X to accept

>X to accept
>O to cancel
What's up with that?!?!

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it's correct in japan.
america was a mistake


I don't get it.

>you make a cross to accept
>you leave it blank to deny

i always saw it like that

Worst part of PS1 FF was them switching between entries, cunts

Circle has 1 line
Fork has 2 lines
Triangle has 3 lines
Square has 4 lines

x is blue for yes and o is orange (almost red) for no
x is also where your right thumb comfortably sits at rest

circlefags need to leave

Only a loser weeaboo would know this


How the fuck is O orange

blame ameridumbs


>Press X!
>press A by accident

Fuck you Microsoft

>Playing imported game
>O to accept, X to cancel
>Go to the system menu
>X to accept, O to cancel
>Fuck it up and go back and forth between the game and the menu over and over.

At least games on Nintendo systems still do it right, with A to accept and B to cancel.

just play on pc like a non virgin


But only half the Japanese games I play come out on PC! Soon though, those Nips will have to jump off their sinking console market.


X focuses on target.
O pushes stuff away.

>tfw triangle is no longer "go back" button

I miss PSX and early PS2 days when it was


Aren't Japanese versions of ps2 games x for cancel -- o for accept?


Not just ps2 games kid, every sony consoles got X cancel, O accept in japan.

All games in Japan are like that. Only the West got fucked.

Only have a ps2, didn't want to claim for the rest.
I prefer the japanese setup.

Initially, O was intended to be the "accept" button and X the "cancel" button.

It just happens to be that Sony has been fucking retarded when it comes to designing controllers from minute 0 and it's way more comfortable to use them the other way around, since the thumb rests by default on the X.

By the way this is also why symmetric controllers are fucking retarded but that's not something the industry can magically change just using a different button, PS controllers are stupid and objectively flawed

>Sony has been fucking retarded when it comes to designing controllers from minute 0
Sony just copied the SNES controller.
>the thumb rests by default on the X
Only if you have manlet hands. For normal sized hand the thumb will rest between Triangle and Circle.

Because Americans at the time was used to the SNES button layout and refused to adapt to the new button layout

Chrono Trigger had A to confirm and B to cancel.

>Sony just copied the SNES controller.

Not only that, they instructed developers on it etc, early playstation games have O as accept and X as cancel

mgs games did it too

>early PS2 days
You meant the whole PS2 run I think

you mean Triangle and Square?

>ps2 menu has circle as back
>all games use triangle
this bugged the shit out of me back then

>he doesn't know

I don't know what kind of PS2 you had but mine used triangle same as the games


Blame Kojimbo, Metal Gear solid always pissed me off because of this.

O - maru for right
X - batsu for wrong

I came here to post this, this has awoken me.


MGS is one of the few games that actually did it right. You never play SNES, I see.

its about location rather than the arbitrary symbols

X is in the easiest to reach spot. having to move your finger up makes sense as a sort of confirmation that you want to cancel or back out of something.

which is why so many games used triangle as back/cancel

Convince me to not cancel my ps+ subscription it ends in 6 days

Murica Happens.

Europe does it too you dumbass

It's murica's fault, they just followed.