Why did the King Dice fight have so many mini bosses?

why did the King Dice fight have so many mini bosses?

do you think they had an entire casino area mapped out but had to scrap the bosses due to time?

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Because it's a gauntlet, you idiot. That's the whole point.

It would be easier to make them all individual bosses than to balance them so you could do it as just one fight reliably.

Agreed. I can beat the old classic megaman games just fine and even THEY HAD HEALTH PICKUPS AFTER EVERY BOSS

This is artificial difficulty at it's finest

It's an homage to a part of Gunstar Heroes where you fight a bunch of mini bosses on a game board.


Thank god we no longer have games like that all the time. Too bullshit

I only hated that monkey fight, that shit takes TOO FUCKING LONG

Imagine all those fat neckbeards losing their cuphead speedrun because of the monkey, it will be hilarious

This does have health pickups

>start over
I never noticed that.

it keeps your clears, don't worry
except do worry because you're gonna roll 6 and lose your run

op here

ofc it's a gauntlet, I was questioning the plausibility that maybe those bosses were cut and scaled down in favor of this fight being made

Yeah, ONLY 3.

Imagine if megaman only gave you 3 small ass health pickups.

Not fair.
Doesn't apply to artificial difficulty

There are toooons of games where you have a boss rush part before the final boss, so it could really just be that



>The obvious homage.
>The fact that it would actually save money to not do it this way.
>The dev team clearly did not give a fuck about getting things done on time.

you'd have to be a fucking retard to think this wasn't intentional from the start.

You shouldn't be getting hit on those mini bosses to begin with.

Toons of games?

>Needing health pick-ups in a boss rush

Is the axe parry any good

>ii knew that from the beginning
>bbut what iff they cut areas

You don't need the health pickups in mega man, that shit is easy.

On the good side you can manipulate the dice and avoid that shitter entirely

Gunstar Heroes homage

It's a boss rush level.

Don't forget Melonbread too.

I hated it because it was so boring.

Thankfully there is a glitch where it just zoops out of bounds and gets killed instantly.

nope,the damage is too low to justify trying to parry the enemy,lower than shooting even,it sucks

I wonder if the DLC will add in an offical boss rush mode.

3HP to get through the whole set of bosses. Impossible but I'm sure someone will do it.

fuck off,i've beaten megaman 1-8 recently and the only comparable to this is 6,stop lying,

>only 1-8

>best part of the game
>especially with a friend
>mfw fags cry about this

king dice is actually the closest thing we got to an actual boss rush, i don't know why you're complaining

Seven Force-style boss in Cuphead when?


its Sup Forums user, we had threads going on about 'how if we remove the 1930's theme its just another boring run and gun' and being insulted when about half of the replys was going 'no shit' or 'if you remove the patty, salad, sauce from a burger its just another boring pile of bread'

Never. This fucker already gave me enough in Alien Soldier.

Probably as DLC, but will most likely not happen due to the process of how the game is made unless they contract a shitton of Koreans to do it for them.

It's a throwback to the legendary Gunstar Heroes.

Best part of the game.

It probably cost less time than you think; consider that any other full boss has much, much more animation compared to the minibosses in King Dices stage, and even King Dice himself has very limited animation. Even the scrolling backgrounds of the airplane sections are simplified. Consider the alcohol miniboss; three figures who sit in an idle pose the entire fight, with animation for a single attack each (Shot glass spilling himself, martini launching an olive, whiskey bottle shooting a pillar of booze), and then an idle animation for when they've been knocked out. Most of the minibosses also only use simple projectiles.

Megaman makes you fight actual bosses in the final stage boss rush, not minibosses that are easier to dodge and have less health than the real bosses. Considering that all bosses in the game have multiple forms and/or minibosses to deal with, the only difference between King Dice and the others are that you might have to go through more phases if you're bad at timing the dice but each of the phases is way easier than on a normal boss. I don't see why anyone who made it there would need health pickups. You'd have to have dealt with way harder bosses along the way.

Go play DMC4

More games should do this

glitch happened to me desu, but only once...

can you make it happen? it was the 2nd cardflip phase he did it.

not that it matters, ive already beaten the game

Dont need 5 threads shilling cuckhead.

i had that thought at first too, but after youve fought them all you realize they're really simplistic bossfights, not worth a whole stage to themselves cept maybe the cigar one

the backgrounds were topnotch too.

it was obviously a reference to Gunstar Heroes you pleb

This is my new wallpaper

Meant for

Do you have the others as well?

No, wish I did


>Imagine if megaman only gave you 3 small ass health pickups.

yeah, imagine if a gauntlet in a well received game only let you get your health back a few times inbetween multiple fights.