Why is it allowed to have Stalin in civ but not Hitler, even though Stalin was worse?

why is it allowed to have Stalin in civ but not Hitler, even though Stalin was worse?

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Stalin's biggest mistake was joining Hitler. He eventually pulled out and directly fought the German army.

Because hitler

Because Hitler lost the war, Stalin didn't.

Because Russia kept stalin's issues within russia, and russia don't mind accepting what happened.
Germany couldn't keep Hitler's issues within germany, and everyone is still butthurt about the resulting war.

Because history is written by the victorious and most victorious are also hypocrites.

There. Next question.

Obvious reasons

I'd rather play Stalin than Hitler if I'm honest. What traits would Hitler even have in game?

>kept stalin's issue within russia


>Because Russia kept stalin's issues within russia,

You mean like they basically conquered half of europe and kept it for 50 years?

Germany was forced to give up everything related to their Nazi past because they LOST
The soviets didn't.

>Russia kept stalin's issues within russia

Hitler too kept his issues in the areas that he conquered. He only administered genocide in areas he controlled.

Because Stalin at least knew how to run a government.

But the Soviet Union collapsed and they also gave up everything related to their party.

>Hitler too kept his issues in the areas that he conquered
Are you retarded?

>What traits would Hitler even have in game?

>Did nothing wrong

>Because Russia kept stalin's issues within russia
Stalin invaded multiple countries, and kept basically all of Europe under Communism for half a century

>all of Europe
So this is the power of American education

so did Napoleon, but Civ has napoleon.

stalin invaded finland, estonia, latvia, lithuania, poland, bessarabia,

stalin also killed millions of ukrainians who aren't technically russian.

He certainly knew how to use an ice pick and touching up photos of former allies.

Because only memers would play Hitler/Stalin

Superior Tokugawa destroys all in domination/conquest victory, unless you are pitted against shitter Incan players

But that's not really correct.
Take a trip to Russia (lol). You'll see a LOT of items- statues, goods that still have the soviet insignia.
The current parties are made of former Soviets, even KGB members.
It's not over by a long shot

Russian like Stalin.
Germans hate Hitler.

The only country the USSR really "invaded" was Finland. The rest of it (Poland, East Germany, etc.) was taken in the course of fighting Hitler. You can blame der Fuhrer for the Soviet Union taking so much land, that's what happens when you start a war.

[citation needed]

Hitler killed mostly foreigners which somehow makes him a worse leader than someone who killed his own people.

>Hitler is a country


Also look up the finish winter war ya uneducated schmuck.

>"You can blame der Fuhrer for the Soviet Union taking so much land,"
>Blame someone else for me conquering instead of liberating a country
>commie logic

Get this thinly veiled Sup Forums shit out of Sup Forums. We get it Jews run the world and manipulate public opinion. I just want to play my video games.... :(


he invaded poland in september 1939 as part of the molotov ribbentrop pact

he also invaded estonia, latvia, lithuania and romania

This is related to video games though and Sup Forums is a board on this website like any other. Don't act like crossboarding is somehow bad.

The real reason?

The real real real reason?

Because Hitler is banned in numerous countries and the developers would need to not sell their game in that lucrative market just to include Hitler.

The same isn't true for Stalin.

>Because Russia kept stalin's issues within russia

I just don't want to be constantly reminded of the elephant in the room. Video games should be a distraction anyway.

Just war shit. Every mod that adds Hitler is just "RUSH AND KILL EVRY1" and nothing else. Stalin mods are usually more fun to play because they aren't just zerg rush shit

Learn some history, Sergej

But none of them were nazis

Because the foundation of modern western cultural ethos is in the myth of how evil Hitler and Nazis were.
Hitler has replaced satan as our culture's evil incarnate, and this facade is intentionally kept up because it serves the interests of the powers that emerged victorious after the war.

Especially the internationalist bankers, have every interest in demonizing National Socialists and Hitler, because what national socialists advocated for (the end of the internationalist banking system and the debt slavery they impose on our nations), was a direct fucking threat to their control over the markets of the world.

Same goes for the people who rule us in this democratic system and fool us into believing that we have any influence in our decisions. The media and the politicians were also enemies of National Socialism because Hitler saw trough the facade of the system and recognized them as the kabuki theater that they were. The true power within our system, is with those who have the money, aka the banks, and trough them they rule from the shadows.

In short, any depiction of Hitler in anything other than "literally the devil" light, is unacceptable, because the people who rule over us depend on masses never learning of what Hitler and the "ebil nazis" actually fought for.


>Dude nazis only existed to stop communism
>so what if the end result was half of Germany a communist satellite state

Under Stalin's rule the Soviet Union because the second most powerful country in the entire world, enforcing it's ideology on billions of people, pioneering new sciences and making a massive lasting impact on his people.

Under Hitler's rule, Germany lost all of it's Prussian holdings, had it's entire military power reduced to nothing, it's industrial base decimated and got split up into 2 puppet states that would cease to be relevant to international politics for 50 years.

Napoleon is also known for a wide variety of lasting reforms and otherwise positive influences on his people and country.

You're right but how fucked is up is that? One of the most important figures in history can't be depicted in some regions.
Maybe you shouldn't have entered a thread about a series about historical political figures.

Because he was still member of Allies that means he is good guy.

>all of Europe under Communism

Good god that's retarded

It really isn't fucked up at all. It hasn't even been a century and some of his victims stiill live today. Just mod the game, faggot. Civ v mod has voice acting and a fully animated model, which is more than almost any other mod has ever got in civ.

what kind of god damn IDIOT would actually want a failure like Hitler representing Germany instead of say, Bismarck, the man who CREATED the modern German state.

It's like having Rome represented by Caligula

>It really isn't fucked up at all. It hasn't even been a century and some of his victims stiill live today.
Wouldn't it be important that people understand who he was and what he did then?

>Hitler too kept his issues in the areas that he conquered.
Because he conquered countries with a word and THEN started killing, right?

Winners get games, losers get genetically enriched.

>Maybe you shouldn't have entered a thread about a series about historical political figures.

>Oh don't mind my innocent little thread, it's not like Sup Forums is actively on a daily basis creating threads to red pill gamers

Because muh 6 gorillion oy vey

Now I wanna play civ v again and spread communism through the land as the glorious soviet union. Now to play as Stalin, Lenin, or Leonid Brezhnev

Same is true for stalin you fag and he is responsible for far more deaths.

He really isn't despite the memes. Russia doesn't hate Stalin nor do they ban his image. Get over it, nazifag

>Civilization as an educational tool


>Vidya thread
Maybe 10 replies before it dies

>Stalin Thread
50+ replies in less then 30 minutes

God damn, I hate you guys sometimes. This is why this board is shit.

Google exists

Yes he is.
Read the Gulag Archipelago, you fucking commie sympathiser.

>part of the molotov ribbentrop pact

And who was ribbentrop working for? You can blame Hitler for egging Stalin on. Same applied to Latvia and the other countries you mention, it was Germany's idea that Stalin take them. You can blame Hitler for communism expanding.

>What is Civilopedia

Hitler's actions brought down every European empire, killed more white people than any other war in history and handed half of Europe to the Soviets, with the added bonus of being an eternal strawman against white people who don't want their countries to become third world shit worlds. Hitler was anti-white incarnate.

I'm not talking about education, I'm saying that laws against depictions of him for moral reasons is dumb.

>Stalin dindu nuffin Hitler tricked him

Did Stalin kill millions of Jews?

I thought the Allies won, why are they getting the loser prize too?

He killed millions of Ukrainians and Russians.

Capitalist propaganda despite it being literal KGB archives xdddd

>blaming hitler for what the allies did after they won.
Are you retarded.
Fucking Brits and the French started the god damn world war. Hitler just wanted to reconnect Prussia to mainland Germany and sought to solve the dispute diplomatically to the very end. Brits agitated poland to refuse diplomacy totally.
Don't you fucking dare to defend the borders established by the Versailes treaty, they were complete bullshit.

>Did Stalin kill millions of Jews?
Half-dozens of millions.

Hitler didn't even kill millions of Jews

Stalin will be taboo soon, so don't worry OP

Not because of the bad shit he did, but because he was A FUCKING WHITE MALE

He killed christians instead but I guess that is ok because they arent gods chosen


Why are there genuine shills for a man who killed himself seventy years ago? Why do you care?

Remember that the ongoing shit in europe is the slow realization of this shit.

Germans will be extinct in the next 100 years.

Because the kikes keep beating us over the head for money and power using his image

Don't forget this classy lad.

Because he was right.
I read Mein Kampf and the way Hitler described the politics and media of his age, fits squarely to our age as well.
And why wouldn't it? The same (((people))) are still in control.

Replaced by the European Union, AKA the most powerful union of nations to have ever existed.


>Hitler was right lmao xD
Epin meme bro!

Wait, but it's Russia that has like 25% muslims

Because they had less of a real life villain aesthetic unlike Germany's black leathers and skulls.

If anything, Stalin's mustache is just funny.

>Germans will be extinct in the next 100 years.
>says incredibly nervous Jew for the 6000th time this month
Try 500 years, then we are talking. 100 years are way shorter than you think and people don't change that fast. Don't forget the cycles of society (strong men: good times, good times: weak men, etc) either. The "Jewish" social sciences of making us all into brown mongrels of the future belongs just there, the future.

Yes. People just know him as inhumanly evil. The problem with casting him aside as literal Satan and censoring it, is either people can't see that such a capacity is inside us somewhere, and how that potential can happen. The other is never overcoming the national guilt and commiting cultural suicide in retrobution.

Lol no. EU is bound to collapse because it has no national mandate or unity. Members of that union do not see themselves as citizens of EU. They see themselves as Poles, Swedes, Finns, French and so on. That's why EU is trying to destroy our national homogenities by mass importing third world immigrants, thus annihilating our cultural and ethnic identities over the span of few generations, and leaving only the political entity of the EU as an unifying identifier to us. Or at least, that seems to be their plan. It won't work though. People are already starting to rebel against this shit, and the more they push it, the stronger the rejection will become. No-one wants to see their grandchildren be a minority in their ancestral homeland.
Nationalism is rising again, and I welcome it fully.

I am completely serious.
And you cannot blame Hitler for what the allies did to Germany after declaring war on her.

>Especially the internationalist bankers, have every interest in demonizing National Socialists and Hitler, because what national socialists advocated for (the end of the internationalist banking system and the debt slavery they impose on our nations), was a direct fucking threat to their control over the markets of the world.
you people are so lacking in self awareness you don't even realize this fits the soviets better. Nazis were fags concerned with appeasement, it was communist who advocated a complete dissolution of that system.

he could have surrendered sooner though avoiding the rampage on his country

That has nothing to do with being in a union which protects your sovereignty.

Is Civ 4 worth playing?

I heard The Fall From Heaven 2 mod was really good but i got pretty confused by how many ''unofficial'' patches it has and which version to buy one steam

EU does not protect my nation's sovereignty, dumbshit. Our army protects our nation's sovereignty.
EU is a direct fucking threat to our sovereignty because it seeks to become a fucking federation and strip away all of our self determination.
I want Finland to get out of the fucking EU, right the fuck now.

>Ribbentrop was executed in Nuremberg 71 years ago
>people that would consider themselves his mortal enemies are enacting his dreams right now
Nazis truly are like some over the top evil entity from a fantasy novel

>Because Russia kept stalin's issues within russia

Stalin made Hitler his little bitch boy. Of course he'll get higher listing.
>nazis running into the arms of the west terrified of what the russians would do to them once Berlin fell

>haha I can keep fighting this loosing war for no gain until the bitter end where Berlin gets destroyed and I blow my brains out like a pussy
>OR I can surrender and make myself a martyr for my people, saving millions of German lives
>nah fuck that if I'm going down I'm taking all of you with me
Wow what a true hero.

Maybe Hitler should have just fucking left "old prussia" where it was and concentrated on building an anti-communist alliance. Diplomacy is based on compromise, not settling old grudges. He should have just abandoned that pan-German stuff, maybe left it for later, and strengthened Germany in within its Versailles borders so it would have been in a better position to ask for its old lands back after the anti-communist war had been concluded successfully. As it was, Hitler completely blew it and ensured Communism would control half of Europe for decades.

>strong men: good times, good times: weak men, etc
People who believe this are literal retards. That conditions that created events like the Irish famine were presided over by "strong men" and good times only came after they abdicated power to "weak men".

Under Hitler's rule, Germany became on of the poorest nation to one of the most developed in the world in a very short span. He also invented the first rocket to reach to space of which both of his adversaries uses it to jumpstart the space race. Germany's territory was also the largest during Hitler's rule with nearly all the nation he conquered having decent to bretty good QOL. All of this as he was against some of the 3 largest power in Europe breathing down his neck at the time.

Under Stalin's rule, Russia was literally nothing more but poorly developed shithole with famine an millions of people dying and had to rely mostly on their Allies to make anything work.

Incoming butthurt tankie in 3...2...1

>EU does not protect my nation's sovereignty, dumbshit

Yes it does, retard. Try not talking about shit you know nothing about.

>Our army protects our nation's sovereignty
>says the fingol