Camparing Nioh (shit) to Bloodborne (diamond) is like comparing shit to diamond.
Camparing Nioh (shit) to Bloodborne (diamond) is like comparing shit to diamond
>Better than anything
actually like Nioh more
nioh has Fuku
OP is a faggot
Fuku best girl
>Game is exclusive
>Gets released on PC
I hope this is false flagging, no one can be this retarded.
I will NEVER EVER replay nioh
70 hours of the same 10 enemies
What exclusives do us Sony bros have to look forward to?
I need shitposting material.
but your hands show that youre a shitskin (Shit)
I'll stick with Halo 5 and Horizon 3, thanks
doll > iosefka >> maria >>> shit > fuku
You know how i know this is false?
Unlike Bloodborne, Nioh threads literally vanished hinting the game sucks
Spider-Man's wife's son
This. Funny how everything suddenly sucks when it's not longer exclusive.
I genuinely hope Bloodborn gets ported. Fuck I don't even enjoy the Dark Souls-like subgenre, but the tears would be endless.
Camparing thing I don't like (shit) to thing I like (diamond) is like comparing shit to diamond
Bloodborne threads are normally console war threads because no actual fan of Souls games play it, just Sonybros.
Is that you, Phil?
Really gets the noggin joggin
>being a nigger
Niohs core gameplay is miles better. As well as its customization for armor and it has better bosses overall then BB which has Ludwig/Orphan which are better then anything in Nioh imo but the average isn't comparable.
Its just Nioh fucks up in some shitty areas to fuck up in. Like normal enemy variety and HEY FIRST BOSS 20x and fucking 3x in the last DLC WHAT THE FUCK!.
Who has some stupid boner for phase 2 Onikirgiri.
God of War
GT Sports
Gundam Versus
new Virtual ON
the new Vanillaware game
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 7
Yakuza x Hokuto no Ken crossover
Dragon Quest x Final Fantasy crossover
Project RE Link
Persona dancing game
that's it pretty much the games I can remember
some people says Left Alive is also a PS exclusive but I doubt it
it's literally the same soulstrash with a different skin.
did you steal those from a white family?
i'm really sick and fucking tired of seeing all these niggers on my Sup Forums
maybe Sup Forums is right after all? maybe we do need a race war?
id rather eat shit than diamonds
>better bosses
Pick one.
Atleast Nioh requires you to figure out more then light attack/roll to be successful since strong attacks are good as fuck too and dodges will get fucked by any active attack. Also each stance does serve great purpose.
Most Soulslike games share the shallow design the combat has without capturing any of the world building and what made the first few fun including DaS3 itself which is dogshit.
oh exploitable
OP your post was so retarted it made me laugh.
On average compared to BB?
Nothing is as bad as
Celestial Em
One Reborn
Amy is shit but a boss but the other 3 don't even feel like bosses they hardly even try to kill you. Atleast every boss in Nioh has something to be afraid of.
>getting excited for Detroit, GoW (especially after the last 4 GoW games), GT after the PS3 era of the series, an HD remaster and a fucking Persona dancing game
>being white
no thanks lol
Stop falseflagging PC cuck. Nobody cares about you getting console port horribly delayed. Call me when your system will get exclusive cool shit like Bloodborne or Nioh and I might waste money on it.
This. Anyone playing it on Console (I know that DeS was on PS3, but that's what stopped it from becoming popular like DaS is) is playing it on Xbox, and other players are playing PC.
>no thanks to the automatic +3 int +5 cha -1 str
Actually -1 End not str
>playing easy mode
Making a boss fight ridiculously difficult doesn't make it good.
its both actually
>it's not on PC so it's shit
>it's on PC so thanks for beta testing, we care now
It works like clockwork.
>nigger hands
Stop reinforcing the steriotype you Dumbass nigga
Shit skin, shit taste.
What makes it good?
Reminder that you PCkuks better make some SFM porn with the Nioh girls AND monster girls or else...
>being a nigger
t. Stephen king/ Harry Potter intellectual
Show me better fight than Ludwig, Maria, Orphan, Gascoigne and Gehrman in Nioh
fugg might aswell get a Switch already fuck Sony
But it's true. Been saying it since Nioh came out. PS4 owners were just trolling everyone because there was finally something to play on the stupid system.
Nioh is NOT a good game. It's an empty, repetitive piece of shit. It's so repetitive that it will make you want to kill yourself. It doesn't even have the benefit of having decent graphic nor even a passable soundtrack. You get to choose between horrid graphics with 60fps, or less shitty graphics and unstable fps.
It's a terrible, terrible kusoge made by brony/sonic autist tier people
When it is entertaining.
They're inanimate objects, nigger-san. They won't react to hand gestures
And when boss fight is entertaing for you and why Orphan boss is not entertaining?
*Blocks you path*
Then later you have to fight hin and a annoying Tank character in the same time
>anyone on Sup Forums having that
>actually its +5 int -1 cha -3 end -2 str
Why is Sony associated with Black?
I don't even remember this guy.
>-1 cha
Pure East Asian masterrace here, other races step aside and just let the superior race take over, k thx.
*Got cucked by your lord
Orphan did not entertain me because it took me dozens of tries to beat him. He was a headache. I only persisted to beat the DLC. Most people will agree with this.
A boss fight that is similar to Orphan, but actually fun, I would say: Champion Gundyr. Champion is difficult and unforgiving, a challenge, but fair. Dodging his attacks is very rewarding. Fighting him is very enjoyable. It rewards skill and punishes mistakes.
Him and the big guy are literally the namesake of the game, did you skip the optional missions?
IDK man, Nioh let you change frame rate setting and shit on a console game.
Bloodborne ran at an astonishing 20-25 fps.
Comparing combat in the games I'd say it's quite the opposite..
>being a weeb
It runs at 30 fps with drops on PS4 and 30fps on PS4 Pro.
I know you are anally devastated because game is not on PC but PS4 but you don't have to lie to make yourself feel better.
No but I did start skipping all the cutscenes when I got to the second island. The story was garbage.
>I'm not good at game so it's bad for me.
>name a better Nioh boss better than BB? Uh uh n-nothing as bad as BB's!
>Passive skill:Sup Forums browser
>Effect:STR/INT/CHA/END/EXP/LV fixed to 0.
>being literally a sònyggér