Mascots from each platform

Can we all agree on this?

Xbox should have Master Chief. Sony, nothing. PC, pic related

>cuphead=microsoft mascot

Nice try, microsoft is stuck with Master Chief. Also isn't Knack shitty?

literally who

Sony already have those cats.

jesus christ someone please post the pic
you know shich fucking one

>Also isn't Knack shitty?
Just like Sony so it fits

Too easy

That's not Ricky Bobby.

>even ironically



no, this one



Only if Cuphead can be considered the Dark Souls of platformers

PC should have Gordan Freeman or some other Valve dude

>mfw people shit on Knack but it has better graphics than Mario & cuckhead

The modern trinity has been established for years
>Nintendo = Mario
>Microsoft = Master Chief
>Sony = Ricky Bobby
Anyone who disagrees is an even bigger newfag than I am. If this were two decades ago then we'd replace Microsoft with Sega and Sonic, and Ricky with Crash. For PC you can use Gordon Freeman or some shit.

Ps4 would be ratchet and clank or jak and dexter

Why the fuck are you cunts shilling this game so blatantly? At least have some subtlety you faggots.


Yeah if anyone's a mascot of the pc masterrace, it's Lord GabeN


>people calling Cuphead "Cuckhead"
>when he has a white liquid in his head
It's Cumhead you imbeciles.

lmao hadent even thought of that

The hunter
Chief still

Nice graphics brah lmao


>god of my wife's son


Wouldn't sony be crash? They intended him to compete with sanic and mario anyway

>The Hunter

I like this

nope, knack is the face of playstation, Knack was crafted on black magic to crush all other mascots

thank you very much

> Knack
> Sony Mascot

Move aside, son... Legends don't die that easily.

Have you even played God of War? Kratos fucks bitches all the time

Sure but Nintendogaf won't allow it

Still the best selling exclusive of this gen so it's Drake

yeah, otuside the fact its coming to xbone.

Sony negroes are pathetic

but gaf loves sony most of all like Sup Forums

Ah, le generic tough guy. Very iconic.

i want porn with her, but there is non

Ironically Sony's macot should be neptunia, symbol of all the trash weeb games which is all the platform has to offer.

This meme makes no sense. Sup Forums has done nothing but bash Nintendo for ages.


Why did they make a Knack 2? Did any one other than Dunkey ask for it?

Why is this the only time you see Mario pissed off?

Mario really dislikes illegal aliens.

What happened with Sackboy? Haven't seen him in a while.

I don't doubt it but no announcement has been made yet and the original Crash has been exclusive to PS since 1996 or whatever.

Look at brawl or strikers mario sometime

Grows up in New York. Has a thick Italian accent. Refuses to integrate.

This are the waifu mascots of each platform, can we all agree on this?

he got the sack

Don't be sad, Ori. You'll always be my mascot.

PC should be someone's horrific Skyrim porn mod amalgamation


>Grows up in New York
That was retconned ages ago.

Nintendo = mario
Playstation = kratos
Xbox = locke
Pc = pic related

people realised his games were shite

> Sup Forums gets blown the fuck to pieces


user stop. You're going to summon "them"

I like PCfags. They funny.

Too many mascots to choose from, that's why Sony never has one official mascot like the other one trick ponies out there.

why Cristiano, I don't get it


He's also officially 24?! Fuck Nintendo.

Shame most of them are fucking dead and buried.

You mean because they're thrown to the side most of the time like used garbage?

>europe is the ps4's biggest market
>fifa outsells everything every year

Playstations are FIFA machines in Europe

Nintendo had been know for their pointless retcon recently. Still a bit upset they chance the Koopalings relationship with Bowser.

Sony "mascots" I can think of over the years:
Lara Croft
Crash Bandicoot
Cloud Strife
Solid Snake
Jak and Daxter
Ratchet and Clank

Someone would have to fill it in PS3 on. I kind of dropped out of gaming around then. Still only play the occasional thing here or there now.

nathan drake
Old Snake? idk


Nathan drake from the best selling exclusive this gen.

>Posting flavor of the month head
Because Sony doesn't need to stagnate on one thing, they've got options.

>Crash Bandicoot
hasn't been a sony mascot for years

>tfw Gordon Freeman and The Sims were the PC mascots
The absolute state of gaming today makes me so damn sad man.

>character from a single game is a platform mascot


which game?

That guy is old news, its all about badass Locke. The new face of halo.

The Sims is ported to and has spinoffs on fucking everything, so not even that counts.

>Ness is a mascot
I wish

Seems legit, though I haven't played Xbox in forever so I'm not the best judge. Dunno though, Halo 5 was already a while ago.

Unpopular opinion: Cupheaddit wasn't that good.

it's shit, there's a reason Crash went to shit after it went multiplat

I have many flavors.

"Over the years" user. That base was covered.

Larry Craft has been on every console under the sun and PC. She started Playstation exclusive. Cloud Strife was the emblem of the developer revolt against Nintendo, now a character in Smash. Spyro... ahahaha man oh God. Raziel was used in Sony promotional material around the time Snake was, both moved on to other consoles eventually.

Sony never settles on one mascot because they were never one to lock franchises to their brand outside notable exceptions like Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank - which was a response to Microsoft entering the arena and shifting the landscape by buying developers up early on in gen 6.

I'm okay with this. Crash is more iconic, but for now it's only a remake of old games that will come to PC at some point. Kratos & the 'hounter' are too serious, Ratchet & Clank are a good fit that have been with playstation for many years and consistently put out enjoyable games.

>Cuphead is self published by StudioMDHR Entertainment
>Also on Steam
>Somehow Xbots thinks it's an exclusive and it's the new mascot of Xbox for platforming

Cute peach is cute

PSABR 2 when?

it's windows & xbox only

>Cortana's feet
I am not even a footfag, but those little blue toes are amazing.

That sounds exactly like something a footfag would say.

Because Xbox is a console, the thing that matters in videogames.

PlayStation = Crash Bandicoot

there were plenty

For her.

Equally shit. Real Crash is still PlayStation exclusive, and hopefully they won't screw up Crash by having him on the Xb*x or Sw*tch.

Crash in smash though