So Sup Forums long story short, i broke my arm

So Sup Forums long story short, i broke my arm.

What are some games that i can play with one hand? Preferably a bit slower paced, like FTL.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fallout 1 & 2

honey select



Read some VN's my man. They aren't really games in the traditional sense but you might enjoy them none-the-less.

darkest dungeon

Eternal Card Game

Most porn games are designed to be played with one hand. Try some of those

How's the replay value for it?


Where did you break it and how

Any megaman X.

>first season of new colony
>cold snap in fall ruins my last crop just before harvest
>winter rolls along
>volcanic winter
>volcanic winter lasts through all of spring
>can't start planting until mid spring
>cold snap at end of spring kills all my crops again
>summer comes along and volcanic winter finally stops
>toxic ship right in my backyard

Not even on Randy

Nier Automata.

got hit by a car. Not too hard, but i had an unlucky fall

One Finger Death Punch. It's shit, but the whole shtick is that it's a one handed game.

You can't really play Nier with one hand

Heroes of Might and Magic 3

I second this, if you havent played HoMM 3, you miss out.

Old School Runescape

what's so good about it?

is your hand in a cast as well?
If not, you might be able to hold a controller with joystick in the one and mouse in dominant hand - play twin stick shooters or something

No, just my arm

i only have a pc btw

Civilization V

He's referring to the fact that Sup Forums doesn't play the game, just masturbates to it

>ITT dicklets masturbating with one hands.

Who keeps a cat in a cage?

>handlet thinks he has a big dick

You know how you shouldn't walk on your leg if your leg is injured? Well it's the same with cats, except cats don't understand that when you tell it to them. So you have to keep the cat in a cage until he gets better.

If arm at awkward angle and can't properly hold a controller with 2 hands, XB1 controller in one hand controlling stick, mouse in other hand - EZPZ Binding of Isaac or Nuclear Throne or Gungeon or something of the like. Granted those are not long games, they do some replayability value