Your dream video game/sequel/remake will get a billion dollars in funding but in return this guy will greet you...

Your dream video game/sequel/remake will get a billion dollars in funding but in return this guy will greet you everytime you boot up the game, explaining the gameplay in a 4 minute, unskippable intro. Will you take it?

I genuinely feel sorry for any nu-Star Wars cast member. They honestly put effort into appeasing the fanbase, but it's a losing war. All of them are treated like Jar Jar.


I'd give it a go.

I don't know.

>Hi players, this is Jon Boyega, and welcome to the new G-Police

Actually, yeah, I'll take it

I honestly like him. Disney, EA and their cancerous games might be shitty and I will never buy anything from them, but Boyega seems like a nice guy

Just get off the screen while it plays, big deal

Theres a lot to complain about but I never figured Sup Forums would complain about a skippable promotion video in a beta

he's a faggot, he complained about game of thrones not being diverse enough
he aint a bro

If it turns out to be good, why would I let something like that stop me?
Unless he spoils shit, I could just do something else for 4 minutes.

>complained about Game of Thrones
Sounds alright to me

John really loves Star Wars too.
Gotta wonder what's going on in his head.

It'd be fine because my dream game would have mod support. Day one people would mod out the intro.

Mah nigga.

Shit could be dope in a nice open-world, like Crackdown except you're an awesome mega-copter

>John Boyega appears on the screen and starts blabbering on.
>Mute it, open a tab to Sup Forums and treat it like a long loading screen.

>that Pacific Rim 2 trailer
They fucking ruined it.

>boot the game once
>go through this nigger once
>never turn it off
>Enjoy Taylor Swift's VR Sex Experience for the rest of my life.

I will take it.

Well apparently he's a giant bag of dicks, difficult to work with, and might be killed off in this film because of that so... he's probably just there for the paycheck.

>shilling your game with a no name actor

It's a big fuck you again just like the jumpscare in the first trailer of TFA.

>John Boyega explaining how to black Taylor Swift

>My dream videogame in now a game which I will develop myself
>Receive billion dollars
>Make assetflipped pong clone on steam for 1000 dollars
>John Boyega has to spend 4 minutes explaining pong gameplay
>Pocket the rest of the money
>Never boot up game again.

Sounds pretty neat, OP. Yeah, I'd do it.

Yes I will.

worst case scenario is they end up with millions of dollars and go back to being no-name actors like they were before

>Delete the files for the intro (Which is likely going to be a lazily posted in mp4)
>Melee HD

>complained about game of thrones

>people will be forced to know how to play the game
well? how is it a bad thing?

>start game when coming home
>go to bathroom, wash hands, dress more comfortably, fetch something to eat
>play game
Doesn't sound too bad.

fuck of boyega you are alrdy killing pacyfic rim 2 with ur fucking monkey ass unga boonga face and no talent

I'd just like to see past 30 feet

I don't watch that shit but isn't it set in some cold ass country. Why would there be a bunch of niggers running around in some slav place

someone explain this to me

It's set in an entirely fictional universe. But please don't get spergs started on that show.

this, it's pretty workaroundable.

>You ride past people on your horse and swing at them
>There's also tactics and stuff if you're playing as the Rhodok masterrace, but chances are you're a Swadiafag who can just spam cavalry.

I have no idea how anybody could possibly stretch that out for 4 minutes.

Only 4 minutes? Sign me the fuck up.

Since a billion dollars of funding is no guarantee of quality (I mean for fuck's sake look at Destiny1+2) and even if it was great it would be ruined by 4 minutes of unskippable bullshit every session I refuse.

Ofc he's difficult to work with, he comes from Peckham in London, which is pretty much a Little Jamaica. I saw someone get stabbed like 4 times it's mad. How did he even get into star wars? He was a wannabe roadman turned education boy.

Boyega now plays Harlaus. Thirty seven seconds into the video he stops talking about the game and starts going on about butter and feasting, which lasts for the rest of the four minutes (actually, it lasts for longer but is abruptly cut off at the four minute mark).

Star Wars Battlefront II anime opening

Well, not shocked he acts like that if he actually loves Star Wars.

For sure.

But you can skip it? The fuck?