Warcraft IIII

Warcraft IIII



It's IV you uncultured swine.

What did he mean by this?

IV = 9

I wouldn't trust modern Blizzard to write anything that isn't garbage. If WarCraft 4 would ever happen then I hope they'll just ignore WoW ever existed.

>Warcraft IV
>Using anything that happened in WoW as canon
>Being written by Nu-Blizz

On second thought, I don't actually want this. Give me WC4 starting from the end of TFT or just end my life.

I thought that Blizzard was a Korean company for some reason.

That's IX. As in I(1) before X(10)

IV is I(1) before V(5), so 4

Did you post this yesterday?

The Romans used IIII and IV interchangeably.

Maybe he's greek



why do you call them romans when rome is literally just the capital of italy?

people dont call me a washingtonite because im american...

pretty much. It will never happen. Honestly, lets face it, if they made a warcraft III the same story people who wrote the garbage that is the new diable, starcraft games and wow expansions would be used. It would suck. Let us be happy with unspoiled dreams instead of the horror of what would surely come.

Final Fantasy IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII when?

no they call you a fat retarded american because that's what you are

>that void texture
How the fuck does shadowform look so bad when they are capable of that?

Interestingly, they rarely used IIIII instead of V too.

Just give me a remake of WarCraft III, as long as they don't add any Jewish bullshit to their editor agreement like they did with the SC2 editor.

What kind of fucking retard doesn't know romanian numbers?

How have you been since graduation, OP?


>Romans had no number for zero
>Arabs invented it

HOTS i guess


>right in the pueritia

Teaser trailer this Blizzcon.

I hope your anus is ready.

Are you people new or am I getting cannibal baited.

This. New timeline, series reboot, or just timeskip like 50 or 100 years. Maybe the legion wins, destroys azeroth, and like everyone fucks off to some new realm or some shit idk.

There's a little chance that OPs post was a bait. This place is full of uneducated autists.

Inscriptions dating from the Roman period not infrequently use "additive" forms such as IIII and VIIII for "4" and "9" instead of IV and IX. There are even instances of both forms appearing within the same document.

Sometimes V and L are not used, with instances such as IIIIII and XXXXXX rather than VI or LX.

Clock faces that use Roman numerals normally show IIII for four o’clock but IX for nine o’clock, a practice that goes back to very early clocks such as the Wells Cathedral clock of the late 14th century. However, this is far from universal: for example, the clock on the Palace of Westminster in London (aka "Big Ben") uses a "normal" IV.


Let's hope never ever.

Some new retards get baited and some people just throw more into the fire to laugh at those morons mate. Typical day on Sup Forums.

Is this the true power of US education system?

what happened to her?

Many americans say could of and should of instead of could've or could have. Doesn't make it any less wrong.

She got voided.


>needing a number to define something that isn't present
>not just excluding something that is nothing.

Of course it's bait, do you think this is the first time someone posted IIII here?

your post is america.jpg dumbass. Literally not even looking at the thread before posting something.


Never ever. There are people who have been playing the game for over ten years at this point. If you made a sequel now, they wouldn't migrate to it because they would have to give up everything they sank all that time into.

>they wouldn't migrate to it because they would have to give up everything they sank all that time into.
can't you start from scratch and basically max out your character in a few months these days? What's there to keep around? They even had an expansion that removed old stuff and replaced it with new stuff, a wow 2 would just be more of that. Plus you could possibly do stuff like move over all cosmetic shit to the new game if you wanted to


Never until WoW dies

And that was thousands of years ago. The numbering system has been revised since. Catch up.

Fuck off, idiot.

A-Are you retarded?

I asked my Italian friend and they definitely use 1,2,3,etc in Rome. This is all an elaborate practical joke.

Your mother was used interchangeably.