Perlmutter and Marvel's incompetency can be chalked up as the reason for the Marvel side being so underwhelming and...

Perlmutter and Marvel's incompetency can be chalked up as the reason for the Marvel side being so underwhelming and boring.

What's Capcom's excuse for their side being so shit?

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capcom side honestly isn't shit, its just youve seen these guys before in the last one.

i mean if this was dante and frank's first game you guys would be marking out

>What's Capcom's excuse for their side being so shit?
Absolutely no budget

capcom side is honestly fine. great even. most I'd want to see added is Vergil but they're probably saving him for DLC or figuring out how to rebalance him since he was OP as fuck in the last game

Capcom side has picks for the sake of fighting variety.


I mean you coupd probably chalk that up to Pearlmutter also considering the huge story focus this game had, but I like to think Combofiend had something to do with it too. We could've gone full PxZ and had DT Dante & Vergil fight Jedah and Dormammu in the story mode, but Spencer just HAD to be in so he could grapple a part from far away & give it to Stark.
That said, I'm more than happy with Nemesis and Jedah in this game, honestly did not think my Marvel 3 main was coming back at all.

>capcom side
Sure user, sure.

Capcom literally didn't try with the game. There are multiple spelling errors in the game, all the animations are ripped right from UMVC3 with no accommodations for extra assets.

Rocket Racoon does 7 flips that normally he does offscreen in darkness to make hammerspace appear

Ghosts rider doesn't have a small off camera skybox for his flame textured penance stare, so he just awkwardly stares at you.

Zero doesn't even teleport away at the end of his win animation, even his hair freezes at the end because in UMVC3 the animation ends for said teleport.

Spelling error example

You can also add in extremely short development time.

Rocket shit animation.

Why is Frank West so ugly?

Ghost Rider

So did they spend their whole budget on Jedah? He’s almost out of place with how “complete” he looks.

Frank's level 3 hurtrs to watch. The entire thing is just horrible.

budget half that of SFV DLC (not the full game) according to (((game journos)))

dev team got royally fucked by (((disney)))

This is how it should have went

>Frank makes the Teddie Bear bomb
>"Here, hold this for me" and give it to the enemy before running off screen
>Camera pans out and shows the enemy surrounded by zombies
>Zombies close in and dogpile (no extra animations needed for them)
>Explosion (Re-using Deadpool's Level 3 explosion and camera angle) with Frank taking a picture of the aftermath and saying "FANTASTIC"

No new assets needed or new animations or needing to zoom in on Frank's ugly face


>Chris is bad


Why didn't they try? At least try. Don't be a pussy Capcom, just try.

I'd be compelled to agree with you since those characters are great additions and I'm pretty sure people would have missed them were they not added in, but
>RE5 Chris again when he's had two main games and an animated movie to change his looks
>Edgy Spencer in again instead of his Rearmed model
>all the Capcom reps are just literal copy pastes from UMvC3

>Chris is good

The ONLY reason we're even getting new characters in the DLC is becuase Capcom knew they couldn't get away with porting more MvC3 characters for DLC

>He's bad

Disney was dictating the marvel side and the game was made on a DLC season pass budget, Capcom wasn't going to put effort into this game.

The upside of that is that it already made them money.

>What's Capcom's excuse for their side being so shit?

One thing I noticed is that there were a fuckton of Ultimate returnees even compared to the vanilla cast. I have two theories about that

>Because they were the most recent characters to get worked on, it was easier to get ahold of their assets to recycle them for a new game


>Because the vast majority of Ultimate's newcomers were underwhelming competitively (Only Vergil and Nova were widely used, with characters like Strange and Hawkeye having niche appeal) and Capcom wanted to bring them back to "do it right" and leave the more competent characters to be added later

>it already made them money

From your list only Nemesis is unwanted shitty character.

The game's budget was half of what it costs to produce DLC for SFV.

They could sell 10,000 copies and make their money back

>He's bad


And this is not a season pass but a full-priced game. Besides, sales charts only reflect sales of released games. Capcom made its production and advertising costs on this game back over pre-orders alone. They are already in the black with this game, and what with every fucking Marvel movie that's coming up, all those plebian retards in their Guardians of the Galaxy shirts are only going to give Capcom more money.

Which is good, I like Capcom.

yea guys tell him


maybe the goal is to have 2 million people on board, so they have a public to sell the next dlc characters comming up.

needs pikachu


Not an argument.


I can't let you blow our cover Jimmy, I'm sorry... ho hah

Even with the MCU limitations the roster sucks because it barely has anyone new on both sides. The only new characters on Capcom's side are Jedah and X. More than half of MVC3's Capcom side was new to the series.

I think devs these days are forgetting that these games are supposed to make you excited to fight with characters you've never imagined in a 2D fightan setting.

>(not the full game)
>(((game journos)))
user. Stop that shit. It's stupid & autistic.

This game is dead. A furry is the #1 ranked player in the world for god's sake.

It's funny how the gameplay part had so much work than everything else. It's legitimately fun but everything else screems poverty title. This game needed to bw delayed for Christmas at least, to give it more development time. I'm at least excited for Arika's game. It's poverty but somehow looks pretty good for a game that will likely put thw company under.

Have you seen his match against F champ? Dude is crazy in both SG & NRS games. I wouldn't underestimate him.

The game is fun.

>He didn't play Demon's Crest
Even if you discount Firebrand's own games, he was the quarter my her back in the day. You faggots complain about Marvel not respecting their old guys like the X-Men but shit on Firebrand.

when did people start giving a fuck about online rankings in fighting games
is this a smash thing?

Hes talking about skill not notoriety.


SonicFox is a fighting game genius.

He beat Filipino Champ, one of the best MvC players in the word, with ease.

If he is so smart how come he isn't beating the nips in SF V? It's one thing to beat ghetto ass American spics and blacks talk to me when he is beating nips at their #1 game.

Don't give Liam Robertson that much credit, I'm sure his statement on the budget is inaccurate

Capcom is in the middle of its death throes and gave this game a peanut budget which led to a lot of asset reuse. They deserve the low sales honestly.

hes to intelligent to play cancer shit like boxer

With how some of the new characters look & play, as well as some other things, especially the statement itself. I question his legitimacy as well, but others will eat it up as true sadly.

>RE5 chris again when that game is nearly a decade old instead of re7 chris with a new moveset. also we made him even worse than the last game
>Dreadlock spencer when everyone besides combofiend hates him and the good spencer model already existed in mvc3 as a bonus outfit
>Firebrand who still barely plays like demons crest, a game that came out in the early 90s and was the last time this character mattered at all. Also we replaced his one good move with some random mediocre shit
>Frank Wack who looks like DR1 frank and DR4 frank did the fusion dance and came out wrong
>Ryu is shit and boring again
>We finally put X in the game but we made him extremely mediocre with only a handful of shitty special weapons and a buster that doesn't work at all like megaman and is fucked over by system mechanics. Also we gave zero even more special weapons and made him even stronger because FUCK you for wanting megaman in the game

>No wesker, no akuma, no vergil. No clover characters or indeed any capcom character created after 2001

Also the marvel side has way more new characters or heavily redesigned characters, with the DLC now has more characters in general and the only new capcom character that feels like he actually got some love was Jedah (who was the result of literally one autist on the dev team constantly shilling for him)

This is marvels game, from the shitty soundtrack to the bland visuals to the story mode where it's all about the marvel characters with the capcom cast as their servants/jobbers (again besides jedah and maybe dante, the only capcom characters that felt like they got any real attention)

And they didnt even use of Dreadlock spencer potential in the story mode.

You could had a stupid akward moment, of spencer talking about his arm, but they dont even push that.
they dont push anything fun with any character.
they should just have stuck to arcade modes instead of a story mode.

Spencer could have had a decent foil if the Winter Soldier was in the vanilla release since they both literally have bionic arms but no, fuck that he has to be a DLC character.

>have those two have a moment to talk
>Winter Soldier talks about being frozen for years and being used as an experiment to make brain washed commie super soldiers who don't know who they are and being forced to fight and nearly kill your best friend, the only person who you really cared for and finally being absolved when you break free from the conditioning
>Yea well my bionic arm is my wife
>awkward silence


The gameplay is fun actually. I am a casual with casual friends we enjoy playing it. The older games really had a high skill ceiling and were daunting to play. My friends and I were so bad we never used assists properly. This is a good mix of a game for both good and shit people. Too bad they cheaped out with the characters. Also these games get shit on because people watch high level play and base their play of the game with tier lists rather than using everyone. I like using Mega Man and Ryu. They are shit competitively but I have fun using them. The internet ruins everything.

Jedah getting in was a miracle. Lack of blood aside he is a good add to the roster.

The Roster is lackluster as fuck
>inb4 they're just pushing the MCU like they did with the X-men!
Back then they had multiple villains in their games.
>Iron Monger
>Red Skull
and more could've been added if they even gave a shit about the MCU.

>The older games really had a high skill ceiling and were daunting to play.

I feel saddened that we'll never get a full-budget MVC game ever again. MVCI's release made me realize how much of a gem of a game MVC3/UMVC3 was. MVC3 was made with actual effort and love, whereas MVCI just feels like a rushed, low-budget hack-job.

What? They did. I played since children of the atom everything was casual friendly until Marvel vs Capcom 2 then the game started getting absurd.

its trash.


Firebrand, Spencer and Nemesis have no reason to be there. Period.

As far as Megaman goes, I know their fans are extreme autists so having three characters for them sounds like a good idea but I would've leave it at two. Sigma and X were enough.

Having two Darkstalkers is too much but I won't complain since Jedah is new and new beats old.

The rest have to be there I suppose. But yet, getting rid of the first three and one Megaman would've left at least four spaces they could've used to fill a slot for all their other great sagas. In particular Amy, Wright and Joe being gone completely bafles me. They're all part of fan favorite sagas.

>You could had a stupid akward moment, of spencer talking about his arm, but they dont even push that.
He literally had a conversation with Stark where stark wanted to replace the arm only to be shot down twice. & it clearly alluded to how attached to it spencer was & if you needed a bigger indication, Stark literally say 'Pretty attached to it huh?'

If you only pay attention to the functions, the Capcom characters are actually quite good. They have a lot more utility than most of the Marvel cast who are only good because they have good movement.

Fuck off. Nemesis is actually good for once & Firebrand is great. Spence & Chris need to get the fuck out.
>Having two Darkstalkers is too much
You're joking?

The problem is 99% of the audience didn't play the buggy, unfinished Bionic Commando game to understand the reference.

I like Jedah and Chris. Spencer is pretty fun too and has some goofy shenanigans with his bombs..

They don't need to rebalance him, the game's retarded no-fun allowed hit stun decay will do the job for them.

I hate the fact that I'm having fun with this game. It needed more development time.

Capcom should go the Call of Duty route and make Street Fighter and MVC every other years and flip between the two. If they really want in all with the E-Sports crowd this is the only way.

Marvel's comics have been hero vs hero for more than a decade now. The MCU is almost notorious for having shit villains at this point. It's one of Marvel's biggest problems.