Is Switch made for millennial hipsters? All the commercials show thin people wearing fancy clothes, and there are no kids.
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All commercials for consoles do this.
Don't even try to defend Sony/Microsoft because they are guilty as well.
The way Sup Forums uses the word "hipster" these days pretty much just describes how any normal 20 year old looks.
>He has glasses? hipster detected!
>that guy has nice cloths, what a hipster
>wow that guy is wearing ratty rags, fucking hipster
>wow he isn't morbidly obese? what a hipster
absolutely meaningless now
who are you quoting
I wanna ____ that switch!
>being thin is now hipster in America
Not much point in making an advertisement aimed at an age group that can't afford your product. You'll find that all the ads for consoles are aimed at older groups while ads for games are aimed at their appropriate age range.
> le cute doggo xD
Red + blue is the patrician choice
Well you see underage. Before it became popular, it was the stereotype of a hipster. It just ironically became the popular norm
Pretty much. The games being lackluster shows what Nintendo is aiming for, too.
I'm more a fan of the retard.
Why aim at a group who barely have children to begin with?
Some time ago Nintendo released their demographics and the largest portion was 20+ year old males.
Kids think young adults are cool and trendy
Young adults wont buy a kiddy console
Whats not to get?
hipsters arent cool
Not sure what you're referring to, but I'm 99% certain it is generic animu waifu garbage.
I wanna fuck that chubby puppers
We all know detachable head loli is the best one
Because just like every other console it can be played by older people too and they're the ones forking over the money for it whether it is for themselves or their kids, this isn't really hard to understand, user, stay in school.
>their kids
hipsters dont have kids
>themselves OR their kids
Learn to read.
No I read. Hipsters. Dont. Have. Kids.
No that's who they want to buy the console. They already have the family's money if the parents insist on having a nintendo console
how fat are you that you think what'd be considered "chubby" in asia is "thin"?
Hipster never meant anything.
What console is that girl?
>It just ironically became the popular norm
Then it's no longer fucking hipster, is it?
butthurt /ctt/ fags still can't accept that the switch mascot has already been decided since the controller reveal
please tell me that's not a real article
Those aren't hipsters, that's regular young people wear you insulated spastc.
Get the fuck off Sup Forums for a minute, you're clearly deluded by all the 'le numale beta hipster sjw cuck No Mans Sky' talk
-tan people by and large are the most autistic, weird faggots on the internet (aside from people who jack off to cartoon dogs)
It was fun for the first few months with some fun OC but then it turned into this faggy /general/ that HAD to take it to pathetic anime waifufag levels
Twins desu.
>thin people
You mean people that aren't obese monstrosities?
I was actually referring to the color scheme, but this works also
sorry, user
You dont have to put kids into your commercials to attract them.
But at the same time if you do include children you might alienate adults and kids who think that they are too cool for babb shit.
Look at all the other shit children like these days:
mobile phones, tablets, military shootman games and even fucking starbucks.
>Young adults wont buy a kiddy console
you sound like a migrant
Step up your game, bucko.