Which version will you get, Sup Forums?

Which version will you get, Sup Forums?


best pone

Lord have mercy.

Fuck off.

>not getting both

The one with the loli doing that dumb tongue thing


what about neither?

If you don't choose Sun you're a filthy normalfag.

neither because fuck pokemon """sequels"""

Are they pokemons?

Yes! You can catch and breed them!

>buying pokemon games for the waifus
Enjoy your mediocre cash in shit stains

Nice go away.

no fun

so this is what pokemon has become these days huh? i would pick the loli if i had zero self respect and actually bought reused asset shovelware.

The only reused thing here is your post. Writing without caps and other stuff doesn't help hide your identity if you always spam the same images, PBarneyfag.

>taking the bait

I skipped out on playing Sun and Moon because I really didn't like the idea of having so many cutscenes in a Pokemon game where I just want to run around battling, and the FPS dips shouldn't have happened at all. They're actively distracting and forced Gamefreak to take out triple and rotation battles, which I actually enjoyed. There are also less than 100 new Pokemon and a lot of them are mediocre to bad in terms of usability. Why should I get Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon when they're just going to be the same thing?

This is my favorite gen 1 pokemon

Loli sun obviously.

>FPS dips actively distracting
>less than 100 new Pokemon and a lot of them are mediocre to bad in terms of usability
How would you know if you didn't fucking play it? Just because they have low Speed stats doesn't mean they're unusable; every Pokemon is usable on a story team.

>sun gets worst girl while moon gets best
At least I'll get the exploding clown

>every Pokemon is usable on a story team
I don't play just for the story teams. I hardly even bothered making teams with the new generation on Showdown because of how useless a lot of it was.

>How would you know if you didn't fucking play it
You do not need to play a Pokemon game to know objective facts about it.

LoliSun, for sure.


>I hardly even bothered making teams with the new generation on Showdown because of how useless a lot of it was.

Out of the top 10 most viable OU mons, 5 are Gen 7. What the heck are you talking about.

>people actually mentioning the actual games
Nobody cares about the gameplay you morons

Source, please.

and what about the others from gen 7 that are all fucking useless

Are they robots or Pokemon or people or what? I don't think I like them. I'm not getting these games anyway, though.

I'll just fap to the porn and look at fanart of both.

Seems like they're people from an alternate dimension where Necrozma stole the light causing them to go pale.


go back to /vp

From a different dimension where the light was stolen by a legendary pokemon.

They have blue skins, because no uv rays. That's why they also wear suits and fancy visors, because they get burned in actual sunlight.

I really like this design but i will pick Sun

The hair colors are really bad and ruin the blue-grey people thing they tried for.

Anyone who says Moon is a fag, Ultra Sun is where its at

LoliSun and AraMoon
Loli for me

>fancy visors
If I pull that off, would they die?


It would be extremely painful


Pokemon is fucking dead.

excellent taste

>implying 3p with loli+onee-san isn't the best

I'm not gonna lie guys, I like those design a lot. They remind me of Team Galaxy, and I liked them a lot too.

They are probably my favourite bad guys design since the original team rocket.

Best is 3P with two girls who hate each other but love you

Nah, thanks to the hair colors they look more cyber punk.

>Sup Forums Video Games
You fuck off

If you prefer right over left, you don't belong in this place.

That also nice, as long there's a good age difference between them. Mother + daughter oyakodon is my absolute favorite.

When is Gamefreak going to make a dating sim?
That's all they're worth nowadays.

>pedophiles in this thread
user used Flamethrower!

But the loli wants it user, look at her tongue

>Why aren't you buying Cuphead like the rest of us 4channer gamers?
Go back to your vore thread, goyim

I've been lusting over pokemon lolis since I was one myself, it'll take more than that to stop me now.

moon for sure now.


You're still a filthy pedo.
tits or GTFO

>pedophiles in this thread

But user Fakku tells me that all characters from OP pic are +18, and after all Fakku is the most trusted doujin site out there.

Sorry, I don't give a shit.

>I was one myself
so it's true, lolis are lusted after by everything, even their own kind
you're not one anymore?

>he still plays Pokemon
Lmaoing @all of you.

Why did you > his point about FPS dips. That's actually true.

Loli Anna or Space Squigly?

Damn. That's though.

His penis is growing out of his hip.


Liked your post. Only losers play Pokemon s m h

So all of Sup Forums are getting U-Sun while Sup Forums gets U-Moon?

Must not be one of those 10,000 year old loli.

At least I don't owe child support.

I thought that Sup Forums was full of fags

No one can resist a loli, user. Particularly Pokémon girls, they are too good.

Here's full image famalam.

yours isn't?

Another 2 in the top 20.
5 in Ubers.

Ultra human anatomy

most pokemon girls are pure waifu material.
that's a law.

UM. US probably has the better exclusives but you can always get those anyway. Meanwhile that's a top tier semen demon, possibly the biggest one to come out of gen 7.

>Pokemon Loli version or Pokemon Mommy version

Pokémon oyakodon version when?

My niggeress

Um, mods?

>on Sup Forums
you're joking right?
top tier taste.

Ultra Sun for the same reason as regular Sun, the clock isn't fucked up.

I just want to be able to get Adhesive on my team before the credits and for it to not evolve.

oh sorry I was caught up in some light reading

you rang?

I will take a full grown women over some annoying child any day
fucking hate kids bro

Good man. Take the woman, bro. Leave the little lady to me.

What the hell has happened to this franchise? They need to just stop already.


How is this a hard choice?

>the virgin ultra sun
>the chad ultra moon

>honestly thought they were pokemon for a second

Everything about new pokemon is extremely confusing to me

For eclectic anons is really hard. Still, it's pretty nice to have broad preferences.

where's that from user?

>Not going the family man route and impregnating the MILF so you can get the loli later

Is it wrong if I pick the loli option if I am a manlet irl?

Remember when the girls weren't sexualized? It's not fair, bro.