Will they remake Tsubasa's game for the Switch?

Will they remake Tsubasa's game for the Switch?

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Weren't sales trash? They have noa censorship to blame for US sales.

I hope so. The game needs a second chance. It was really damn good.

probably not.

SMTxFE bombed both in Japan and USA


>Weren't sales trash?

nah, nintendo fanboys would buy the shit out of anything on a nintendo console regardless if it's censored to hell and back. They don't care as long as it's on a nintendo console.

>nah, nintendo fanboys would buy the shit out of anything on a nintendo console regardless if it's censored to hell and back.


that's poor sales.

Probably not. It bombed hard in Japan and the US. So if they were to give it a second chance, I'd be damn surprised.

Nah. Pretty sure sales were bad user

But that's factually wrong. It baffles me how a mindless hater like you doesn't know about Federation Force or Codename STEAM.



it was bomba so no it won't. Sad because it deserves a second chance on the switch (without censorship)

Hope they port it

>They have noa censorship to blame for US sales.

That's Japanese sales, where it was uncensored.

You people piss me off so much. Listen, I'm not supporting altering the original game in any shape of form like how they did, but at the end of the day, the changes they made were negligible, and the fact is that it was a really good game that didn't sell nowhere near as much as it should have for stupid reasons.

>That's Japanese sales, where it was uncensored.

exactly. Even when uncensored, SMTxFE bombed

Why bother? You can pirate it on the Wii U and get it in all its uncensored glory. Not worth doing anything for the Switch until they figure out how to hack it.

And they will never make another game like that. Good job, asshole.

So they'll never censor games again? This game failing in return for that is a pretty good deal. I'd make that deal any day.

>And they will never make another game like that.

good. this game was fucked the moment they branded this as a crossover

The game was pretty good but let's be real here, it sold poorly because it was on one of the worst performing systems of all time and because of it's subject matter. They really missed the mark with idol-shit.

The Sony install base was way larger and they're used to shameful weebshit (not saying TMS is of the likes of Neptunia/Senrans/etc) so it would definitely have performed better

"Muh censorship" only affected like 50 sales, all by some turbo autists on Sup Forums who need the next big 'blunder' to shitpost about.

Nope. It flopped and will be forgotten completely

haha get triggered more, senpai, I never said or implied it bombed because of censorship, just that it would be nice it they would forgo the censorship should they rerelease it. Switch is region free anyway so its not like they can enforce it

Can I see some high level gameplay of this game? Talking about optional secret bosses or a "hard" chapter/area of the game with super annoying encounters? I just wanna see the gameplay put through its paces.

FExSMT gameplay sounds unique, despite that grating art style and idol theme.

>Buying a WiiU

It isn't his fault NoA censored the game.

Nintendo and Atlus considered it a success and are already in talks to do another.

The only people who say it failed are the autists on Sup Forums who assumed the game was gonna be a crossover game, despite Atlus saying for years it was going to mix ELEMENTS from both games into one combination.

But reading is difficult, I guess.

>mildly interested in this game
>assume it will bomb like mad and price will drop like a rock as everyone puts it on clearance
>over a year later and it's still $60 everywhere

Guess I'll just pass then.

>Nintendo and Atlus considered it a success and are already in talks to do another.
Let me guess, your source is your dad who works at Nintendo?

It's a Nintendo game.

Yeah. The fact that a Mario and Rabbids RPG from Ubisoft sold better than a SMT and Fire Emblem RPG from Atlus tells you that they seriously missed the mark with their target demographic. People just didn't connect with Tokyo Mirage Sessions at all.

Also I just noticed TMS is SMT backwards.

Go back to neogaf

>SMTxFE bombed both in Japan and USA
Did it? It sold as much as your average Atlus game and had merchandise sales on top of that.

>It sold as much as your average Atlus game
*breathes in*

>and because of it's subject matter. They really missed the mark with idol-shit.

an the fact NoA branded this as a crossover:

The name of this trailer ALONE doomed this game. Doesn't matter what they say after the trailer.

Final sold 96k in its first week. That game also didn't involve Avex.


The estimated sales are about the same, which is normal for Atlus. And like I said, Mirage Sessions had merchandise sales the most games don't have.

Just look at Lunatic runs.

>96k and 26k are the same

Lifetime sales. Both are estimated to be in the 300k mark

It's a polished turn-based game with the press-turn system. You should know what to expect if you've been playing jRPGs and SMT games in general.

>walking around Gamestop listening to that show they play over the speaker
>hearing how hard they were stretching to try and shill #FE as a crossover

>Nintenbros are still THIS mad they'll never get to play Persona 5

You are completely full of shit.

Source? I've never seen Atlus talk about their sales numbers. Only numbers I've seen are media creates.

>make a game that panders exclusively to weebs
>censor almost everything that weebs would've bought the game for

That being said, it wasn't a very good game but thirsty weebs literally buy trash all the time. (see: Vita)

>not being a Video Game Scholar

>screw the idols

Nintendo games pretty much never get permanent price reductions.

At least it wasn't the Caligula Effect.

Hasn't been true since the seventh gen. They don't reduce the price of all their games, but a select few do see price reductions.

what's wrong with that?

There was no false advertisement of it being a crossover

>tfw all you wanted was a simple FE-style SRPG with Megaten demon sprites

>it wasn't a very good game

Actually, It was pretty good, I should know, I have great taste in video games (See: Soul Sacrifice Delta, the best handheld game ever made)

>I should know, I eat weebshit for breakfast

Think of some of the best video games ever made. You'll realize that it's a list made up of 90% Japanese games. Face it my dude, Japanese games are better on average. Especially now in 2017. The West had their time in the late 90s to early 2000s, killing it with PC masterpieces but that's all gone now and Japan is back to pick up the slack.

crpg are still flourishing. western shooters are on the way out.

>No censorship

>No english voices to please the weeb audience

>Still bombed.

Take a look at Dungeon Travelers 2 on google image search. You might be asking "What the fuck is this weebshit, holy shit, shameless" but GOD damn, underneath that layer of disgusting fanservice is one wicked Dungeon Crawler with fucking complex, labyrinthine maps and good-ass gameplay.

Yeah, I'm thankful for Div OS 1&2 and Pillars, but overall, the quality titles are few and far between these days. Can easily fill the gap with plenty of unassuming JP titles.

Reminder that the Japanese version was censored as well before launch, changing Kiria's idoru outfit to advertise and possibly push revenue on a karaoke service, which spectacularly bombed.
Reminder that you'll never play the true game and it was a travesty either way.
Reminder that there's a far better game hitting the States in 2 weeks.
Reminder that only Mexicans like Hashtag FE.

Nice try, neither are good

>noa censorship is to blame
No, idolshit and shitting on the two fan bases that were meant to enjoy it is to blame.

Mario + Rabbids sold so well that Nintendo will personally localize it to china and japan.

Hypothetically speaking. If they were to censor US again but not the Japanese one, would I in theory be able to play it uncensored in english with said jap version?

>Reminder that there's a far better game hitting the States in 2 weeks.

hell yeah man, here we go!

Remake a game that only came out a few years ago? It would be a remaster not a remake. Besides the game doesn't need a remake. It's shit outside of the combat which could go into a better game. Slap the session system with a few refinements on a new spinoff and there you go.

>No censorship
Are you fucking kidding me? Thr game eqs more censored than anything from the 90s.

>Better game
Not even with the 3ds version sales added it could beat FIFA or HW's first week. In the west, is coming one week before odissey, is deqd on arrival.

>nintendo fanboys would buy the shit out of anything on a nintendo console
Which is why Federation Force, Codename Steam, Star Fox Zero, Color Splash and this flopped right?
Fact of the matter is that they're the only ones that don't buy a game just because it's on their system..

is there marriage in this one

>Federation Force, Codename Steam, Star Fox Zero, Color Splash
Plenty of Nintendo fanboys think those games are good and actively defend them when brought up.

Why would there be marriage in a musou spin-off.

Yeah, which is why they all flopped right?

why would there be no marriage in a fire emblem game

Color Splash sold like over 1 million

And what source do you have for that exactly?

nintenbros on Sup Forums told me that

>they're the only ones that don't buy a game just because it's on their system..
But they bought Arms

I think this is the issue most ppl had with it, but to be honest m8 we already have devil survivor and the games actually pretty good in spite of the censorship crap

You mean the people who told you it didn't sell over 1m told you it did?
I'm having a hard time believing that user.

No they told me it was a success that sold a lot and only nostalgiafags didn't like it.

So the exact opposite thing to what they usually say.

It didn't even crack 1m you Sonygro retard.

I liked steam

You really haven't seen people defending Color splash before?

I specifically didn't buy it because of the hijabs.

You have?

I see it pretty frequently.

Color Splash doesn't get any discussion outside of the posts you take part in. And it's very easy to recognize who you are because you're the only one who spouts things like CS sold more than 1m.

Basically you're the only one that creats Color Splash discussions.

If they do, even the Jap version will be censored.

Nope, it hasn't appeared on the Nintendo million sellers list.

we have that already with Devil Survivor series.

Atlus said from the start it would be a traditional JRPG with influences from both series.

It was a fantastic JRPG actually.

Persona 5 is better

Not him but there's plenty evidence that a remake/sequel for TMS is on the way :
>they already did an audition for new #FE project
>one of avex director attended switch launch event
>recochoku (owned by avex) and atlus are on switch 3rd party support list
>avex is involved on new style savvy game (thus proving #FE is profitable for them to make another game with nintendo)

Eh, P5 was a bit too easy all things considered and bogged down by the ridiculous social link nonsense.

Um okay? We aren't talking about P5, but nice to see you feel inadequate enough to drop that out of nowhere.

Let's not pretend TMS was difficult