Too "video-gamey"

>too "video-gamey"

pepe more like pupu

Are you actually going to explain why that term is so bad, you anti-intellectual retard?

Story is whats ruining games

pupu more like apu

>not "video-gamey" enough

>a video game being to much of a video game
If you can't figure out how stupid that sounds, I'm not even sure why you play video games in the first place, retard.

Please consider suicide by monday at most. People will just care for about 3 days and then move on, so no big loss really.

If it's actually that obvious you can explain yourself, right? You do actually have an argument and you're not just parroting what you read online, right?

FPS view in a movie does seems "too video-gamey"

This shit has gotten out of hand. Everyone who posts frogshit and feelshit should just be instantly banned forever.

Bosses are an Outdated Mechanic


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>Reach the climax of the game
>The protagonist is finally going to go up against the antagonist
>press x to kill antagonist
>or even worse they don't even give you a half-assed qte and he just dies in a cutscene


It's like I said here . Fucking cancer just keeps spreading and mods aren't doing shit.

I get what they mean, but I'm not sure why they phrase it like that instead of saying "too cliche" or "too generic".

it's just photos of frogs, not decapitated babies

Are you not sick of seeing it fucking everywhere? Fucking meme should've died years ago already, yet its diseased corpse is still being flailed around today like zombie Simpsons.


I still see some creative ones popping up every now and then. It's just reaction images. Why aren't you complaining about anime pics?

Keep up these threads the butthurt is delicious

I don't want """""creative""""" variants of the same two shitfaces over and over again, I want brand new faces and images. All that time and effort wasted on yet another fucking edit of that fucking amphibian and fucking albino could've been spent instead on making something brand new.

>anime pics
>Cycles through whatever the shitty flavor of the month animes are airing.
>Pepe and Wojak
>The same damn things year after year after year


Meta whineposters like you are the worst cancer on this website

No one cares crybaby. Back to your suggestion box

that's a compliment these days

Also full of reddit frog faggotry

No, it just means you take pride in your low IQ because you aren't capable of keeping up with intellectuals anyway


That board should be nuked already. It's devolved into /jp2/ and /pol2/, with no one using it for its original purpose anymore.

>with no one using it for its original purpose anymore.
Asking moot questions before he leaves or whining about Sup Forums?

>with intellectuals
like yourself right?

Yes, and?

wew lad