Sometimes you gotta love gamestop

i just got this gem for literally two bucks, after trading in that piece of shit mass effect andromeda and a gift card with very little money on it.

also what can i expect

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Wolves hunt in packs.

All roads lead to Gran Soren.

loli pawns and a small map

I recently jumped on that four games for $40 deal. Yeah the games arrived in a condition which will probably make me trash them in the future, but I'm interested in how their trade in system works.

Also how is it possible for kids to take sanders to game cases? Most of these look like they were dragged through a desert.

A hobgoblin! Tis far stronger than a common goblin.

The dark souls of fantasy RPGs

>traded in a new game for a remake and still payed money

I traded Beyond Two Souls shortly after it came out for a used Kingdom Hearts 1.5, and I still had to pay $15 out of pocket.

They sell used GTA V for the 360 just as much as a used MSG V definitive for the PS4

There's deals to be found in games pricing but fuck GameStop

ah fuck off with the dark souls comparisons

Hero, your health is low.

Stop fucking buying re-releases! This game came out one console generation ago and yet it's already been re-released 3 times! By buying these re-releases you're telling capcom that you want to buy the same shit over and over again. It took them the fourth release to fix a bug from an augment that's been there since the first release. Dragon's Dogma has great combat but everything else is average, and by looking at how huge the original scope of the game was a lot of content was cut. I already bought the game once and I want a sequel, I don't want the same game with slightly better graphics, and I don't want an MMO.

not this.

I just ordered the game because of this post.

What if I haven't played it and want to? You want me to buy 20fps original ps3 release?

You can expect to abandon all delusions of control.

I actually looked up the PS4 differences and they actually added item hotkeys to the dpad so no more inventory immersion breaks to heal, but framerate is locked at 30 fps. Why even bother with consoles and just get a PC?

A good game.

Two pieces of advice though, when you get the quest to go to witch woods or whatever, do immediately, it's start of quest chain that locks out if you progress too far in main story without doing it. The road leading to the quest area has some high-level enemies on it. If you're not confident about beating them, just run past them.
Second thing to keep in mind is that character creation matters. Taller characters can reach higher places, heavier characters can resist heavy winds, and smaller characters can crawl into places like goblin dens. Smaller ones also risk being lifted by harpies, and having the flames of their waist-lanterns go out in water.

Even in numbers, a weakling is a weakling still!

Still waiting on my Amazon order. How did things turn out? Are we able to download our PS3 pawns from Capcom's servers?


Something ridiculously overrated and also outdated.

It's a good game.

Don't bother trying to do the DLC zone (bitterblack isle) until you get pretty far in the main story, though. The enemies there are like endgame strength

Why do they even tell you when the game is so piss easy and devoid of content?

What is the name of your main character/what is the name of your pawn?

If you're a man you should play hardmode, OP. It makes everything pretty much 1 shot kill you so the game is actually kind of challenging.

You need to have an existing save file to play on hard mode for some reason though so you need to start a normal mode game and then start a hard mode one

It has some fun combat and it's decent overall. Wouldn't compare it to Dark Souls, though. Just makes you realize that it's in almost every way inferior.

>item hotkeys to the dpad so no more inventory immersion breaks to heal

Nice, I'm still waiting on my Amazon order. Bizarre and disappointing that it isn't 60fps

>i got this game for literally two bucks, after surrendering a shitheap I paid $60 for and a gift card with probably $20 on it
>game is a $30 rererererererererererelease of a game with a superior pc version that could be had for literally two bucks, no qualifiers

Yeah you sure showed GameJew, you're such a hustler.

user and Nona because im real original like that.

Is it a remake or remaster?

So am I right to understand you got Dragon's Dogma for two + MEA + gift card? And would you clarify how much is that? Even if your gift card contains 0 dollarydoo it already sounds like a bad deal to me. Also I heard Gamestop is fucking Jew.

It's a regression.

It's trash.

>Dragon's Dogma has great combat
Lol no. After you get over the few gimmicks it's just as mediocre and at times completely broken as everything else.

ignore this poster they have shit taste

DDDA is the superior game

>mfw my laptop can barely run House of the Dead 2

I've got it on xbone and it's broken as fuck, won't even load my save

fuck capcom and microsoft

nah but for real how do i fix this shit,
I've restarted twice now

hard mode is easier than normal after you've gained a few levels. just goes to show you haven't played the game very much.

Seamus and Shaneequa. My brother was around and dared me. I have no regrets.

>nah but for real how do i fix this shit
Put the disc in the microwave for 30 seconds.

If you paid 60 bucks for Mass Effect Andromeda, then you paid at least 62 dollars for DD, because you never should have bought that game to begin with.

goblins are weak to fire

>buy game for 60 dollars
>trade 60 dollar game plus two additional dollars in for other game
>feel like money genius

I like both games, but honestly, DDDA doesn't hold a candle to Dark Souls. The things that made DS as great as it is were not to be found in DDDA in any way, shape or form.

>b-but clunky combat!!
I could talk for an hour about why DS is superior without even having mentioning the gameplay. And even then, it's just wrong.

Did someone here say this has a tiny map?

Wtf the map is huge

that fact that you compare the two games despite them not being similar in the slightest says enough for me, i don't have to refute anything, you are a retard.

>I could talk for an hour about why DS is superior

With nothing interesting in most of it.

Just because they do some things notably different in certain aspects is enough for you to say "in the slightest"? Fuck off, they are at least similar enough to make a fair comparison.

what games did you even pick up?
