought that was applied immediately
>still provided pretty decent ilvl gear with a chance to tf as well as a fair amount of ap.
M+ drops 915, Mythic ToS drops 930+. So yeah, you can gear up through M+, but the chance is lower and it's slow. Of course, you can spam M+ endlessly if you want, but that's... fine? Multiple ways of obtaining gear is pretty alright, especially if the content is still challenging.
The mandatory speed run meta is the absolute worst mechanic they pulled from Diablo 3. It was shit in a game where a GR takes 5 minutes why the fuck did they think it would be fun to put it into dungeons like HoV or COEN?
There's probably more 5-man dungeons than MoP and WoD combined and more end-game ones than any previous expansion. They've regularly added more. It's not like we're lacking in 5-man dungeons.
I did use the last 5 or so on bnet balance, only there's nothing I want to spend them on.
Also, prices were steadily rising, so if I hadn't spent 50k when they were down there, I would not have been able to buy as many when they rose to 100k or so.
Not that it matters.
i dont like shit in my bags
And those expacs where the fucking lowest that 5 mans content ever got, every single expac before that had more than legion does with less focus on them. What the fuck does that say about Legion 5 mans.
kara was the first dungeon in any expansion that i actually enjoyed doing, especially the hidden boss
then they released an m+/heroic dungeon finder version and it ruined it for me because the m+ version became a rush to the loot pinata and made the +0 version essentially irrelevant content
it's not really that rare for stuff to tf 10-15 ilvl, especially back when m+ was rewarding more items per run
to be fair, the real joke is them giving out 930 gear in argus for literally smashing your head against a wall
DarkScape was the most fun MMO I've ever fucking played and Jagex somehow managed to kill it before even a goddamn year had passed. I can't go back to RS3 or OSRS after that. DMM should have been the one to fail.
cant believe ppl still enjoy this game. seriously cant. I truly hope for a path of exile kind of game that kills blizztards bussiness
do people still play Sup Forumsscape? is it enough to hop on and have fun with?
i think the reason i liked kara so much was that it felt like a five man raid rather than a dungeon. it required your group to actually plan tactics and execute a strategy for the bosses and you had to plan your trash pulls a bit like you would in a raid. i'm not big on timed content, but the nightbane run was cool because it required you to really master the route you took and execute it nearly perfectly. and nightbane was fun to fight, too.
>STILL progressing Mythic ToS after Argus provided everyone with another means of gearing up
>STILL running the same dozen instances over and over again
how fucking horrifying
there were a few things in this expansion that were fun, like return to karazhan, but overall i'm not happy with the state of the game right now and really only resubbed recently to get aotc tos in time for antorus.
>progressing mythic tos
i would rather cut my own dick off and use it to choke myself to death than progress on this piece of shit raid. it has some of the worst boss fights i've seen in a raid in years and due to the loot problems, progressing on a new boss isn't rewarding at all. i thought nighthold was bad, jesus fucking christ tos is a shitshow, i'm so glad i stopped trying to progress mythic this expansion, all the raids are fucking awful.
so what did they do to your classes?
>mfw ret and warlock
why redo classes if youre just gonna make it worse
>busting your ass mythic raiding in the day and age of titanforging
nigger you serious?