>Shitting on the memory of Ghost Trick like this
Fuck you Capcom
>I want ghost trick to come back
From thumbnail I thought he was added to mvci
>dead rising 4
Fucking wew
>that pronunciation of Sissel
I've always pronounced it like Sissy, not Sea
funny thing is there are ghost trick fanboys who will buy it
I assume it's pronounced like Cecil.
I never played Ghost Trick, and wasn't even aware it was a Capcom title. So why did they put it in Dead Rising, but not MvC?
I fucking hate capcom so much.
In Dead Rising it's a costume. In MVC it would be a full character, meaning animations, voice work, etc.
He's gonna be DLC.
It makes total sense that put him on a non Nintendo system
I just played GT for the first time last month. It was a pretty good game.
But what the fuck is this.
Nice to see Capcom actually recognize the game. GT and Ace Attorney never get any fucking love when it comes to these type of Capcom All-Star crossovers.
Any other anons gave DR4 a chance in some way? I pirated it and I regret even doing that. Jesus Christ, it was one godawful game. Everything about it from the graphics to gameplay and general polish just screams 'cash grab'. There's no way any self-respecting game dev could have had this travesty as their 'vision' of a game.
so happy the way capcom honors the dead. mega man, this, what else? thanks capcom
For ONCE, i am glad, that Capcom doesn't care shit about God Hand. Seeing the MC of this pile or garbage game running around in a Gene outfit would have broken my heart.
Because Nintendo owns the rights to Ghost Trick right? Think before you post.
>DLC for Canadian shovelware
I'll pass on that.
>No Ghost Trick or Ace Attorney in MvCI
What the fuck is Capcom's problem. They clearly haven't forgotten their existance
i hate capcom so fucking much
I don't get what the problem is.
Dead Rising 4 is a terrible game.
>shit rising 4
The problem comes when these characters/franchises haven't had a sequel for years only to be relegated to a costume DLC for a terrible game.
Why does every game need a sequel?
Did I say they need a sequel? Fans do want them though instead of just being relegated to a costume DLC for a terrible game which, again, I must point out is the main reason people hate this shit. The game is a terrible one. DR4 is terrible.
>Ghost Trick
>DR 4
this is truly the darksouls of monkey's paw
I honestly think that the outfit itself looks nice enough. How did Dante's model in MvC end up looking so bad?
So you think the chances of a sequel go down with this?
>The problem comes when these characters/franchises haven't had a sequel for years
Takumi has made no indication that he even wants to make sequel. What the fuck would they even do with it?
How stupid are you
It's not like they went through the effort they would go if they added the characters to a fighting game. It's just a costume.
That's not what people are complaining about. People are saying that Capcom's mistreating their other IPs by having them being "mere costumes" at all. You should've seen the thread about this yesterday.
No, only that instead of seeing these characters in a new game, they're instead appearing as costumes in a DLC for a terrible game. I think you're still missing the point here, DR4 is terrible and the majority of fans of these characters aren't able to enjoy these costumes because DR4, again, is a terrible game.
Maybe read up on the DLC in question and realise that Sissel isn't the only character there? How stupid are you?
>Dead Rising 4
Capcom knows.
no but only people with a DS have played ghost trick
Capcom has no remorse.
Phoenix Wright was the best stylized character in mvc3
It has an ios version doesn't it?
It had an iOS release that probably reached a wider audience than the DS version.
Actually it's on ios now and emulation exists.
>no but only people with a DS have played ghost trick
Except for all those people who emulate?
the situation would be a little different if the game they were referenced in was actually good and popular.
But this is Dead Rising 4.
>being this retarded
With the constant Megaman cockteasing and now this, I unironically think Capcom takes enjoyment in making fans suffer.
Fucking hell, all this time I thought that Capcom considered Ghost Trick underwhelming or something, now they're just showing they dont give a shit.
It's like when city of heroes shut down and NCSoft refused to let anyone purchase the IP, so they could put the characters in their shitty moba a few years down the line
And that is exactly what I don't understand.
This is not an instead. This is not a situation were they had the option to either make a new game or make a costume.
I LOVE Ghost Trick for example and I just thought this was cute. I have no interest in Dead Rising.
Just as retarded as the people who think Nintendo "left Mother to die" and "forgot it" when Itoi finished his series and told a complete story.
But Sissel is the cat.
Its more like Capcom as a whole save for one canuck dev forgot about GT.
I have. Its so underwhelming. The improvements over DR4 are very minor like improving the map or bringing back color considering everything else feels like a step back. I honestly feel like the game had less content than DR3 did at launch, making me feel like a beta tester for getting it early. At least the new DLC is adding something.
It didn't need to be a new game. They could've done anything or maybe even done nothing at all and it would've been preferable.
>I have no interest in Dead Rising.
I can tell, else you would know why people are frustrated that they decided to include these beloved characters as DLC for such a terrible game. Heck, they could've also chosen to make this DLC for the first DR game and more people would celebrate.
Not as retarded as you missing the point.
So its not Ghost Trick fans that are pissed off but dead rising fans.
Okay I get I think.
>all this time I thought that Capcom considered Ghost Trick underwhelming or something
Doesn't Dead Rising 4 feature a Capcom character costume in the base game? Actually, did Dead Rising 3 have that?
You do play the majority of the game in Yomiel's body, it's understandable that one would think of Sissel when you see him.
There's also the fact that this is in and of itself a spoiler, or rather, the spoiler for this game.
No unnecessary sequel for people here to complain about the existence of.
Because its marketing campaign was so shit I accidentally discovered it even existed on a magazine, because the biggest thing they've done to the franchise is to give it an iOS port and because they almost pretend it doesn't exist.
Capcom fans, I think would be more appropriate. Some overlap with each other, I'm a fan of both DMC and DR, for instance. We're all unhappy together, even the ones who do get sequels when they're shit like DR4.
Somehow more handsome than the MvCI version
He's also a ghost who looks like yomiel.
>bringing back color
Is DR3 in black and white?
>and because they almost pretend it doesn't exist.
It was advertised plenty pre-release and Takumi created it from the get go intending for it to have a western release at that. It was from that brief period of time where Capcom attempted to put out a few new IPs and no one gave a shit.
I just got the first Dead Rising on PS4, just unlocked Flying Dodge and dude keeps on rolling whenever I move forward. I switched controllers and now he's just twitching forward, what the fuck? Are my controllers broken?
Actually the fact that he has his ghost powers (like everybody else has their special abilities) is at least better than just being a random costume they picked out of their list of properties.
People keep wishing for a Ghost Trick sequel but the original was pretty self contained as it is. They'd have to create a new cast with a new reason for the soul powers if they wanted to make a new game. Then again we do have a single loose thread from the original game where old Missile mentions the Sissel from his timeline had disappeared to find his own identity.
No but the colors were very monotone and muted.
Takumi did say that he'd like to do a crossover with AA, maybe he wasn't being serious though.
Ghost Trick is probably one of my top 10 favorite games and I would be pretty pissed if they tried to make a sequel. There's no reason.
DR3 was very desaturated. The models were a huge improvement over the original two games but the city looked like it had a walking dead filter over it considering how nice and vibrant the prior two games were.
His color scheme is a skin for Wright in MVC3U at least.
>getting upset about a reference to a game that came out in 2010
Can someone explain this to me?
Not like this, Capcom. Not like this...
DR4 is a terrible game.
>Ghost Trick came out 7 years ago
I got a little excited. Thanks OP
I want a sequel to ghost trick more so for the mechanic then the story.
>So you know how everyone complained about DR4 not having anything to do with the previous games, mechanics-wise?
>Let's NOT try to fix any of that and just add some cameo costumes instead! What could go wrong?!
To be fair, they are trying to fix some stuff with the free update. It just won't be enough. DR4's problems are deeply rooted shit, tweaking won't do shit. They need to remake the entire thing.
They are trying to fix the gameplay too, whether they were succesful at doing that or not remains to be seen though.
i really hope a spanish teacher who isnt very good with english or the internet made these for a test but I know it was probably just some user
Can we expect a 3DS sequel or is this just blowing smoke?
In fairness, there are at least some things in DR4 that can be fixed with a patch. The main problem is that the story as it is is a done deal and cannot be undone unless it has a major retcon.
Bet half the fags in this thread who are whining about this will go straight back to playing SF5/MvC:I afterwards.
Capcom babies make me sick.
Why would it be a Spanish teacher? Maybe like 1% of the population is Spanish
I doubt that, no one bought it.
i meant a teacher in an anglo country who teaches spanish to english speaking people sweetie
Such a damned shame. I still remember when the game was revealed and I was actually hoping it would turn out a proper sequel. From the moment they took the 'FRANK IS BACK' and turned it into a trailer, everything kept sliding down till it released with a whimper.
This hurt
>Viewtiful Joe costume in SFV
>Mega Man merch up the ass to the point where they even sell his stuffed corpse
I hate Capcom.
>"bringing back classic Capcom characters"
>from a game that Capcom spent 0 money on marketing it, making it bomb hard as fuck
If they did nothing at all you'd still be complaining
If they made a new game you'd still be complaining because it wouldn't have the same devs as the prevous game did despite that being years ago
If they put out a new IP no one buys it
It's fine to hate on Capcom but I don't get what you guys want from them.
>Spoiling this game
If they did nothing, I'd be at peace, but they keep teasing without doing anything after, so it's just a giant kick in the nuts every single time. I don't complain about Mother and F-Zero not coming back because Nintendo barely even aknowledges them at all, and that's how it should be with any franchise you haven't touched in 10 years.
That's not Sissel, that's Yomiel. Sissel is the cat. Guess no one on the DR4 team even played the game.