Why don't they make manly video games anymore?

Why don't they make manly video games anymore?

That's a big fucking arm

Women in the industry cannot relate

Because manly men don't play vidya

Devs aren't men anymore but women with penises.

Duke Nukem died

Also, the current industry trend is to have relatable, everymen with average features and bodies.

Based Poland makes manly games
Degenerate west and degenerate russia don't make manly games because they are fucking commie faggots who only believe in anal sex with men

DOOM (2016) came out last year
that was a good (manly?) game

>he isn't so huge that his 5'8-6'0 gf in heels doesn't look like a small child sitting on his giant lap right above his massive meat mountain

Get a load of this manlet.

Western art has been hijacked by nu-males and their feminist overlords.

SJW cancer, that's why.

Randomly inserting a little girl seems more like Japan's thing. Unless you were trying to make a bull/blacked joke, I guess.


A lot of western games expect people to self-insert. You can't self-insert into something you don't understand or have little context to, it's also why so many games these days don't really bother to have non-human, or non-human looking protagonists.


damn that arm is HUGE

everyone is a sissy now

For you

the new addition is a perfect analogy for the narcissism of women. they, a little girl, really think they can stand before a charging bull, the ambition of man.

that bull statue looks so fucking goofy
like you have no idea how accurate that image is, it has the face of a platformer mascot


Actual manly men don't compensate for their lack of masculinity by acting out their fantasies of power in video games or on internet forums.

Manly men do not try hard to look manly, they show their power by being moral and compassionate and yet still stronger than those who hurt others for temporary gain.

Have you not played Yakuza?

how do you interpret the piece, mr. to-smart-too-articulate-xerself

what animu

search before you ask sourcefag


A brave child confronts the charging obstacle in front of her. Nothing more, nothing less. I think it’s about the ambition of the young; the gender of the child had no play in the piece and you are just being bitter.

>that pic


America the anime.

all media and art has been infiltrated by leftists. Every movie, cartoon, animated film, videogame, book will have the influence of SJW, feminism, WEWUZKANGZ or anything related to those groups.

This is the world you choose (and allow)

I think it speaks more about naivete than bravery, which is fitting as they used a child instead of an adult.
Bravery explicitly requires knowledge of the danger and how to overcome it. Throwing yourself off a cliff hoping to fly isn't brave any more than standing in front of a charging bull.

they do though

oooh boy
I fucking LOVE the irony of that girl statue too
it was all a corporate advertising stunt too, they virtue signal and re-posture the bull of wall street which is supposed to be about economic prosperity to some pussy shit

also the statue was called SHE the same letters as the company that put it up on the tax exchange

SJWs, with the backing of kike media against masculinity.

That's why.

>hands are bigger than his head

This a grade schooler draw this?

Because "we want a wider audience" and "muh toxic masculinity".

>what is perspective
a grade schooler interpreted it

>muh SJW boogeyman
At this point the alt-right movement has become just as whiny and entitled as the left. Why did people say that tumblr and Sup Forums aren’t the same?


>chuuni taisen
>Garo that's hopefully not shit again
>BBB 2
Is manime finally back?

>muh under a rock perspective
just because your attention span lasts 5 minutes and you're too vapid to keep current in media, that doesn't mean you're right.

>chuuni taisen
Juuni not Chuuni

No. Harem/Moeshit will always be the dominant genres due to horny teens and sad people.

Then please elaborate on how SJWs are collapsing society as we speak without referencing Jews and racemixing.

Because Liberalism and Feminism seems to be waging a way on any semblance of a healthy gender image for men.

It's like they're trying to make men as neurotic as women can be.

I am not alt right, no even american not even white (white race is a stupid concept but that's not for this board).

Even in my shithole country I can see that how leftist influence everything, how they are creating social unrest and how they want to turn anything into chaos.

My country had that shit in the 80s and we won but we still have that shit lingering to this day. Do you want the murricah and europe act like a 3rd world country? Fine, let civilization fall and be destroyed.

Literally wrong, that wasn't their intent in putting it up. The intent of it was that little girls can stand up to anything they put their mind to (even though the bull represents economic change)

>Fearless Girl was commissioned by investment firm State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) to advertise for an index fund which comprises gender-diverse companies that have a higher percentage of women among their senior leadership. The plaque below the statue states, "Know the power of women in leadership. SHE makes a difference," with "SHE" being both a descriptive pronoun and the fund's NASDAQ ticker symbol.
from Wikipedia

Unfortunately this.
Moeshit was a mistake.

>media has been "infiltrated" by leftists
>SJWs are collapsing society
which do you want me to talk about, or are those two things the same to you?
reducto ad absurdum doesn't deflect from how myopic and ignorant your previous post is. if anything it reinfoces it

>complains about leftists
>race is stupid
You're a special kind of special

Then explain, please. I understand that various medias have been focusing on pushing leftist ideals, many of which I disapprove. What I don’t understand is how you believe it’s hurting society because I find it hard to believe that anyone with a shred of common sense will believe this drivel at this point.

That's the problem, alt-right and Sup Forums are retarded in race mixing. But race mixing is something that has to happen naturally and without forcing people.

IN latinamerica we have been race mixing before it was cool, and most of the time we don't give a fuck. It happens, and if you are from a latinamerica country, there is a 99% chance you are of mixed blood, plain and simple.

THe problem with this groups is that their people love to impose, love to show and love to force anyone else their views. Look I have a black boyufriend, look I am gay, look I help poor people. They don't care about helping or doing good, they just like to show and ACT like they care.

They don't really.

>Sup Forums
>common sense

race is not important, culture (not degrees or college shit, but tradition, rules and common sense) is. I firmly believe that you can bring anyone from any place in the world,making him/her behave and turn him/her into one of your own. BUT, the big BUT is they have to accept your culture, your laws and your way of thinking or else it won't work.

Allowing muslims be muslim in a place that is not muslim friendly is the most stupid way of thinking.

People are reportedly more unhappy now than they ever have been in the past. With suicide rates going up there is an objective measurement to how adversely the nihilistic leftist approach is making people unhappy on a large scale.

And that's only one issue.

I wish the artist or his family could petition the city to tear down that girl. It completely ruins his original work

>I understand that various medias have been focusing on pushing leftist ideals
this is pretty much it.
>I find it hard to believe that anyone with a shred of common sense will believe this drivel at this point.
that's not a luxury everyone can afford.
do you think racial tensions would be as high as they are right now if the leftist media didn't push the "Whites and cops are racist" narrative?
I seriously doubt we would have had any race riots (eg baltimore, fergusson), or prog riots (eg berkely, inauguration day) if the media weren't so zealously leftist

as for a corporate standpoint, racial diversity doesn't improve market value at all and is instead a burden to expend resources to find intellectuals in "under privileged" populations.
same thing goes for education, but education also is experiencing the negative impact of having valueless degree paths open to kids.
If a college freshman were told, "your degree in X-Studies is not going to hold any value, and you'll be burdened with debt and resentment as soon as you graduate," do you think people would still pursue those paths?
i think not.

The artist said he hates it.

Real men are amoral criminals. Being "virtuousl" is what the real men trick you into doing. A real man is a tyrant.

Is the second Garo season any good? The first one was complete shit.

>little girls can stand up to anything
>little boys can't
Sexism is okay when it's on the other foot.

So why isn't he getting it removed? It's his art. A museum wouldn't allow someone to draw shit over the Mona Lisa.

What are the most manly games anyway? I'd say RDR is number one but revengece is definitely up there.

Hello?! The first season was great, the second one was trash!

presumably because the person who owns the property put up the girl statue, and doesn't want it down.
it's not up to the artist what happens to their work

In that case he should reclaim ownership of it and move the bull to his own property.

He's a human gorilla.

>reclaim ownership
>just purchase street side property in Bowling Green
hmm yes, good idea.

I meant like move it to his front lawn or something

First one was enjoyable while second one have no redeeming quality what so ever.

I don't even ask for "manly games" anymore, even a fucking Spyro remake will suffice.
I don't want anymore "cinematic and comfy" experiences.
I don't want any fucking "open world" rpgs.

I just want a game, a good game made by people who really want to entertain their customers, a game that has a start and a end and leaves you with a big fucking smile in the face like Medievil or Banjo Kazooei.

Is that so fucking hard to do?

Yeah are you like just learning this today or something?

He already sold it dude he doesn't own it anymore by all the laws of men in this state if he did that he would be going to court dummy.

I want a tight, responsive, action-adventure drama with character development and cuh-razy stunts/sequences.

What do I play?


using violence is easy
being a man is about taking the hard road

you can see the idiots on the right are american rich imbeciles who live in this bubble of confort and are trying really hard to look like they accomplished something important.

What a couple of good looking idiots i wanna wear her skin

I knew the mistake after I posted my comment.

Other than Yakuza, because I've already played 0 and Kiwami so far.

Other games/franchises to exclude that I've played:
>Saints Row
>Mad Max
>Mirror's Edge
>Sleeping Dogs
>Just Cause

Is this Hellboy anime?

>they are le same meme

Where is the alt right breaking monuments vandalizing private property, getting people fired, hurting people physically, demanding censorship, demanding immigration of dangerous groups and controlling all media forms?

yeah but they also dont want those things to happen so its exactly the same
if you reply again i win because you are mad lmao


>vandalizing private property,
The He Will Not Divide Us raids
>Getting people fired
That ginger bitch who held up a fake Trump head
>Hurting people physically
>Demanding censorship
Autistic screeching whenever someone disagrees with them on 4chins and forcing them into silence

they demand immigration of dangerous groups that proceed to dominate on their own (see germany, france and sweden for example)

They demand censorship, again, these 3 countries i said you cannot talk about the evident enshitment of their social structures anymore because since most of the new groups belongs to a different etnicity implying they are doing something slightly wrong is automatically labeled racist and censored (news articles on islamic group rapes gets deleted).

Sjw also demands freebies to the new immigrants resulting in massive increase in a country's debt resulting in larger international loans resulting in inflaction creating a debt black hole contributing to an upcoming economical collapse (its like their mission IS to destroy a country)

>holding torches is not hurting people physically
>incitating violence against the current president should go unpunished
>disagreeying with what is said now means you want censorship.

I agree with HWNDU though that was vandalism.

But even if the only bit that was done by the alt right (vandalism) is true it happened to such a smaller degree in comparasion to SJW massive amounts of vandalism and violence that is the equivalent of comparing staring at some girls ass and giving her a surprise group bukakke.

Leftists do it worse.

Read the filename


What the fuck are you smoking OP?

>>Getting people fired
>That ginger bitch who held up a fake Trump head

>make comment about illegal immigration
>get fired thanks to rabid SJWs harassing your employer claiming you're racist
>make a violent graphic threat to the president of the United States
>gets fired because she's borderline committing a fucking felony

leftists are fucking disgusting

Reminds me of this P5 sketch.



Western publishers still think it'll keep girls from buying games.