Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

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I can't.

2B is perfection.

The Fanbase
Having to watch a gay concert for plot reasons
The Fanbase

boobs not bigh enough
also short hair

Flat chest.

Find a flaw.

stuck in a shit game

We'll never get another toobie game. There's your flaw.

Butt too big.

>flat chest

her butt is too big I can't handle it, 300 pounds of ass literally

Can't look her in the eyes.

Weak and submissive.
Too soft and kind for her own good.
Suicidal thoughts resulting in a sacrifice that only made everything worse for a guy she loves.
But this only makes her more interesting.

but you can, user

where's the rest of this?
i want to examine it closely

I want to worship 2B's ass.

A2 is better

Not enough porn

No characterization, you know the thing that matters

that's the whole image, sorry

2Butt beautiful

This is a good combo though.

Couldn't go through with finishing the second playthrough. It was exactly the same as the first except for the shitty hacking minigame.

Lack of genitalia.

She's blind?

It's just lethiccxD ass and nothing more.

damn where this came from? do you have the full pic?

Entry-grade waifubait.



Does 2B have a womb?

She's not Kaine.


Lacks queen of spades tattoos.

>Lacks queen of spades tattoos.

not real

Fucking degenerate faggot

>Find a flaw
Not the BEST girl even in her own game

These puffy vagina memes go too far sometimes, I honestly can't tell if this is supposed to be balls or not.

Not real.


Oh, Kaine literally does have balls and a dick

Fapbait, not a character.

It's hard to even fucking comprehend the level of utter self loathing of these unironic cucks

>puffy vagina

Not human

>interracial = cucking

sniff it

How so?

She has both a vajay-jay and a bepis

>tumblr fan art

Her asshole isn’t around my dick.

Don't have to ask me twice

spell ICUP niggas

What ever you say you cuck

>user so insecure by blacks he thinks any girl a black person fucks is cucking

Considering how much she weighs as an android you'll have to ask her to lay down as you try.

And wear a condom to protect yourself from electrocution

>he doesn't like the thinking man's fetish
It's 2017, people!


She has a dick and a vag. Also friendly reminder that Nier probably bummed her senseless for a millennium until they both died

Generic anime waifu-bait trash.

Not an argument.

I'm not gonna lie 2B is probably very close to the peak of what a woman should look like.

>Yfw sexbots become a thing and you can order a 2b-like

>not suffocate through farts
what has Sup Forums become

The only flaw is I'm not posting the rest of this set.


>fake tits


dies and forces best boy and purest maiden 9S to confront the bitter reality of being human

I wanna be suffocated her mystical pungent arome

Link? I give you one in return

just kill yourself user, I know you've been thinking about it

That’s a dude though.

Not him but I'll be a nice guy: - 2b cosplay

Nonsummerjack a cute I want to lick her bellybutton

Her tit's are absolutely fucking outrageous. Something that great can't possibly be real.

edgelord blindfold

she's a disgusting shotacon

Non is not a dude, there are pics of her "ladygarden" out there on the internet

OP said find a FLAW.

Even better

She doesn't love you.

What if I dress up as 9s?

What does her butt smell like?

gear oil and a burning starter

That's not a flaw though, it's only natural!


You don't have to, just give me a name pls.

i don't want to be that guy, but that ass is mediocre af

both good things

Her ass is nice. There’s more to ass than size.


where did things go wrong for you?

stop posting this garbage no effort "cosplay"

He's clearly black, so I guess at birth


You are being that guy. The guy who posts non-vidya women when no one asked for it.

Is that a chad or a gay friend?


b-but toobie's boobies


So, in the end, A2 was the true hero. She was the one saving everybody. Even the ending credits song are pretty much about A2.

Yeah, yeah, there is no main protagonist in Automata, but I get the feel that A2 is the only hero in this story.