Why are you even complain about those prices...

>Why are you even complain about those prices? This game is good that this 60$ price is STEALING! Devs produced so good game that every true fan should be happy to be able to pay even more! I already bought two copies as a thank you for devs!

And they are not paid posters but actual buyers.

Why something like this exist? I see it frequently on the internet, especially in early access discussions. This is so absurd that my mind simply cannot comprehend it.

Why? Fucking why? How anyone can even think that way? How can anybody wish for HIGHER price for a product he likes and even call lower ones "stealing"? It only created massive urge for me to actually pirate it instead. How can anybody have so little respect for money he earn?


Oh my god it's nino

was nino kino?


Did I just performed classic blunder?

I thought that Nino expression would fit.

It is a possibility.

>I see it frequently on the internet, especially in early access discussions.
It really boggles my mind that early access trash has so much support.

Canas should've taken nino under his wing before he fucking died. Feels fucking dreadful man

Canas should have raped Nino.

This is not okay

Please, guys, can we discuss the original question instead of Nino?

Post the Nino version of this.

I remember when you got to play unfinished games for free, or were even paid money for it on occasion.
Now it's like the complete opposite. You have to pay money to play unfinished garbage.

That's what you get you filthy foreigner

I dont have it, I just wanted some fitting picture to start a thread ;_;

>two posts on subject
>rest are about Nino

Please, anybody wants to actually discuss the problem I voiced? ;_;

Someone with shit taste has more money than you and wishes to be a dumbass with it.

But they also completely ruins the thing for me and others.

That consumer whores will white-knight for faceless corporations on outrageously anti-consumer business practices?
I don't really understand the psychology; maybe it's an advanced form of buyers remorse, with people sycophantically defending shit like pre-release DLC and microtransactions because they feel personally attacked when the things they support are questioned, but as for why it's so prevalent in gaming: gamers are the most rock-stupid, knuckle-dragging servile consumers out of any industry and we're the laughingstock of artistic media patrons. Of course they can get away with it, when for every smart consumer there's ten mungwielding tossfucks with a hold on their wallet looser than the vagina of the most popular bird in the retirement home.

It can't be helped.

Nino is far more interesting than your stupid shitpost based on falseflagging.

T. Poorfag

Nino is dumb! Dumb!

They can't ruin it for you if you stop searching out hives for their kind and interacting with them. Only the most diehard retard would want to pay more for a game. Of course not all examples of buying the game more than once fall under that kind of stupidity but what you said in the OP definitely does.


You bastard

I really experience this shit and wanted to discuss this problem, since I cant find any logical arguments to back this shit up. Why everything must be called "shitposting" and "falseflagging" this days?

Or some sort of need to be part of some group? I notice something similar in case of one of my local gaming magazines, which goes to shit since few years and yet some loud fanboys are still defending it like some peak of literature and invent similar bizzare methods to "show who is the true fan!".

It kinda can, if devs start to listen to such fags, who sometimes happen to be the most vocal part of community. Kinda like all the nerfs in first Divinity Original Sin were partially caused by small group of very loud guys who kept crying over how game is too easy.


This, devs won't listen to people not buying their games, they'll listen to the people throwing all their money into their micro-transactions

OP, you fool! You've forgotten the two biggest rules of engagement.

1. Never start a land war in asia.
2. Never post an image more interesting than the thread topic.

who is that little boy?

It's nino, she's a late game mage who has amazing scaling but a shit starting level. She's also illeterate

What other people do with their money is entirely out of your hands. You can't impact that. If someone wants to spend more money, then they will. Most people don't back down from their actions when you try to reason with them over something of this scale. Unless you're going to grab your soapbox and start shouting them down on those forums and boards there's no changing that, at best you'd only convince others not to follow suit at the cost of your own time.

Where are her panties?


sure user and next you are gonna tell me that fate and heroes are the best games in the serie

Unless the game is incredibly short or a piece of shit(or both), a 60 dollar price tag really is a steal given that the price of games haven't increased in generations to keep up with both the cost of developing games and inflation. This is actually why we see more and more shitty dlc practices. Never met anyone who's bought the same exact game multiple times though, that just sounds dumb.

>Never met anyone who's bought the same exact game multiple times though
I bought 3 copies of Nier Automata. Does that count?

>price of games haven't increased in generations to keep up with both the cost of developing games and inflation

Yeah, sure.

S ranking Nino then giving her the twins shes wanted during the night.

I do it more often than I'd like, but I'm gonna stop even if I don't buy them all at full price. Collectors would also do it.

Here you go

It's because of the shit-flinging between console wars, and companies, like you get with football teams

> How can anybody have so little respect for money he earn?

Most of Sup Forums are spending their parent's money and are otherwise provided for. It's easy to spend other people's money.

I've found the opposite, I was one of the tightest cunts going as a student, but now I'll just go on binges where I buy like 8 albums in a day without even listening to the old ones yet, I still haven't played TTYD. Conan, or Dragon's Crown which I bought like a year ago