23k people watching someone partying...like wtf ?
Why ?
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Same reason people watch other people fuck, eat eat and play games. The cuck mentality of the 21st century
I dunno man, only reason I watch twitch is for Fighting game tournaments.
Why do you care by the way?
The next generation is about watching people do things
Most of those people suck and wouldn't sit down in rl to have a conversation with someone, or the conversation is shitty. Like this user points out. Doing things isn't really a requirement anymore, you can watch everything on the internet.
>le "my generation is fucked up older generations weren't like this" meme
at least I can masturbate to people fucking. I'm not having fun by watching people partying.
I guarantee you're learning something by watching tournies. you may not know it, but you're definitely absorbing loads of tactics and strategy
Millenial, please.
>watzching others playing games is sad
>watching other people travel and explore places in japan is sad
whatever you do you re wrong lol
>He didn't watch the forsen and reckful in Spain stream
Not much of a party.
ban all autistic people from this board
is that layne staley?
This, our generation is so fucked
>tfw not born in the 50s
How old are you?
I'd reevaluate my life if I was not a millenial and spent time on this board.
>that guy has pink hair
I think you're underestimating how shitty some people are with the socialization. Any contact is good contact for them.
Next generation kids
What? Thats not what I asked.
>I'm not having fun by watching people partying
Probably because you're not living vicariously through some internet personality like the sad sacks that watch these things.
hello 2001, it's 2017
I'm just going to leave this redpill here.
>people eating
how come that with some people, even though they don't wear any gaming related clothing, you can instantly tell that they are gamers? Or atleast identify as "gamers".
helIo reddit, it’s Sup Forums
Living vicariously through others is the new thing cucks are into.
It's the trend right now, but who am I kidding, every generation does the pink hair, this is just as gay as the punks, scene kids, and goths.
>Opens with Iron Maiden
Based Jones
Because the people watching are living vicariously through the streamers, knowing full well they'll probably never leave their home town let alone be able to go to a place like Japan and party like that.
>It's the trend right now
Maybe for e-celebs, but not for normal people.
disheveled hair, worn face, etc
ur really fuckin dumb wow
I watch people partying / traveling because I have very few friends so I canot experience those things myself. I watch people eating nice food because I am very poor and I cannot afford those sorts of foods.
Finally, I watch people playing games because I have limited playing time and some games are hard and frustrating, so I'd rather watch someone eles get frustrated.
My life is very sad.
I mean they already have big audiences but this is just for weebs to live through them. For the weebs this is the dream life. But they're just useless NEETs who will leech for the rest of their lives and never reach grorious nippon where they will meet their perfect anime waifu.
I masturbate to people partying.
Watching other people do stuff is as old as windows.
Bet you can't walk your street without some grandma watching.
nah, I see it all over instagram. Alt sports like bmx/skateboarding/rollerblading/scootering. Also fairly popular in music scenes along with those short shorts on dudes...
You don't know Sodapoppin?
I like watching these Japan streams when they're just wandering in Tokyo.
Are you implying the older generations watched live streams of people doing fuckall?
What in the world I just went to the channel, why the fuck is the pink hair guy getting a neck massage while doing his card trick ?
Use to put together tracks with friends and stuff. We'd all be playing instruments on stream. You faggots don't do shit like that anymore.
more mind boggled at the people who throw money at them
A LOT of people are lonely and try anything to fill that void.
What would happened if the internet was down for a week worldwide?
To what? Social life? Economy?
Mass suicide
riots in major cities
people pay for anything this isn't new desu
What would happen if you died and we didn't have to deal with your stupidity?
Remember when twitch was about games?
Yes, very common pastime. Just go to a crowded location like a park, sit down and watch people
>Not watching Luke down drinks like a champ
>not watching Soda do the same card tricks every 5 minutes
it is a good replacement for friends. Considering how it is for the current generation, this is not a surprise. Also there are probably a few yellow-fever spergs watching
God damn bro, you sound like sucha fucking faggot redit goon, are you even self aware ?
Two extremely autistic rich kids, one of them also being a huge asshole, with no social skills tour the world and people freely give them their money constantly to do it.
Another will take my place
they watched reality shows and in ye olden days they would gossip. essentially the same
he is right tho
Where are the games of video?
>Giving money to people you watch play video games
You dont do this do you Sup Forums?
the only webcomics that made me laugh were nedroid and supermegacomics
I don't like the whole generation meme but it's well known this generation has a bunch of lonely people that find themselves drifting from society.
This fills in the void a bit.
He did a charity stream and it was one of the things he had to do if people donated X
I'd see it if it was a D&D session, desu