Which console is better for multi platform games?

Which console is better for multi platform games?

PS2 version of substance let you skateboard around big shell.

Is that even a question?
PS2 > XB > GC

The xbox obviously.


The other two.... What multi-plats??

Literally every third party game on PS2 was on GameCube and Xbox too


GTA:SA Was on PS2 and no others. end of argument.

>PS2 has thousands more games than Xbox & GC
LITERALLY every (EVERY) game was on gamecube and xbox too though

PS2, duh. Is this even a question?

Enough of this shitposting I just wanna know what console is better for game like prince of Persia you know games that were on all 3 consoles?


why is this even up for debate?

Don't the games run better on Xbox?

They'd probably run better on GC because it was the strongest hardware-wise of all three.

Maybe some games. But PS2 has FFX, MGS2 (the superior version), MGS3, San Andreas, Vice City, and GTA3.

Just shitting out names off the top of my head, that is already an insurmountable lead.

I don't think the controller would be as good for shooters though

Xbox by far

That was just a demo for evolution skateboarding

Not ONE of those games are on Xbox or GameCube... I'm asking about multi plays retard

PS2 sold way more than the other two and had WAY more exclusives. You can't deny that PS2 won that generation. with both software and hardware sales.

MGS2 is, but point taken.

I was thinking "third party" for some reason.

Probably Xbox then. But the difference is negligible.

You idiot I have a copy for Xbox

Finally, 20 posts later you understand what I'm asking what a miracle

lol chill out man.

No wonder moot didn't allow 6th gen because of Sony fanboys on /vr/ you PS2 fanboys are fucking idiots.

>PS2 has thousands more games than Xbox & GC
And? OP is asking about multiplats the vast majority of multiplats look and run better on Xbox.

Fuck off retard see pic related

Oh excuse me. you got it 2 years later. that's cool man, you enjoy that. HAHAHA!!

Thanks, that's what I figured I just never played OG Xbox much pretty much just Fable and Halo so I wasn't sure and there's a huge amount of multi plats I didn't play from that gen that I wanna get around to

splinter cell
max payne

Xbox easily.
Are you people the worst trolls of all time or that fucking retarded?

>8 months is now 2 years
Thanks for reinforcing my point about /vr/ sony ponies can't help but be the worst fanbase even when talking about older consoles.

Yeah certain games are better on PC Max Payne 1/2 in particular but often times games from that era had horrendous PC ports or need fan fixes out the ass to run out modern PCs, Xbox is your best bet in most cases.

Thanks appreciate the responses