What video games do girls play?
What video games do girls play?
It depends.
I don't believe that just because someone is a girl that doesn't mean they don't like video games. But every time I ask a girl what her favorite video game is, all of them say I don't play video games.
I've met more girls in one week playing Overwatch than I have playing years of TF2.
Overwatch, Witcher and Skyrim
>actually playing games
>not begging for attention
The Sims 3
They play at trying to find a husband because she turned 30 and that wall is approaching fast with no brakes.
What ever is popular.
Same thing with music, they'll always say an artist that's on the top 100 billboard at the moment.
Zelda and [meme game of the month].
>tfw your gf only listens to scandinavian black metal
my ex played league of legends 24/7 then she died
Video games have been with me through everything. As an only child with parents who worked long hours, the bright, cheery cartoon characters I controlled with my thumbs got me through many a lonely summer.
I had a seemingly unlimited world at my fingertips. I could race cars on the turnpike, save the princess, and learn about world history all in the matter of an afternoon. Every time I got close to getting bored, a new game or console would come out and make me fall in love all over again.
I am gamer girl, and I loved every single minute of it.
who is this uggo?
>xev bellringer
Nothing at the moment. Candycrush was a short-lived fad. Fat girls playing games with their beta boyfriends to keep them interested doesn't count. They wouldn't play games if their boyfriend isn't around.
I'd kill myself too if I played lol or dota or whatever other garbage clone of it
Their favorite game is Instagram
I cringed
the ones they want
>girl posts a pic of her facebook chat log
>at least 10 guys saying "hi :)"
>every random post get's her like 20 likes
>every pic has a random dude saying "pretty ;)"
when are they gonna realize that swarming girls with likes/attention only has a negative result?
They don't really play games.
>ywn suck a guy's dick while he tries to play vidya
>ywn get your dick sucked while playing vidya
why even live?
Is she getting uglier each time she's posted?
They already know it but they do it anyways because it is all they have.
my gf likes to play horror games
Maybe you guys should stop being virgins and enabling us
My imouto played Fallout New Vegas a lot when we got it, she absolutely loved the game.
When growing up it was SSBM, Okami, metroid fusion and prime
Got her to play the Etrian Oddyssey V demo, she was hooked and now is playing EO IV.
She never played as much as I do but always appreciated good games, especially small creepy games like saya no uta ,yume nikki or Fran bow.
She's a good girl.
it depends
my cousin was really into kingdom hearts and devil may cry for a long time
she'd look like your mom if that was true, most overrated and overposted tranny on Sup Forums
i've met more girls in one week playing overwatch than i did all my life irl
trannies aren't girls
trannies aren't people
Are reverse traps gay?
Ivr dated 3 girls that had a genuine intrested in vidya. 1 only played cawadooty on 360 and zelda. The other one, played wow and nintendo games. The last one only played sony games.
you clearly aren't trying hard enough
Overwatch and LoL
Post Cataclysm WoW
Nintendo games
Mass Effect and Dragon Age
do you realize how gay that sounds ? ?? ? ?
If that helps your crippling anxiety around women then more power to ya
that’s when she was 19 user
The likelihood of an underage Sup Forumsirgin dating anyone is slim. The likelihood by 14 you'll have dated 3 girls is slim. The likelihood that all 3 girlfriends you dated had an interest in videogames is slimmer still. Stop lying on the Internet, faggot.
I'm not trying at all besides baiting here
It's not gay if we don't kiss tho
>gf forces me to play Silent Hilll 1
>In the Otherworld hospital
>Asks me to go get something downstair
>She switch the lights off and hide in various places
How are some girls so scareless ? i was browning my pants
>enabling us
what did he mean by this?
All the hot girls I've met in the two art schools i've been studying have played this game
I have news for you
The Sims 4. The Sims 3 is old, isn't fashion anymore, honey.
I hope you enjoy it cause when you are older than 25 then you will realize how the attention is starting to slowly go away.
>implying Sup Forums hasnt become more normie ever year
>implying there arent more grills playing games year by year
Wow we really got tricked
how do i get gamer weeb gf
Even they only want Chad's dick sorry friendo
Final fantasy games though usually only the later ones
Kingdom hearts
Sims 2-4 but more commonly 3-4
Popular games are obvious such as csgo, pubg, overwatch, etc.
Skinner box mobile "games"
Really anything that is popular and doesn't have overly masculine characters or overbearing violence that are the main focus like gears of war.
being secretly a man with a benis ones
It's just to get you to stop talking to them.
Lifting. the only answer. Dont even need to be entertaining, well evrsed, intallugant or anything else. Just be buff and kinda look good with that i mean take care of your style and hygiene.
Why do women have no empathy?
Who is this small boy?
Mind games.
That's a good thing you tremendous flaming faggot
>lol I love nerdy guys
>but only with abs
"""""""Gamer""""""" girls are the biggest roasties to ever walk the Earth
>no girlfriend (male) to play vidya with
>you will never decide who gets to be dom through a fightan game match
they all happen to have daddy issues so if you happen to date one then you will be able to fuck her in any way you want.
Shower before you go to game conventions.
My ex used to play COD zombie mode religiously and made me play the division with her. When I finally had enough of shit games I bought RE5 and had her coop with me, she lost interest after the first level and then proceeded to give me herpes on my mouth.
>lift. You don't have to be HUEG. Just have some kind of tone. This should take about a year.
>decent job. you didn't need to graduate college, but that does help. She wants to be able to show you off. But if you make decent money and have a decent car you should be ok.
>Have friends. She doesn't want to be your only friend. Have like 2 different groups at least.
You'll notice that these are all things to self improve yourself. That's because you have to stop being a loser and start being a winner in your life before you can go into someone elses
That image represents most girls that you could consider "gamers" and not just attention whores. Rethink your priorities, OP.
>proceeded to give me herpes on my mouth
>tell friend girls have no interest in games and are casuals
>friend tells me that's not true and the only reason there aren't more pro gamer girls is because of sexism by other players
Who was in the wrong here?
>how to date a vapid slut - the guide
She put her dick in anons mouth.
I can say for a fact getting herpes is not as bad as playing the division.
Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates
>how to date a mature woman, who is also cute and went to your local uni - the guide. The guide that will make sure you don't date some fat slug who could care less about the future.
just don't be a cunt, that's all you need to get into other people life.
Because in the actual horrifying situation they go out with the children while men are left to deal with the horrors. We see horror because we see duty in the face of fear.
Yes, I do live in London. What are you going to do about that?
Call you a faggot you are
That's right user. Be the "nice guy"
Dead by Daylight
fuck you fight me so I can post it here as a webm too show that Sup Forums is the vaginas bitch
Stop glorifying vaginas you pathetic low test beta male.
dominate him then post it here
They have too much empathy. That's why they want to avoid you.
I do get laid and I'm not the "nice guy" but not being an asshole and knowing how to speak to other people helps.
They've spent their entire lives living on easy mode and having everything handed to them simply for owning a vagina, so they never had to develop any humanity.
u okay?
So what's wrong with what he talking about? It certainly helps that you have a life outside of your gf.
>i'm a gamer user
>cool, what games do you play
There's caring about the future then there's going overboard. Obsessing over the future may get you money but will it make you happy? Plenty of people have broken up because they put their job and success above their partners and end up rich and alone. People need to stop obsessing over success and wealth and just live their lives. You don't want to be a gas station attendant in your 40's still living in a trailer but you also don't wanna be the doctor who spent all of his life working and never stopping to smell the roses.
why? vaginas are awesome
>Mommyfu will never suck you while playing games
no im not, you guys are incredibly aggravating
>guys have to do all this shit to MAYBE get a gf
>girls just have to exist and some guy will ask them out if they wait long enough
Why are beta males so obssesed with having a gf.
Boobs or leave roastie
I don't want a girl anymore