Thoughts on Skyrim?

Thoughts on Skyrim?

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I had fun with it.


It just works

Some of the best fap material I could ever ask for. I still load up my game to go around fucking people now and then.

Good mod downloading sim

High level loot is always underwhelming.
Conjuration is best magic
Active mod scene
Shit core-gameplay
Shit quests
Shit story
Cities are empty shit without mods
Skyrim is for the Breton Stealth Archers

No one talks about this but the Way of the Voice is about putting yourself in your character's shoes and role-playing meditatively and genuinely. The greybeards literally warn you not to become a fallen dragonborn (by powergaming). Most fail.

Thanks for using a new picture OP, it's less like a fever dream now.

It's pretty much the only game that's had a dedicated thread on Sup Forums since it's launch. Sometimes there's 2 or 3 on the go. I'd be surprised if there's anyone on Sup Forums who hasn't played it.

Dragonborn were created as a means to combat dragons, the way of the voice is a cult trying to be more like the dragons, albeit peacefully. They have no inherent connection or seniority over dragonborns but instead try to enforce their will on them by feigning an ownership of the dragon language.

>he greybeards literally warn you not to become a fallen dragonborn
What does a Fallen Dragonborn do?

Is it 'never uses Shouts except when absolutely needed by the story' because Shouts were weak shit

>Here, play in this open world sandbox.


Need a shiton of porn mods to be playable.
Devious devices
More nasty critters
Dripping When Aroused
Aroused Redux
Further Lovers Comfort
Spouses Enhanced
Aroused Nips
Knocked up
Sexlab Tools
Eager NPC's
Reward Your Followers
Slave Girls
Sex Slaves
Sanguine Debauchery
Monitor Widget
Immersive Plugs
Estrus Chaurus
Deviously Helpless
Deviously Enslaved
Being females
Devious Captures
Dangerous Nights
Captured Dreams
TDF Prostitution
Skooma Whore
Prison Overhaul
HDT Vagina
Soul Gem Oven III

Is there an optimal race for this game's "mechanics"? I usually go with nord but can't be bothered to try anything else. What should I try or what am I missing g out on if not choosing another race

I'm still playing the original.
But I can't play the original anymore. I mean the first and only time that I finished Skyrim was on my X360 but I've never touch the vanilla game again.

It's not about RPG elements or the combat, it's all about graphics, Skyrim is unplayable without ENB.

It's garbage without mods and it gets too much credit. DLCs are pretty cool, though.

ran through it back in 2012.
didn't have much fun either.

Allow themselves to get suckered by a Daedric prince then try to take over an entire island using mind control magic.

Racial bonuses are pretty much all nil by end-game as your gear does everything and then some
It's pretty much entirely aesthetics with one quest, I think, being easier if you're an orc
Still, I think Bretons are the only ones who can stand naked in front of a batallion of mages (racial power to absorb 50% magic damage + some stone that does the same) and Bretons have cute women

pretty gud

Argonian in survival mode is great fun

what makes a person do this?


Vanilla Skyrim on the PS3 actually.

then everyone fails because canonically what beth is going to do to make sure that
op dragonborn that can stop a god is tucked neatly away in hermaeus mora's tentacle love dungeon.

Good for modding and blank slate characters for roleplay. Otherwise it gets bashed the fuck out by WItcher 3.

Fun game for casuals, everyone can pick it up and play, it gave something to do for a long ass time for my grandfather.

Otherwise is just a "decent" game, fun for the first 10 hours and then you see the patron of shit getting dumb or repetitive.


Envisioned the Greybeards saying this and it made me kek

Predator mod with unlimited followers is fun


The gameplay is an embarrassment but it's overall a very good game that is deserving of the 9.0+ ratings that it gets. It takes two steps forward and one back though. Everything that is wrong with obilvion seems to be fixed in this game. The problems come with birthsigns and leveling up. The game is godtier fantasty roleplaying solely because the world is so expansive and detailed and I just personally love tes lore. Thinking of where bethesda is now it's hard for me to believe that they developed this game.

the main shit things about this game are:
>cities too small but can be fixed with mods
>some armor is just bad
>spells are on hand instead of an ability which makes it hard to battle mage

It can be enjoyable with the right mods

It's like Oblivion in antartic

Nord is probably one of the best because they have resistance to frost damage making dragons who breath frost easier and vampires only use frost magic.

You forgot about the terrible quests taking up the overwhelming vast majority of the content. along with the shitty non-lore related writing.

Still playing it, still making mods for it.
I gave up on SSE and FO4 after CC and went back to oldrim.
I forgot how much i enjoyed it.

Thoughts on Enderal?

Unplayable without mods

It's just the main quests that are bad. Majority of the game would be very good if the combat and scale was better. Writing is fine.

I thought it was pretty great. I mean the story was a little shit at times but I liked the smaller intricate map. I just wished there was more to do outside of the city

Is Elder Scrolls Online worth playing at all?

you have impecable taste my friend

redpill me on requiem

It's unironically one of the better if not the best fantasy mmo right now. It doesn't do a very good job at making you feel like you're in tamriel though. I don't know what it is.

Great landscape, everything else = meh.

it feels like a singleplayer mmo most of the time, its pretty boring

I want to touch khajiit and argonians

Yeah, I think the devs are working on additional content right now though, I've heard it will add a new guild and some other questlines that will add another 20 hours of gameplay.

Overall Enderal definitely is a better game than Skyrim for me

Aww shit son I guess I'll have to play it again. Kinda bummed I deleted my save now. I really don't want to go through those long dream sequences again

"Greymane or Battleborn?"

It was fun when it came out (Probably because I was like 13 at the time) but I don't like it as much after I've played Morrowind and Oblivion

Good game. Only useful for nostalgia trips now

Yeah, I have the same issue. It is even recommended to start a new playthrough because it also changes the main quest and adds an alternate ending.

Here's the teaser they dropped

Well tarnation user that does look pretty neat. Thanks for telling me about this. Maybe I can save the world and also live with my qt waifu even if she was a little too pitiful

Akatosh>some lame daedra

Vanilla is boring and unimaginative.
Modded it can be fun and look 100x better

Did anyone ever figure out how to get Enhanced Camera and the HDT body to work together? I know you can go through the Enhanced camera script and remove body shadows if you want body physics in first person, but since the body I look at in first person is the third person body, why would it matter? Help? I want to see my tits jiggle around.

he meant the image dipshit

Oh well then right click, and view page source.

Fucking Christ

Fair game, deserves the 8/10 it got, mods are mostly just garbage porn bait.

Nothing that special, but people can have fun with it.

That's not going to tell us the mods used in the image.

Sure it will.

But there's no fetish stuff.

The difference are marginal at best and after five hours the only one that matters is Breton.

good game, better with mods

>hates mods
>gives Skyrim an 8/10

I right clicked and page sourced the image and got this.

I play it every now and again to be a busty Argonian girl and get pumped full of cum by anything and everything with a fat cock.

do those mods have any good cum effects or is it all just shitty 2d textures

I'd probably give it a 7, but the mods are mostly pretty garbage on their quality and hardly add anything special to the game.
and nude elf/armor mods are laughable

Shit combat, quests, loot, leveling, dungeons. Lore is fine but I can read that online and it doesn't take up 11gb on my computer.
No reason to play it.

>an entire island

Miraak was after the Godhead

Good mods for the special edition?

There's like 50 evil spirits that force you to do their bidding in the game. How are we supposed to avoid them?

Wait some months, SKSE just dropped for the SE so all the good mods for Skyrim will be ported if you are lucky

Shouldn't an Argonian freeze to death in 3 minutes?

I just started the game and killed Ralof's sister and her husband, they're not respawning either, will this fuck me up in the long run?

You don't avoid them, you openly con them. You are a Shezzarine of Lorkhan, your soul can't be bartered for. You tell the Deadra that make a pact with you you'll be their champion, exchanging your soul for their trinket. Joke's on them though, as a Shezzarine you permanently own your own soul, you can barter with it all you like, you never have to pay up.
The Daedra are idiots.

The thu'um is an unconscious manifestation of CHIM

Very few NPCs are relevant to more than a single quest, and most of the NPCs that are important can't die.

Level scaling is awful.


the worst thing that happened to ES lore, making all of it pretty much fanfiction

An unconscious manifestation of a power obtained via a conscious observation of the world?

Their child is now an orphan and does nothing but complain about being alone to me and his uncle just sits in the tavern all day, I feel pretty guilty ;_;.

Probably the comfiest game ever made.

It's a good game.

Yes. You are knowingly using the Thu'um, without realizing it is the same mechanics that fuels CHIM: intention being forced upon reality. Thats all CHIM is, being such a thunderchad that you force reality to bend to your will.
The same thing the Numidium did, only difference is the Numidium was programmed to rewrite reality using any means necessary, the only means it found was saying "no" cosmically to everything he saw (knowing reality was a dream and "waking" everyone up was the only way out).

Good thing literally only one person has ever CHIM'd and all he did was change a jungle into a forest. Protip: Vivec didn't achieve CHIM.

Art style
Loads of quests
Fucking heaps of mods

Combat system
Magic system
Horse mechanics
Dumbed down RPG elements
Many quest lines are uninspired, especially Dark Brotherhood


>You tell the Deadra that make a pact with you you'll be their champion
Even when you tell them to fuck off they still say your soul is theirs

I liked it, with mods to fix some wonky stuff. The under the surface weirdness from previous games is still there, the overall story of bringing down the towers is still there and expanded upon. Almost every town or village has their own little emergant story going on if you pay attention to what's going on. My only complaint is alot of questing will blob your character into a jack of all trades even if you don't want to be. The dawngaurd DLC forcing vampirism down your throat at every turn was a turn off. It's like the idea that someone just wouldn't want to play a vampire never once occured to them. They loved the idea so much they were certain I'd love it too.

I won't really comment on mechanics as you can turn those into almost anything you want with mods. Some mods are almost essential though if you want a more "pure" experience that alot of oldfags complain the games should be built around anyway.

>intention being forced upon reality.
So taking a shit is unintentionally CHIM? Because if all the requirements for something to be CHIM is you intending to do something, then everything you do is CHIM.

>No (Yes)

Theres ONLY fetish stuff

>being willfully obtuse.
If you know enough about CHIM to complain about it you knew what I was talking about. You know what CHIM is, you know it is a central facet of how the reality works cosmologically, and it makes you butthurt. which makes me happy ;^)

Just general bad writing from Beth.

Thu'um is as much CHIM as magic is. They are both forcing your will upon reality, the difference is that Thu'um is a creation of Akatosh and magic is more intrinsic to existence than one deity's creation.

Fun, but never VERY fun. You can dump a few hours into it and enjoy yourself, but there will never be a particular part that you remember and say "oh yeah, that was really cool." FO4 was the same. You ignored the story because the story was shit, and the gameplay only sort of managed to keep your attention, but the act of levelling up and filling out your quest log and upgrading your armor is satisfying, so you kept at it.

Bethesda is becoming Ubisoft.

still waiting for SSE mods to mature to get back to it

>the difference is that Thu'um is a creation of Akatosh
You mean the same Akatosh that is just a sub-gradient of Lorkhan, the same Lorkhan that revealed the Walking Ways (ways to achieve CHIM) and designed the entire system (with Magnus) of reality as an Arena of wills to battle for ideological supremacy, that only ends in Amaranth as one will alone comes out on top?
That guy?
And Magnus and his onahole are the literal basis for magic in all its forms. Him being co-conspirator with Lorkhan on the construction of the Mundus only leads credence to the fact that in their most primal forms they are exactly what CHIM represents: Intention upon reality becoming manifest.

Their entire reality is based on a thoughtform of the Godhead, everything boils down to it. it's all constructed from ideas and values, made physical as the idea is crystalized into "truth."