So is it safe to buy a Switch or what? I've been holding off to buying it since I don't want another Wii U

So is it safe to buy a Switch or what? I've been holding off to buying it since I don't want another Wii U.

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I'm waiting for the next version.

why would you give a shit?
just buy it for the games fag

Most non 2nd-hand shop still don't have thw Switch stocked, the 2nd-handed one are still more expensive than listed price, and the new one is at 30-50% higher price than listed. And I'm in fucking Tokyo. And yes I fucking know Japanese and looked around every nook and cranny of Amazon and Rakuten and all that shit.

Either they are NOT producing 1 million Switch a month, or people are really crazy about it. I don't know which.

does it has games you want to play, buy it faggot

>I'm waiting for the next version.
what revision would it have, only plausible revision will be a whole new CPU chip and that is basically a new consoles

They need a direct for November then that just announces a shitload of games to sell that much

If metroid lives then maybe F-Zero will too, what other games could they announce/revive

>Sources told Digitimes
I don't know why people are believing this, Digitimes makes up bullshit all the time.

We will know by the end of the month in Q2 release if Nintendo changes or not its Forecast, as July Q1 release still was at 10M which im sure they will blow out already

I am hoping that they fixed the launch and software issues.

It already has a decent zelda and it's got a real mario coming, so it's better than the wiiu and it hasn't even been out a year yet

they need a Direct in Later november/ December to keep on the machine selling during Jan - March that Feb - May are the lowest key sales months of the year. but if they can pull some quality games in that time frame, they are good

>what revision would it have

Fuck off. This is what my shit head friend told me to get me to buy the original GBA, and orgininal DS. Nintendo said themseleves the 3ds wouldn't get revised.

A new Switch COULD have a new chip, they did it with the new 3ds, and it's becomming more popular. Maybe BotW wouldn't run like molasses. I would also like if they just improved battery life, on board memory, let it charge from teh top so which is much more convenient (but muh docking!), a kickstand that isn't a cheap piece of shit.

>Maybe BotW wouldn't run like molasses
you are eitehr baiting or ignorant

Has there been a time where more people have gotten it wrong than that of Switch would utterly flop and be dead on arrival?

*dances on Sony and MS's graves*

I've had no problems and I bought my Switch around August

Great, now we will have another decade of outdated graphics.

PC still exists if graphics are all you care about

me on the right

Has Nintendo ever done a revision of a home console before? Don't think so.

>Home console

Lol, looks like the marketing got to you.

I really hope they port the new Wind Waker to switch. Didn't want to buy a Wii U but wanted to play that version

Not really. Switch is too big to be considered a proper handheld IMO.

They have with the NES and SNES. However, they just made them smaller and a top loader in the case if the NES. They were also nowhere near as packed as the Switch is in its body.

I highly doubt they would make a revision any time soon, they just are barely able to meet demand, now to shift whole production will be dumb

There be better off announcing Animal Crossing than F-Zero.

Wait for revision with better hardware. battery is shit, system gets hot too easily, especially when it's docked and you are playing online.

>PC still exists
>what is middle ground.

>*dances on Sony and MS's graves*
it's literally a thread based on "expected". but it's funny how the Switch goes back and forth being a console and a handheld depending on how it's doing. worse than the 3DS, let's compare it to the PS4.

Your opinion means nothing in front of facts.

Nintendofag here.

If you absolutely must play Super Mario Odyssey, borrow a friend's. Otherwise, wait until after the new year when they will announce all their heavy hitters after people have to start paying for online.

>You hold it in your hands to play
>Not a handheld
user, just because your string bean arms aren't mighty enough to lift a tablet, doesn't mean the average person wont see it as a handheld.

I don't even want a switch at this point, my hype has already been killed by scalpers. I just hope Nintendo really does ramp up production so much that these guys don't profit

It has a screen, a battery and a mobile SoC. A fancy video-out port doesn't make it not a handheld.

>>what is middle ground.
where the losers stands

Switch users go for gameplay/ portability over graphics

PC user go for graphics on top

Console Users are failures that cant reach PC tier but are to snub/ self entitled to enjoy games based on teh game itself rather than how it looks

I would buy one instantly if konami released the mgs hd collection on it. I'd shit my pants if they put 5 on it.

This is all a very short-sighted gambit by Nintendo. The dual functionality will help push Switch units sure, but with 3DS sales drying up and no successor on the horizon how are they going to recoup the losses from not having a dedicated portable console alongside a "main" home console?

>Switch users go for gameplay/ portability over graphics

what a load of freshly craped bull manure. nitnendo is holding beloved IP hostage behind shit hardware. if they had faith in handhelds and that handhelds are not a dying fad they would make a Docked switch with higher specs and let people chose.


>what is middle ground

For what purpose? I could understand getting a PS4 if you want some weeb games but otherwise most titles get ported to PC. Switch is the only place to get gimmicky Nintendo bullshit, if you want to play normal games you may as well just use your PC for that.

>nitnendo is holding beloved IP hostage behind shit hardware
Its their IPs, you either play on their rules or suck on dick a cry more

If anyone hostage IPs is SONY paying publisher for exclusive deals, but its good most are waking up and all game are rightfully going to PC now. Bloodborn will follow Ni-oh soon, Tick Tock, TICK TOCK

>celebrating the "success" of an outdated tablet with it and all its accessories being sold at a huge mark up

i really hope you dont do this

>you either play on their rules or

>If anyone hostage IPs is SONY paying publisher for exclusive deals
PS4 is the reason 99% of JP AAA games are made.


>PS4 is the reason 99% of JP AAA games are made.

how is that Switch emulation working for ya?

And the publishers of said Japanese AAA games almost always complain about sales not being 4+ million. It's like maybe they shouldn't be making AAA games.

I have yet to see any valid response whenever this point is brought up.

>he don't want a new animal crossing
How can one man be so wrong

>how is that Switch emulation working for ya?
Thanks for asking, it gives me an excuse to trigger nintendofags.

Hahaha you actually think Nintendo will announce 4 things?

by having a shitload of game released on the system, ensuring sales. ANd, unlike sony, these are their own games, and they reap the majority of the profit.

You didn't answer though, you posted a picture of Wii U emulation

>Animal Crossing Warriors
I would buy the FUCK out of that.

>ask for Switch Emulator
>Post WiiU
Pathetic user

...right, but they would have been making more money by keeping the portable and home consoles seperate and just making better games on both.

Okay, neogaf

Less manufacturing costs from not making two or more different hardware products? Also, paid online + Animal Crossing and Pokemon will probably make them more money than the Wii and DS did combined.

>Pathetic user
>You didn't answer though


Battery is same as 3DS and Vita. Or gaming nonstop on a phone. Battery technology isn’t improving any time soon. When Nintendo inevitably releases a Switch with revised innards and a die shrink chip, they will just make the battery smaller. Which is what they’ve done with 3DS and Apple and Samsung do with phone revisions


Switch sell at a profit already. The only sales they are truly ''losing'' are those that bought both 3DS and WiiU, but they get that loss by game sales. If they keep 1 major release a month going they gonna make a shitload of money, Wii style. Maybe 1998 style.

>Less manufacturing costs from not making two or more different hardware products?

No, Nintendo never sells their consoles at a loss.

>Also, paid online + Animal Crossing and Pokemon will probably make them more money than the Wii and DS did combined.

You are VASTLY overestimating the relevance of the Animal Crossing series.

Nintendo makes their money from games, this ensures the highest possible audience for all their games.

>No, Nintendo never sells their consoles at a loss.
WiiU wants to a have a chat with you

>You are VASTLY overestimating the relevance of the Animal Crossing series.
you mean that series that still keeps popping pu in fucking Media Create charts ?

10 million sales on 3DS is irrelevant?

Are you having brain problems?

>PS4 is the reason 99% of JP AAA games are made
PS4 sales are abysmal in Japan which is why the Nips don’t even make many games anymore and Capcom & Konami & Sega are dead. There are barely any “AAA” games coming out of Nippon. I’m sure you’ll disagree and mention a low budget weeb game like Nioh. Which is fine I suppose, nobody even knows what AAA means in all fairness. Apparently neogaf thinks it means casual online multiplayer annualized garbage

*11 million.

>Media Create charts

>Japan numbers

Oh yeah, Japan dont matter when Sony is getting trashed on it. I forgot Sup Forums rules

>tfw people actually buy the fruit bowl neon colored switch over the classy gray one

How are Nintendo doing in Europe?

But I thought Nintendo was doomed since 1769. When's it going to happen?

weird, you seem to have missed the 11 million figure. Why not address it? Is it causing you a sharp pain in the butt region?

>There are barely any “AAA” games coming out of Nippon.
>I’m sure you’ll disagree and mention a low budget weeb game like Nioh.

Nioh is the highest budget Tecmo game this gen. Anyway that "barely" is because of the PS4. The PS4 is literally all that's holding classic Jap gaming alive. I don't even think what I'm saying is controversial.

This, I will never adopt another Nintendo console in its first few years of life again. I'm sick of them turning out to be first party machines while at the same time their own IP's dumbed down for talentless casuals. It doesn't help in the recent ten years the only 3rd party titles they often get are trash.

>Switch users go for gameplay/
>willingly supports cinematic experiences like Zelda and Xenoblade

It's going to be an exciting time when the Switch Animal Crossing is announced. It seems like it's one of the most anticipated games for the system. I know it's one I'm most looking forward to.



inshallah, Switch is kaffir console, not fit for us. Switch is haram, my brothers

>hitches people don't know what AAA means
>doesn't even know himself

Just like the next version of the Wii U. Oh wait that didn't happen, and the same will be true for the Switch.

For fucks sake it's a fucking handheld the dock is an overexpensive hdmi port

>sold / Shipped

the key is in how you twist the facts kids.

NES toploader
SNES mini
Wii Mini

Yes, they've done it numerous times with their best selling home consoles.

only then will we know maximum comfy :3

>AC Switch

Were you actually replying to that guy or is your post just a note to remind yourself that your opinion means nothing?

Manufacturing costs will decrease and they'll rake in more money by not lowering the selling price. In addition, they save money by reducing the types of boxes they use for packaging and they don't have to deal with having to sell all power adapters separately like they've ended up doing with the 3DS. Furthermore, the fact that the Switch packaging is smaller than for other consoles means they're spending less on shipping per system in comparison.

No, because unlike the Wii U the Switch actually sells and you can't even find them in stores months after launch due to the high demand.

>the Switch is doing good
>"see? you should buy one, normies are never wrong"

>Ps4 also sold good, and continues selling
>"millions of flies eat shit, how dare you imply that the Ps4 is good"

Every time.

A new game AC was teased, but we don't know if it's going to be on Switch
I hope you're all ready to play AC on your phone

I like how your picture got disproven thanks to Metriod Prime 4.

But they were all made towards the end of their lifecycle.

The switch has good games tho.

You seem to have missed that in your little shitposting spiel.

>Ps4 has highly rated games like Bloodborne and Uncharted
>"those don't count, they're movieshit because I said so"

What did user mean by this?

man, i remember absolutely loving bloodborne when the ps4 released. Uncharted was alright too (in 2013)

oh WAIT ;^)

Could someone please explain to me how ACfag hasn't been stabbed yet? Is he a hermit?

The Wii U didn't have a long life cycle before they made the revised Wii U that was dubbed the Switch.

>these games don't count because they were released later

user, stay with me here. I'm not defending the Ps4's launch. I'm saying that your "no games" claim means nothing to the CURRENT Ps4 lineup.

This is amazing. Its such a bad console yet its selling gangbusters. The vita sucked ass aswell but that sold like shit

TLoU is truly the ultimate kryptonite to nintendo fanboys.

>one game 'announced" to have just started production because everyone was pissed about the switch not having games