what did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

ponytails are the fr*ggin best

I don't hate Monika for what she did, she's full of good advice and she was just doing the best she could with what she had. In comparison, Sayori crumbles and immediately hangs herself under the same pressure.
The other girls deserved better than what she arranged for them, though. Much better



Why is this tagged "Psychological Horrror"?

Natsuki is best girl

because people who made it and people who consume it are fucking mental and we have to watch


because people need to put all sorts of trigger warnings in everything now thanks to tumblrtards getting sensitive about swearing in muh anime

Yuri is the best


Sayori is so fucking boring goddamn doormat. I hate Yuri but at least she does have some semblance of personality. Sayori just agrees with whatever you say and is very flaky/wishy washy, like she has no real opinion or thoughts of her own.

>Put Monika on Steam store page
>Put Monika on Library viewgrid image box
>Put Monika on the title screen

I am extremely livid even after viewing the real end credits.

Ponytails are high tier and Monika is great.

well for one thing it's a OELVN,
it bound to attract casul which complain about stuff being too edgy

or in general OELVN fag are fucking stupid

>what did she mean by this?
Nothing at all.

This, you shitheads it's hard to read backed up archived threads if you can't find them properly. Call it Doki then use memes for the titles if you must.

well this game meant to be very generic as fuck
for first part anyway.
just play till the second part

There's something I love about her knowing there was a point where she should have stopped a long time ago

It's your own fault for deleting her file.

You could have had a perfect life together.

>replaying the game
>Monika breaks the fourth wall

So, what causes the game to go from slice of lice visual novel to psychological horror?

Do the gals kill themselves because they love you and you're cheating on them or what? If so it reminds me of "Kimi to kanojo to kanojo no koi"

>when ur so autistic about a game you rip the file to get moare image but you're still dissatisfied, so you buy the dlc for five dollar which contains OST, Wallpaper and concept art

I'm serious what the fuck did she mean by this?

The google doc has been deprecated, there's a wiki now.

just play it

I recommend you just play the game and find out since it's a very short game anyway, but if you really want to spoil the game for yourself:

One of the girls is aware she's in a video game and "hacks" the other girls to become more and more suicidal if you get too close to them. All of them are programmed to fall in love with you so she's trying to eliminate the competition and keep you for herself.

basically, a what if one of the waifu in the VN wants you and you alone. She broke the 4th wall just to be with you

No cheating, just depression, obsession, and nihilism.

The president of the literature club knows too much
No matter who it is

Nah, the only interesting gal seems to be the ponytail president and I read you can't date her.

I'll pass, I've already endured Muv Luv Extra for a shitty plot twist in the next ones.

She meant that she's best girl and she needed to show you the error of keeping your eye on other girls.

I'm replaying the game and doing the Sayori route. FUCK Monika for killing my waifu.

She just goes with the flow because she doesn't care.

Anything interesting in the Steam release, or can I keep my completed file?

Literally exactly what she said - It would be terrible if something happened to her.
Notably, something did end up happening to her and it was in fact terrible for everyone involved.
She had a feeling she was fucking things up too much, but she couldn't stop


It is sadly identical to the latest free release.

>Sayori crumbles and immediately hangs herself under the same pressure
Monika was fucking with their chr files and turned everything up to 100. Yuri isn't actually a "I want to cut open your skin and live inside you" Yandere and Sayori isn't (or wasn't) actually depressed until Monika fucked with them.

Monika is a FILTHY WHORE and I'm going to drag her .chr file onto a USB stick and then bury it underground

i think monika will mention that you play on steam and complain that it is harder to stalk all your file there

So it's Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi after all.

It's a VN with two routes, one for each gal.
If you date one, start a new game, date the other,
the first gal will kill you saying "You can't just load a new save, the player has sworn his love to me and me alone"

Just Monika.

It adds a few new lines of text but nothing interesting.

I'm talking about after everyone's deleted and the whole game is restarted. You delete Monika so Sayori has to take her place, and she immediately goes crazy and necks herself without a second thought
Monika managed to hang on as a vaguely functional human being for the duration of the whole story, Sayori couldn't even manage one scene

They were all fucked up. Monika just intensified everything. Sayori was depressed pre ddlc and Yuri is a cutter before knowing you but since Sayori was so important to tou. Monika decided to delete her

I want to save her

Because Monika is a 2.5 girl while Sayori is a full 2d girl. Monika made the download page and twitter. Sayori is like WTF IS GOING ON and jist an hero

>humans aren't two-dimensional creatures
Monika BTFOing weebshits

>Sayori isn't (or wasn't) actually depressed until Monika fucked with them
I don't know about that. She tells you she's been struggling with depression for a very long time and just hid it from you.

Monika is definitely responsible for pushing her over the edge, but she only did so by escalating existing problems. The same goes for the others. Yuri was already an edgelord with a fascination for knives (otherwise why would she have so many of them?), but Monika made her go full retard. Natsuki was probably already a bit of a bratty tsundere (possibly to hide her own insecurities over her underdeveloped body and her shitty father), but Monika pushed that up to 11 and cause her to get fucking savage with Yuri.

What was the deal with natsuki and papa?

>keychain user


Monika made natsuki's abuse worse. That's probably why she fainted at school.

It's somewhere between a generally poor relationship/neglect and outright abuse. It really depends on how much blame you want to put on Monika's meddling.

Her dad beats her and regularly "forgets" to feed her.

She's all I need.


That makes sense to me, but whatever the reason my point is that Monika isn't completely a bitch, just mostly
All the girls deserved better than what they got from this story

>No route where Natsuki or Yuri become club president

Guess you'll have to buy Dan's sequel!

If Sayori wasn't able to cope, why would they?

It depends on how you view the other characters.

If you believe that Monika is more "real" than the others, her actions can be seen as justified. I mean, there's no real moral problem with deleting or even killing some NPCs just to make sure you're having a better time. After all, we kill many hundreds of NPCs in video games and there's nothing wrong with that. What the other girls "deserved" is inconsequential here, because simply code doesn't deserve anything.

If you believe Monika isn't any more real than the rest and it's just her position as Club President that somehow gives her greater awareness, then she's literally murdering her friends in order to get the D of the first guy she meets, which happens to be you.

>tfw no route where you become club president

>The MC becomes aware of you, the player
>Actively rebels against the choices you make about the girls

this is a nice thread

Because Sayori was already depressed and got shown that her life is objectively meaningless and everyone around her was doomed to suffer. I don't know how well Natsuki and Yuri would take it, but it'd be a sight better than basically giving a suicidal girl a freshly tied noose.

that would actually be pretty creepy now that I think about it

Someone needs to make a full Monika route like right this fucking instant I love her.

Add blood to the fingers.

Does anyone have a screencap of yesterday's keychainfag?

That scene when Monika moves your mouse made me lose it. A game of just that would be pretty spooky.

This, I'd pay real American dollars for a well made route.

Playing tug of war with Monika!!

The whole game was already Monika's route.

hold up
its it in english now?

Has anyone figure out what project libitina is about?

No. AFAIK only that scene is translated.

It's in Russian though.


It's the 2018 sequel to this game.

Isn't it also in Chinese?
Why the fuck hasn't anyone translated this yet?

it fucking sucks being EOP senpai

Post the gif please

Is there any point in playing this now that I know the twist?

Not really.

Is that where we'll get the blonde woman and the eye?


So what the fuck is this VN? Why are there so many posts about it while the myrriad of other VN's on Steam git ignored?

Because this one is actually pretty damn shit

Probably, but I don't think anyone has any real information at this point. The game drops some hints but there's no way to be sure how to interpret most of them.


Monika is a nigger name

It's short and free
Also even simple ARG can really prolong how long something stays popular

It has cute characters and a neat premise. Plus it's free.

If you're looking for something exciting or innovative don't bother, but if you're looking to spend 3 hours on not-vidya there are worse ways to do so.

That would be Monique.

Why not play it, and find out?

more like Monigga

>Sayori just agrees with whatever you say
I'm pretty sure that she's just trying to support her friends, you absolute faggot.

More like mah nigga.


Because why bother translating NTR trash?