One week from now

honeymoon will be over

nah, cuphead is way better than the mediocre new rayman games. right?

Brings back memories. I loved those games.
Except for the 1st one, fuck that one.

Nice try Ubisoft

nice falseflag

her game is better than both

rayman origins > rayman legends

Legends but it's not less than $5. But yes it is a way better game.

You can get the uplay version for 5 bucks.


I sincerely hope Sup Forums does not collectively fall for the gang of shitposters that try to push for "us versus them, cuphead edition".

Look at all them buzzwords

So this is better than this?

>other opinions don't exist. I-It just b-bait srsly
C'mon now.

So either
>install spyware to pay $5 to play a game
>pirate to play a game for free without bullshit

>the game itself doesn't matter
>only the platform I buy it on


>X game does not compare to Y game so it must be terrible

Sup Forums really is cancer and OP's image is pretty chuckle worthy.

I'm not going to install another platform for a single game

>Bloated with so many toppings that it doesnt even know what flavor it wants to taste like any more, probably half grease and a bun that looks like its made of plastic

>Simple, a slice of cheese and some tartar sauce to accentuate the taste of fish that it preserves, and will actually comfortably fit in your mouth for each savory bite

I agree, OP, Cuphead is better.

>created by hipsters/tumblrinas
the devs of cuphead are more alpha than you'll ever dream of being

That's not what I am saying at all, but I know you just want to start shit.

I don't even have a console. I use Linux.

Legends is worse than Origins in every way.

that's your problem you massive fucking gaylord.

stop sucking Ubisoft cock faggot and kys

> sucking off chads
Top beta

the same applies

Whatever you say Ubisoft

>99.99% were never able to get diamond cups in online challenges

>what is a virtual machine
No. It absolutely doesn't.

Next thing you want me to do is download Origin as well?

Isn't most of origins included in legends anyway?

good luck playing anything that wouldn't run on a toaster

I could only get a couple of those and only on the distance challenges. Never again.


Trusting Ubisoft to make a good game is like trusting Jared Fogle to babysit your three-year-old daughter.

Yes, the French aren’t afraid of sex.