Fighting games are too hard. Fix it Sup Forums

Fighting games are too hard. Fix it Sup Forums

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We already did fix it. You're still too much of a pussy to git gud, though. Even if every move was a single button press, you'd still need to practice, you little bitch.

Rising Thunder

This + Fantasy Strike

But no one played either. The people complaining about fighting games being hard are the people that wouldn't play a fighting game in the first place.

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Rising Thunder was ez to play but fucking boring

Open back the arcades, you need to be a child to get the dexterity and if you didn't start thn you'll never make it


Not true. I picked up my first fighting game at 25, and had the inputs and combos and hit confirms down after the first 100hrs

Divekick 2 with pre-rework Baz

>Street Fighter
oh am laffin
laffin all the way to Tekken Lord rank


they're not, OP. hope this helps.

Where is blazblue?

but melee is stupidly hard even among fighting games
combos are harder to perform and way more character dependent

Im not sure is this is supposed to be a bait but I really miss bloody roar

behind gulty gear as aways

At what point did someone decide inputting controls should be the hard part about games


>Inputs in fighting games are the hard part
They're the easy part my man.

>Rising Thunder

I know its purely a business strategy but why take Rising Thunder away from us.


KOF is the perfect game

>not listing Melee

why would a game that is not a fighting game be on a chart for fighting games?

You get used to it so quickly, if that's what's putting you off trying fighting games then just spend a bit of time in training mode and you'll be fine. I've used a keyboard for Melty, which apparently is less lenient with special inputs but I can input fine now, despite only having played a bit in training mode and against CPU's