Do you play as the opposite gender in online games?
Do you play as the opposite gender in online games?
only fags do that
>play female character online
>just play and don't scam for shit
>make some friends over the years
>getting to the point where they want to hang out
I'm in too deep.
Depends who got the better armor. I usually look up armor sets on mmorpg and decide from there.
Can't play as the opposite gender if genders are a social construct and don't actually exist.
What anime?
>image search
>NTR shit
i want to marry the neetjew
you're already gone
NTR you say?
Always. Not for financial gain in the game or anything, I just like girly things.
All the time.
I'm fighting the urge to create a female saiyan or majin in xenoverse 2 because of it.
>>I'm in too deep.
If you didnt tell them youre a guy yet you are. But at least you didnt lead them on so the comedown isnt too hard.
Just wait until you use pictures you got from the internet, manipulated webcam feeds and used a voice modifier to maintain a female persona for multiple years and they are practically stalking you to track you down and fuck your imaginary pussy.
Or when another GIRL starts a friendly relationship and after hanging out for months she admits he is a guy and is in love with you. But at that moment youre in too deep cyberfucking other people to keep them from destroying eachother over your virtual pussy. So you have to throw him in front of the bus and tell everyone in the guild he is a guy getting him booted.
PPl who do that are disgusting effeminates.
Untermensh who are likely to turn gay / trap/ transgender.
Or maybe some just want to see a sexy girl with attractive armor for all those hours. Most games have generic armor especially for the men, depending on the game. Can you wrap your head around that
You don't have to make excuses. It's okay if you want to be the girl.
If given the option, I usually choose the opposite gender. The girl characters are often more attractive and cute. But I never try to impersonate as a female in online games.
Its a ROLE PLAYING game. Even if you create a female to masturbate on her warthong (which is already degenerate) , ROLE PLAYING a female for hours and hours will have side effects.
In fact, a mentally sane person would be turned off by the idea alone. Have you ever shown your parents, or a girl, your beautiful in game female elf character ? You know they'd find it ridiculous and creepy.
Its disguting for two reasons:
- because your fixing a screen with a whore moving around for hours
- because you're a male playing a female
Therefore nobody knows if you're just a perv, a wanabe transgender, or both.
user are you okay?
Only as a joke
I play a Tauren female in wow and whenever some one ask my real gender I tell them im MtF transgender lesbian
But I do want to bang female Taurens
Yes because I'm a fag. I realized why I do this though. Females in games are perceived as being more submissive, especially if you're in a support role like healer. As a bottom sissy I feel comfortable in the kind of feminine role that a female toon provides.
Only if the game has cute clothes desu
Is this a copypasta? Cause lmao if it isn't
This is the soundest post in this thread. Any male playing a female has its brain thinking like this subconsciously.
If you pretend you can be a virtual transgender without side effect, you're fooling yourself.
>wanting to fuck bipedal cow
why tho when theres elves?
Yeah. It became too intense so I said I had to move with my family and I wouldnt be online for a while and had to make new friends so they didnt have to wait on me. Then I uninstalled.
So what shitty anime is this? Is this the new absolute garbage fotm with
>Take pre-dominantly male thing
>Said thing is known for being unattractive and in general an objectively bad thing.
>Show zero of those negative qualities and try to sell it in a positive light.
Anime is a fucking joke.
You perfectly described my mmo life
How triggered are you that you just assumed everything about the show without knowing what it is?
It's a pretty average show based on the first episode but entertaining, it doesn't show her being perfect. She has no social awareness which makes her upset people by accident, her stomach was making constant noises at the convenience store so everyone was giving her funny looks and she seems to hate everyone in person
I play males in online games and females in jrpgs.
I like girls.
Girls are cute.
I'm projecting my personal tastes on what is essentially a paper doll, which is a level of control you don't have in an actual relationship.
I don't wanna be one, I never have.
I just like 'em.
>Just started Saints Row 3
>immediately make a THICC latina in Character Creator
Sorry Sup Forums, I can't help myself
No, I'm a self insert fag so I tend to play as Human Male in every game where possible. Some anons want to be the little girl, but I just want to be an idealized version of myself.
Elves are boring, just seems like a human variant but I do have a monster girl fetish so trolls, tauren, draenei and goblins are hot to me.
Depends. I prefer playing men, but if the cosmetic options are heavily skewed toward females and the males are impossible to make look good (Vindictus, Tera, BDO), I'll play as a girl. I don't roleplay on MMOs, my gender doesn't ever come up, and I don't care what some posters on a Cuban apple whittling forum think of me
Not often
Like says it depends on the armor and usually female armor looks like shite
>should i look at a mans ass all day or a females
I play as a girl because I want to be a girl but I don't want to deal with any of the real life problems associated with it so I live out my fantasies in video games.
It's that simple.
Only if I completed the game as a male already to see the different dialogue or armors.
Jho armor looks much better on Women than men though, same with the Bnahabra gunner.
>Looking at your character's ass instead of the enemies
But I also don't socialize in games so it doesn't come back to bite me so whatever, I get to stare at a cute catgirl all I want with no downsides
MH female armor has started to go down the drain since Barroth's armor.
Depends on how sexy I can make the girl in game. If the player models are trash I go man.
I'm a semi-but not really-closet faggot, and want to be the little girl irl. However, I'm not mentally ill or desperate enough to ever consider mutilating my body/turn myself into a social pariah just so that I can roleplay as a girl in real life. Because I'm self aware enough to no that no force on heaven or Earth will ever magically turn me into a real woman. So, I roleplay in the relatively harmless realm of video games as a way to live out my fantasies, express my inner girl, and relieve some of my stress and work out some of my issues while having fun playing vidya.
>when one of the other people you hang out with is an actual girl and you have doubts whether you can hold up the charade to an actual woman since you roleplay a perfect cute girl men care too much about to doubt.
I play female chars all the time, because I feel like a girl, but I have gender dysphoria life is like hell kill me.
how the hell can a voice modifier make you sound female? do you have a naturally feminine voice?
>but I don't want to deal with any of the real life problems associated with it
>Implying you had a choice
Your only other option would be to become a tranny and that's nothing like being a real girl.
Which MMO are you guys playing these days? Is FFXIV really the only option?
>kill me
There's like an 80% chance you'll do it yourself according to the numbers.
Why the fuck would I want male ass in my field of vision?
No. Girls already get more attention and handouts than they deserve just for being "cute" even though they never do anything else. I'm not supporting feminists.
I like cute musclegirls.
what are you a homo?
>b-but you starring at a dudes ass
don't proyect your own insecurities to other people
I meant problems associated with being a tranny, ie not being a real girl
XIV isn't the only one, it's just the best one. Feel free to play fuckin' Runescape or Black Desert or Guild Wars 2 or whatever.
Tree of savior
Depends on which one I think I can make the most aestically pleasing. For instance I hate how male Draenei look so I almost always pick the female if I play them. I never try to lie to people about my gender in like guilds though. That's for fags.
In Xenoverse I started out as a male saiyan but then I found out that the player character from the first game is playable and even part of the story and now my stupid self changed from a male saiyan to a female one and made up a backstory that this saiyan wanted to be like the male one because he's amazing and then they develop a master and student relationship that eventually blossomed into a romance.. God, what the hell is wrong with me?
Yes, and? I described myself as a faggot, I'm not exactly in denial about it.
That's a silly excuse people make. I just want to be a little girl very badly.
You're not even the good kind of faggot. You're a betrayer to your own sexuality and gender.
>I'm a semi-but not really-closet faggot
>I'm not exactly in denial about it
Hey, if you're the one with dysphoria I'm sure you've done more research than me and know that too. I'm not gonna be a faggy edgelord and tell you to sudoku, but ya gotta be real with yourself if you wanna make it though dysphoria without becoming a lunatic or a dead person.
Depends, if they aren't customizable then I'll pick whoever has the best default design. If you can customize it then I always go female, because I am
Does this shit logic also apply to fighting games?
I like to beat people up as Chun Li and Cammy, so im technically playing a female online.
stop it
You're the third one. I think that there're a lot of closet people with gender dysphoria than we think there are.
>speak at a higher tone than you normally do
>voice morph it up to the point where it sounds like a low female voice
>turn output volume down so in a group people have to chose between turning you up loud and making the others very loud or keep everyone at a normal level and you soft
>add noise because of "bad connection"
>try avoid talking unless needed
If they want to believe they'll take your vaguely machinelike voice as the real deal. Its from a cute shy girl who seems to like them and their stupid jokes and give cute pictures.
No, never. I've tried, but I can't get into it.
Anyone who wants to chop their dick off can't call themselves gay. You're a failed straight man.
nice try tranny but you're not fooling anyone
You're the one being a edgelord with all the "kill youself herp durp stuff"
Guys, I think we've found Shadow the Hedgehog edgelord of this thread.
I play as a female character because I enjoy customizing women's outfits and seeing them do things. Not even in a sexual way.
Idk, chopping your own dick off sounds pretty gay to me.
No, it's more about choosing a female avatar than it is playing as a girl character. Fighting game characters are almost always inseparable from their moveset so there's not much you can do if you play as a girl.
But in something like an RPG you make a character from scratch and there's almost no difference between genders outside of romance and clothing choices. In fact, those two things only serve to make the decision to play a girl more suspect.
I just accept the reality of my situation. If that makes me a traitor then so be it.
In that I don't proudly proclaim it to the world, but it's not exactly a secret. Most of my irl friends know even though it's not something we've never actually felt the need to have a conversation about. I wouldn't deny it, I just don't ever bring it up.
If that makes sense.
>being a guy who hates dicks so much that you want to cut yours off means you are gay and love dicks
Dress up is fun. When males have more options like females do, I'll start picking males. I can't even self-insert because almost no game does curly hair correctly without it being a straight up joke like an afro.
The idea is that the avatar in an online game is an extension of self (read: a self-insert) and thus all social interactions online are just a proxy for social interactions with the real you, and not with the avatar. Playing Chun-li is playing as the character Chun-li and not yourself, like an actor in a play ie. its Patrick Stewart as the character Jean-Luc Picard.
Don't talk to me you missed abortion.
Usually not, but if the cosmetic options are differed enough I'll usually end up making multiple characters with different genders/races/etc.
Back in WoW I don't recall having any female characters beyond a few like lvl 10's that I abandoned.
In the APB alpha I mained a female because they had more cosmetic options, and like 90% of that game was the character & vehicle customization.
I don't RP or hide the fact that I'm a dude in any way though.
how do i get a "pretending to be a really cute girl but is a guy irl" mmo gf
playing mmos just isnt the same without one of those at my side
>2 eyes
>not looking both at the same time
>posts ugly brown girl
You sound pretty retarded to me and unlike you I have basis for saying that.
People who chop their own dicks off are trying to appeal to straight men because they want THEIR dicks. Trannies hate their own dicks, not other dicks.
Recommend me some non-FFXIV MMOs.
I never told anyone to kill themselves.,,?
No, sucking your dick is gay. Chopping your own dick off sounds like insanity, why would anyone cut off part of their body?
Because you're actually retarded?
This is the worst D-grade "psychology" I've read on this shit site.
Pro-tip: almost all MMO players know that 90% of female characters are played by males. If someone thinks you're female it means you're acting super fucking gay.
Runescape for grindan.
WIldstar for raidan.
GW2 for boring.
BDO for korean grindan.
Nice try retard, but no, you got it wrong, which comes as no surprise to anyone.